1、いい数字 出るまで測る 血圧計
2、メルカリで 妻が売るのは 俺の物
3「また残業」 俺のツイート 妻いいね!
4、病院へ 来ない仲間を 心配し
5、よく切れる スマホの電池 うちの妻
6、生産性 語る上司の 非効率
7、会議終え 本音を言いに 喫煙所
8、大安か 上司出張 妻不在
9、「あの頃は!」 今を語れぬ 我が上司
10、切った後 価値が上がった 株と彼
That’s great…coronavirus protection. It seems to be due to a decision that the last two to three weeks are the best time to win. I understand that if you want to win the war against the virus, you can’t do anything half-assed. If all the people can work together in this difficult situation and achieve a complete victory, then bang bang bang. In terms of numbers, the number of infected people is very small, and so far the number of infected people is probably in the 0.0000s, but this is the time to win. When the route of infection is not known, there is no other way but to defend against it, and that’s when things get really bad. Until then, we have to endure it with the word “shinobi”.
I also had seven or eight rescheduled meetings, seminars, events, and trips in March alone.
So, I avoided dense contact with people and looked for laughing material by myself, and came across a salaryman’s willow. In our family (my wife and I), the source of our laughter is the Yomiuri Shimbun’s “Children’s Magazine” and the “Salaryman’s Willow”.
The best 10 salaryman’s willows that I chose.
1. I’ll measure until I get a good number. Sphygmomanometer.
Two, she’s selling my stuff on Merckari.
3: “Working overtime again.” My tweet, “I like my wife.
Four, we’re worried about our friends who don’t come to the hospital.
5, cell phone batteries run out, my wife.
Six, productivity. Inefficiency of a boss who talks about productivity.
Seven, after the meeting, I went to the smoking area to say good-bye.
8. Dayan, business trip to the boss, no wife.
9, “Those were the days! I can’t tell you now, my boss.
Ten, after the cut, the value went up. The stock and him.