50名学級 3教室と職員室のみの小さな小学校ですが、カンボジアは午前・午後の2部制であるため、300名の生徒が雨露をしのぎ学ぶことが出来る。机や椅子は現地の住人が僅かなお金を出し合い、自ら作ったもの。
Mr. Takayama, the representative of IMCCD, sent us a photo of the Matsutani School (Cambodia) which was completed in June last year.
It is a small elementary school with only three classrooms and a staff room for 50 students, but because Cambodia has a two-part system, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, 300 students are able to brave the rain and dew to learn. The desks and chairs were made by the local residents with a small amount of money.
Maybe this school will be home to a future prime minister…