今週月曜日、友人の高山良二(IMCCD理事長 https://www.imccd.org/about.html)が私の所属する船場ロータリークラブで卓話をしてもらった。
Demining in Cambodia
This Monday, my friend Ryoji Takayama (IMCCD President https://www.imccd.org/about.html) gave a talk at my Rotary Club of Semba, where I belong.
He talked about how the school was used in Cambodia as part of the 30th anniversary project of Semba RC in 2017, and also talked about the demining activities in Cambodia, as only Takayama can.
In the course of the talk, we were connected with the local Cambodian people through ZOOM and were able to listen to the voices of the elementary school teachers and people who are directly involved in demining, which was very meaningful.