




「風邪ってひかない方が良いよ・・」 「何で風邪ひくの?」などと、風邪の人に言っていた。









考えてみるに、これはどうも 冷えつけないからでは・・・。一事が万事・・・。



“You shouldn’t catch a cold…” “Why would I catch a cold? and so on,” he said to the person with a cold.

I was confident that I wouldn’t catch a cold, though it sounded rash and cheeky. Since I caught a cold when I was in my late 20s, I haven’t had a cold that looked like a cold, and I’m fine. Therefore, I had absolute confidence that I would never catch a cold.

However, at the end of last year, I caught a cold and had a bad throat, seki, and runny nose. It took two to three weeks to heal, but the fever was still there because it did not appear. To be honest, I was quite shocked.

What caused it? I thought to myself, but there was nothing in particular. Time passed as it was, and Yasaki, who had recovered from the shock, was thirsty this morning. Hey, hey, hey… I feel like I’m doing this again. There’s nothing special about it, but it’s a bit of a bad feeling.

So I thought. Come to think of it, Dr. Tianfeng said, “The reason you catch a cold is because you’re not getting cold. He said, “If you wear light clothes and keep yourself cold, you won’t catch a cold. That’s why I came to Tenpukai’s gymnastics in the middle of winter, wearing only shorts and bare feet. In the past, I used to be covered in water every morning, even in the middle of winter.

However, a dozen or so years ago, my blood pressure got so high that I stopped bathing in the morning. As for the morning gymnastics of the Tenpukai, there was no dedicated dojo a few years ago, and it was decided that the nakedness was not a problem, and now it has come to be performed in normal clothes though it is lightly dressed.

Now that I think about it, apparently there is a cause here. I still take a bath after taking a bath every day, but apparently it’s not enough. After all, you need to be cooled down properly… Toh-oh…

You can’t be basically overprotective of anything.

In recent years, medical care has made remarkable progress, and medical institutions have become well equipped. With the rise of universal health insurance, medical care has become a blessing in disguise. However, the number of diseases and sick people continues to increase in proportion to the number of people. The country is in an appalling debt hell with medical and nursing care costs.

Come to think of it, I think it’s because I can’t get cold… One thing’s for sure…

Today’s sneeze got me thinking about this. Tomorrow will probably be fine, right?
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***


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