




 今週の日曜日(26日)は、我が故郷、近畿国賀会(近畿に住む西ノ島町出身者の親睦会)の第48回総会が北京料理徐園で大々的に開催された。何時もの事ながら郷里、西ノ島町からは町長、町会議長ほか多数の方が駆けつけてくれ、歌に踊りに三味太鼓と逸れはそれは賑やかな宴であった。隠岐民謡は勿論であるが、今年は京都を地盤に活躍中の隠岐大 好き演歌歌手「大林幸二」氏を招いて、花を添えていただいた。大林氏は私の大好きな、坂本龍馬や中岡慎太郎を朗々と歌い、最後は俵星げんばで締めくくってくれた。流石はプロ歌手、凄い歌唱力でしばし聞きほれてしまった。

 そっそくDVDを買い求めたのは勿論のこと。これで練習に励み、持ち歌にしようかと・・・・。  それだけは止めてくれ・・・と、伏して頼まれそうな気もするが!。



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ついでに、我が家の庭園公開。  庭に所狭しと咲き誇る「どくだみの花」

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This Sunday (26th), the 48th general meeting of my hometown, Kinki Kokaga Kai (a fellowship of people from Nishinoshima town in Kinki) was held at Beijing Cuisine Xuoyuan. As always, many people from my hometown, Nishinoshima town, including the mayor and the chairman of the town council, came to the party, and it was a lively party with singing, dancing, and mami drumming. In addition to Oki folk songs, this year we invited Mr. Koji Obayashi, an enka singer who loves Oki and is active in Kyoto, to add flowers. Mr. Obayashi sang my favorite songs, Ryoma Sakamoto and Shintaro Nakaoka, and closed with the Tawarabei Genba. As expected, I listened for a while with a professional singer and great singing ability.

Of course, I bought the DVD right away. Now I’m going to practice hard and make it my own song….  Don’t do that…I have a feeling he’s going to ask me to keep my head down!

This year, too, the cactus that I had grown with great effort and a thorough leave no stone unturned policy was in full bloom. Look at that…

Yesterday evening, around 5:00 PM.

Yesterday at about 8pm.

Flowering at 10:00 am. But one day’s life…

As a side note, it was captured in a digital camera…. Kotaro, after a year’s absence from the hairdresser…

I love my futon.

And I love the seat cushion…

Also, my garden is open to the public.  The “camellia flower” blooms in the garden

Well, what is this… the answer is “shungikku no hana”. We tried to grow winter vegetables in our garden this year, such as chrysanthemum, spinach, and radish, with great effort, but the result was this. It was hardly edible, so I let nature take care of it, and it started to bloom lovely flowers. Therefore, it is impossible to pull out, and now a radish and a garland chrysanthemum dominate all of the field, and this state. Actually, it’s early time to plant summer vegetables, but in this situation, it’s too bad to pull them out…. Therefore, I’m going to leave it in this situation for a while and make it a fallow field this year… Please understand that I’m not lazy at all…

daikon flower

A stunning contrast between the dogwood and the satsuki. When we think of being kind to the natural environment, we end up with this…


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