実はこの発表を聞いたのは、ゴルフ帰りの車の中であった。ラジオからの音声!、エッいったい何が起こったのだ・・、一瞬びっくりした。 よく聴くと、九州方面に近づいている、集中豪雨のおそれがある為の警告発表であった。それにしても、凄い表現をつかうものだな・・・、それ程危険が迫っているという事なだろな・・・、などと思った。
Japan Meteorological Agency, “Please take action to protect your life”.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard such a verbal announcement in the past as I recall. Please take action to protect your own life. .
It was actually in the car on the way home from golf that I heard this announcement. Audio from the radio! What in the world had just happened? If you listen carefully, it was a warning that there is a fear of torrential rain approaching the Kyushu area. It’s a great way to put it…I guess it means the danger is imminent…etc…I thought.
In fact, the recent climate change has been a traumatic experience for me, having experienced the Osaka North earthquake that occurred around this time last year, and then Typhoon No. 20 that hit the Kinki region. I’m starting to get scared of climate anomalies, which I haven’t felt much before.
I can only hope that this torrential downpour will not cause any serious damage.