10勝2敗は、白鳳に次いでの優勝候補。隠岐から大相撲の優勝力士が出るなど、想像だにした者は居ないのでは・・・。本人は、先ずは10勝と、控えめであるが、本当はそれではダメ。 優勝を決意したものだけが優勝できるのだ!!・・・何がなんでもガンバレ・・・。
不世出の大横綱、双葉山の言葉にこんなのがある、「横綱になろうと決意したものだけが横綱になれるのだ」。 全くそうだ・・・、先ずは思うことである、そして、思ったことを信念にまで高めれれば、必ずその思いは成就する。
Yesterday, Thursday the 21st, I went to support the “Oki Sea”. It was wonderful to see the way he was able to leave the usual “no change” in his mind, and then push his way to the very end.
His 10 wins and 2 losses are second only to Hakuho for the championship. No one could have imagined that a sumo wrestler from the Oki Islands would win the grand sumo tournament…. He is modest with 10 wins, but it’s not enough. Only those who are determined to win can win!!! Do whatever it takes…
In the words of Futabayama, the unparalleled great yokozuna, “Only those who are determined to become yokozuna can become yokozuna. That’s exactly right…The first thing to do is to think, and if you raise the thought to a belief, the thought will surely be fulfilled.