今朝3時30分(小生は何故か2時半に目が覚め、寝れそうにないので、スタンドを点け本を読んでいた)、リリンリリン、電話が鳴った。瞬間やった? と云う感じ。飛び起きて急ぎ電話をとると、婿の弾んだ声・・「無事女の子が産まれました!。3時8分、母子ともに元気です。体重は2,850グラム!!。」
「初孫の さずかりし朝 風かおる」
After much delay, we finally had a grandchild! Banzai, Banzai, Banzai…
She gave birth to her first grandchild on June 6 at the age of 66.
At 3:30 this morning (I woke up at 2:30 for some reason and couldn’t go to sleep, so I turned on the stand and read a book), lilting lilting, the phone rang. It’s like, “Did I do it? That’s what it’s like. When I jumped up and hurriedly picked up the phone, my son-in-law’s bouncing voice said, “A baby girl was born safely! At 3:08 a.m., both mother and child are fine. He weighs 2,850 grams!
My wife and I both shouted our hearts out in a hurray.
“My first grandchild, lingering in the morning, with the wind.