As usual, May and June are the season for general meetings of listed companies, with many of them closing at the end of March, and all of them seem to have posted substantial profits this year. In fact, the company is in the midst of a loincloth reupholstering.
By the way, I had two industry meetings this week, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday, so I went on a business trip to Tokyo. In the meantime, I had a chance to meet with the director of the Human Rights Department and the Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and we had a chance to discuss the efforts for “Employment Discrimination Elimination Promotion Month” in June and the background investigation at the time of recruitment.
At that meeting, I confirmed that my desire to eliminate discrimination in employment would not change in any way. However, we were able to discuss a variety of issues with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and other prefectural labour ministries regarding the wording of the booklet, “Recruitment and Human Rights,” which is published every year. What we were able to confirm clearly was that we were not asking them not to conduct any background checks at all because background checks in employment could lead to discrimination, but rather that we were asking them not to conduct background checks that could lead to discrimination, and that we were not asking them not to conduct checks on applicants’ backgrounds, job skills or qualifications. Although it is a matter of course, the actual guidance is not so, and the general flow is “Please do not do a background check at the time of hiring, as it may lead to discrimination. However, when you get down to it, “It’s never the case. But there is no doubt that for the past 50 years, the administration has been working on this issue without daring to be vague.
The expression “connected” can be interpreted as either “all connected” or “connected”, and I would like to continue to raise this issue whenever possible.
If you are calling for “no more discrimination in employment,” then I would like to strongly urge you to conduct a thorough pre-hiring survey and put them on the same table, so that a fair selection can be made.
I had some time to visit Tsukiji Honganji Temple.