氏名 山中太郎 生年月日、昭和52年◎月◎日生
現住所 大阪市北区・・・・
学歴 年3月 開成高等学校 卒業
年3月 東京大学法学部 卒業
年4月 大蔵省入省
年10月 国費留学にてハーバード大学大学院(ロースクール)入学
年9月 同校卒業 帰国 大蔵省復帰
年4月 大蔵省退職 同時に三菱商事㈱ 入社
以後、一流企業の要職を歴任し、現在は外務省の特別通訳をしている、との履歴書を某企業に 提出。
書類選考ー合格 一次面接ー合格 二次面接ー合格
調査結果 3日後ー不合格(採用不適当)
(告 知)
People who are not disciplined
There really are people who never learn, aren’t there? I mean, people usually repeat the same thing without learning…. I’ll never do this again. Right after something happens, we all think, “I’ll never make such a mistake again. However, it is human nature to repeat the same thing.
So, it seems that this person has not learned his lesson…. I’ve mentioned him once or twice in this blog in the past, but his resume is just amazing.
Name: Taro Yamanaka Date of birth: ◎◎, 1977
Current address, Kita-ku, Osaka City: ・・・・
Education: Graduated from Kaisei Senior High School in March 2000.
Graduated from University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, March 2000.
Joined the Ministry of Finance in April 2000.
Entered Harvard University Graduate School of Law (Law School) as a government-sponsored student
Returned to the Ministry of Finance.
Retired from the Ministry of Finance and joined Mitsubishi Corporation
Submitted a resume to a certain company stating that he has held important positions in leading companies since then and is currently working as a special interpreter for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Application screening – Passed First interview – Passed Second interview – Passed
Request for investigation by us
Investigation result 3 days later – Rejected (not suitable for employment)
For some reason, the ・・・・ history is all horseshit. Except for his name, age, and current address, he had never had a real job after graduating from high school, and had been working part-time and part-time after his parents.
In fact, he had never had a real job after graduating from high school.
In fact, this man’s resume was sent to us twice after that. All of them were requests for investigation before hiring. There is no doubt that he has an impressive resume, but his work history is quite different. However, it seems that the only thing he can’t get rid of is his law degree from the University of Tokyo, and his final education has been consistent.
However, I received another request to investigate this person. He also graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law. However, his high school education was Nada School.
As a result of the investigation, I found out that he had actually worked as a general manager at a medium-sized company for about 10 months. 10 months is a long time to work for a company, but I am sure he did. However, the people around him said that there was something wrong with him, and as a result of an internal investigation, he was found to have falsified his work history and embezzled several million yen.
I would like to make a statement to the person in charge of hiring at the company.
Please be careful of graduates from Kaisei High School and the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law, and graduates from Nada High School and the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law.