先般、久し振りに妻と2人で京都に出かけた。香里園駅から準急に乗り、枚方で特急に乗り換えた。そこそこ混んでおり空席は無く、吊革に手を掛け立っていると、前に座っていた若い娘さんが、スッと立ち上がり 「どうぞ・・」 と声をかけてくれた。一瞬誰に、と思ったが、僕以外には考えられない。エッなんで・・・、ビックリと戸惑いで、どう対処していいのか・・・、「エッ良いです」と声がでてしまった、でも、それも悪いと思って、すぐに隣に立っていた女房に「あんた、座らせて貰え」と声を掛け、有難う・・と声を掛けながら妻に座ってもらった。
人には沿ってみよ、馬には乗ってみよ、 特に最近の若い子は外見だけで判断するのは大きな間違いかも・・・・。
I’m super surprised! The incident on the Keihan train to Kyoto.
The other day, my wife and I went to Kyoto for the first time in a while. I took a semi-express from Korinoen station and changed to a limited express at Hirakata. It was so crowded that there was no empty seat, and when I was standing with my hand on the strap, a young girl sitting in front of me stood up quickly and said, “Please come in…”. For a moment I thought, “To whom?” but I couldn’t think of anyone but me. Why …, I was so surprised and puzzled, I didn’t know how to deal with it …, I said, “Ehh, that’s fine,” but I felt bad about it too, so I called out to my wife who was standing next to me, “You, let me sit down,” and asked her to sit down while saying, “Thank you.
In fact, the daughter who gave up her seat to me was surprisingly young, about 15 or 6 years old, and she seemed to be flying from the look of it. She has reddish brown hair, strong false eyelashes, and super flashy make-up in the current style. She was a girl whose looks made me want to frown a little.
That’s when I thought. People shouldn’t be judged by their appearance after all…
She gave up her seat to me, but she was actually with two young boys her own age. She gave up her seat and stood in front of him, talking in some sort of amused way, but after a while, this time her boyfriend stood and sat her down.
It was just that, but it was a mild shock and a slightly rich feeling.
It may be a big mistake to judge a young girl by her appearance alone, especially nowadays…..
I remember writing about it on this blog before, but it was on a crowded commuter train in the morning. A young man in a neat suit sat down with his legs open in the middle of the empty seat for two and immediately started to read a book. I thought to myself, “What a guy…” and looked in to see what kind of book he was reading, but it was a book on moral teaching.