The film “Boku ni Aitai” (Directed by Yoshinari Nishikori) will be released on June 10. The setting is the Shimamae area of Oki Island. This is my hometown, and the story is about my hometown school, Okijima Mae High School, and the human love that surrounds a fisherman who lost his memory in a marine accident.
I have to go see this at all costs. So, on Saturday, June 11, the day after the film’s release, my wife and I went to the United Cinema in Hirakata with my wife for an early morning screening. The screening was at 8:25 a.m. in the main hall 9 (250 seats) of a large theater with nine halls, where “Boku ni Aitakutake” was shown. Enter 15 minutes before the screening. What the heck, all the seats are empty. It’s early in the morning, the first one to arrive….. However, just before the screening, only two middle-aged men and women, one of them a middle-aged man and the other a woman, entered. The main hall’s movie theater was completely rented out by four people.
When the movie starts, however, it doesn’t matter at all. I was being sucked into the screen. Because all the scenery that appears in the film is familiar to me. I know every single one of the houses. The scenery in the background, the turns in the road, it’s all normal and familiar. It was as if I was standing on the ground. There are no lines, but I felt a strange sensation when I saw my classmates drinking shochu on the edge of the screen (in a shop).