毎年の事ながら12月にはいると忘年会という名のもとに飲み会が連日の如く入る。例年決まっているのが11回、それに飛び入りがあると、それこそ連日の如くとなる。ところが今年は例年行事を少し省き、8回に押さえた。結構楽になる。でも今週 月・火と東京で理事会兼忘年会が2日続き、昨夜我が家に帰ったのは深夜12時を回っていた。
As is the case every year, in December, we have a year-end party every day. Every year, there are 11 scheduled events, and if there are people who jump in, it’s like every day of the week. This year, however, the number of events was reduced to eight, omitting some of the usual events. It’s a lot easier. However, I had two days of board meetings and a year-end party in Tokyo this week, one on Monday and one on Tuesday, so it was after midnight when I came home last night.
He can’t compete with the waves of the year, and his physical strength is gradually increasing. Because the banquet is poured and poured inevitably, it goes over the limit. The idea was to switch to a sake that was not poured early.
Beer and sake are poured afterwards, but shochu with hot water or with water is not so. This is the trick to avoid deep drinking at a banquet. In recent years, it has been this way of doing things.