台風が接近しつつあるのは知っていたが、小生の頭の中には、「土曜日ゴルフの予定を入れているが、雨はどうか?。キャンセルした方がベターか?」 くらいの頭しかなかった。
田舎の家の2階から撮影 日の出シーン
Typhoon No. 11 is heading for my hometown, Oki Island.
I knew there was a typhoon approaching, but the question on my mind was, “I’ve got a golf game planned for Saturday, but what about the rain? Would it be better if I cancelled? The only thing I could think of was “I don’t know what to do.
However, today in the morning, I got a phone call from my friend in Oki… “It’s a forecast of a typhoon hitting directly, but is your boat okay? “Eh, a typhoon in Oki…? I replied bluntly. You idiot…it’s decent…it’s the east wind, so your ship’s place isn’t decent? I got a good scolding…
I have no choice but to bow my head. Anyway, I asked for your help, and hung up the phone, but I’m grateful to be a friend…
When I called another friend of mine, he said, “Early this morning, I went to see my ship and pulled it a little further offshore. I don’t know how to thank you…, I really appreciate friends…