













Personnel survey, recruitment survey

90% of our sales are from HR surveys (mainly recruitment surveys). Of this, 90% is related to mid-career hiring. Therefore, the first thing we look into is whether or not the declaration history is correct. Surprisingly, more than 30% of them have problems at this stage.

Generally speaking, a resume is considered to be accurate because you are writing about your history, the path you have taken. Therefore, companies interview applicants based on the resumes they submit and decide whether to hire or not based on their abilities and qualities.

Most people don’t think that there are any lies in the resumes submitted. However, when we actually check the resumes, we find that more than 30% of the resumes are fraudulent. Some are intentional, some are simply misremembered, and some are just plain wrong. However, some of them are so bad that I wonder how much they lie. Some of them even lie about their entire educational and employment history, with only their name and date of birth being correct.

Many companies look at the resume first and decide whether or not to proceed to the next stage. At the next stage, they conduct interviews or paper tests based on the declared history, but if the basic data is wrong, the decision based on it will be wrong. In addition, the hiring investigation is not only to check the correctness of the history, but also to investigate the working ability and qualifications from the side, and to report the results in a report. Therefore, by conducting this survey before making a final decision on whether or not to hire a candidate, it is certain that mistakes in the hiring decision can be greatly reduced.

Since our company was established in 1979, we have been consistently engaged in this business. In the course of our long history, we have been involved in some major cases that have been reported in the mass media. For example, we investigated the murderer of an Ikeda Elementary School student three months before he committed the crime and told him, “This person’s history is bullshit. He has a history of being fired for poor attendance at work, so we need to be very careful about hiring him. I’m going to consider you unsuitable for employment. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW), on the other hand, reported that the applicant’s identity was not clear.

However, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) has notified the labor administration of each prefecture that personnel investigations (employment investigations) should not be conducted at the time of employment because such investigations may lead to discrimination.

There are many reasons for this, and it is true that there was a time in the past when this kind of guidance had to be given, so it is difficult to make a general statement, but it seems that it is not an easy task to change something once it has been notified, which is a bad thing for administrative agencies. The background has changed a lot since 4 to 50 years ago, and the issue of discriminated Buraku, which was the main reason for the regulation, especially regarding discrimination in employment, has completely changed since then. However, only the administrative guidance has remained unchanged, and the contents of publications such as “Recruitment and Human Rights” have remained almost unchanged since that time, consistently using the phrase “Do not conduct personnel investigations at the time of recruitment because background checks may lead to discrimination. The MHLW is also strongly urged to strive for fair hiring without discrimination, but I find the MHLW’s stance to be contradictory in that it instructs that no work should be done for this purpose, even though I believe that there is nothing that can be done without putting the correct history on the same table, at least in order to conduct fair hiring and selection.

In addition, the MHLW lumps all personnel investigations together as background checks, but I think the definition of the term “background check” is quite vague. In some cases, the term is used to refer to a person’s place of birth (domicile, place of origin) or ancestry, while in other cases it is used to refer to a person’s power relations (wealth, knowledge) or history. In other cases, it refers to a person’s power relations (wealth, knowledge) or history.

We are of the opinion that the employment investigation that we conduct is only about the abilities and qualifications of the person being investigated for employment, and not about investigating and reporting on things that are not directly related to the abilities and qualifications of the person, such as where they are from or their family background. But it is also true that it is not clear.



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