






その女性、途中で乗車してきて下車する駅は同じ。ホームを出てエレべーターに乗り、改札を出て、階段を上がるのも同じ。どうして「凛とした女性」なのかというと、ただただ歩く姿勢。 こんなに凛とした姿勢で歩く女性が居るのか?というくらい、凛とした姿勢である。背が高いわけでもなく、特に美形というのでもない。ただただ姿勢が綺麗。それも単に綺麗だけでなく凛としているのだ。



明日は東京、明後日から4泊5日で北海道の予定。結婚してまるまる33年。新婚旅行を再現しようとの計画で、33年前と同じコースを同じ日にたどろうと思っている。この計画も、実は先輩から刺激を受けてのもの。某先輩から「新婚旅行再現」の話を聞き、「何時か僕も・・・」と思ったのが5年前。 普通だと30年を機にとかいうのが普通なのでしょうが、何故か33年、決して33回忌ではありません・・・。


Rin, Rin, Rin. For some reason, I like the word “Rin”. The Chinese character “Rin” is used to express “samussa” or “harshness”, and is also often used to express people. Dignified posture, dignified voice, dignified attitude, etc… That said, it looks better on women than on men. A “dignified woman”, a “dignified posture”, etc….

For some reason, I have a great admiration for dignified women. It’s never about liking, wanting to be a lover, wanting to talk, or anything like that. If there was such a woman, she would be too scared to say anything and just look at them… But I admire a dignified woman… It’s just longing.

If you ask me if there were any such women around me in the past, unfortunately, there are none. Recently, however, I saw a “dignified woman” on a morning commuter train.

The woman got on and off the train at the same station. The same goes for leaving the platform, taking the elevator, exiting the turnstiles, and going up the stairs. What makes her a “dignified woman” is the way she simply walks. What woman walks with such a dignified posture? He has a dignified posture. I’m not tall, nor am I particularly good-looking. His posture is simply beautiful. It is not only beautiful, but also dignified.

It is said, “A light-skinned person hides the seven difficulties,” but it seems that posture hides not the seven difficulties, but the eight and nine difficulties. You can’t do anything with your own efforts, but you can probably do something about your posture with your own efforts.

Looking at her, my posture naturally improved. If you approach everything with such an attitude, you will be able to improve naturally. Yes, you can stay young forever if you walk in search of stimulation….

Tomorrow is Tokyo and the day after tomorrow I’ll be in Hokkaido for 4 nights and 5 days. I’ve been married for 33 years. We’re planning to recreate our honeymoon and follow the same course on the same day as we did 33 years ago. This plan was also inspired by my seniors. It’s been five years since I heard the story of “reenacting the honeymoon” from a certain senior, and I thought, “Someday I’ll do it too… Normally, it would be said that it would be on the occasion of the 30th year, but for some reason, it’s 33 years and it’s not the 33rd anniversary….


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