












I am 65 years old and was born in 1947. I would like to spend the next 30 years in good health and enjoy my old age. However, if there is one time in the past 65 years of my life when I can return home, it’s when I was in high school. Yes, during the three years of Okijimae High School, especially during my senior year of high school…

If you ask me why, I’m at a loss. I just kind of… At that time, I had no money, no girlfriend, no hobbies, and was in the midst of nothingness, but I naturally had freedom and dreams, and I had a friend who I could not change for anything. So, I don’t know if it was that much fun, but if I could go home, it would be my senior year of high school.

The only classrooms that can accommodate 60 people are two classrooms that were hastily built for us (baby boomers born in 1947). Therefore, there was no change in the classroom for three years. And, for some reason, I always wore boots. He also ran in long boots on the sports day. As a result, I got a big kick out of the principal. But… it was fun. Our house was a hangout for the bad kids. I never slept alone in my senior year of high school. So, it was fun.

The high school reunion will be held at a Chinese restaurant “Xu Yuan” in Nishi-ku, Osaka on July 21, starting at 12:00 noon.

The organizers are in a hurry to gather at least 200 people. However, according to what I’ve heard, there are only about 50 people at the moment?

To the graduates of Okijimae High School who live in Kinki area! Hopefully, we won’t be gathering at Xuanyuan on Sunday, July 21…!!!

Contact, 06-6313-0110 (in Corporate Services, Matsutani). If this is the case, I’ll accept it until the day before…. I’d like you to join us at all costs.


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