





読売新聞の広告(写真) 、また、今朝はNHK総合テレビでも取り上げられ、一寸太目の錦織監督が「渾身」への思いをトツトツと話していた。監督の奥さんは隠岐出身の方なんだよネ・・・。

渾身 002_t








The movie “Harmonious” … I’m impressed!

The advertisement in the Yomiuri Shimbun (photo) and this morning’s NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) were also on the air. The wife of the director is from Oki….

My wife and I went to see the movie “Kokorimi” at Osaka Station City Cinema, which was released last Saturday (January 12th), at 13:05 p.m. It was the second screening of the day, but the theater was almost full and it was quite a success.

As many of you may already know, this film is a human movie by director Yoshinari Nishikori from Shimane Prefecture, based on the classic sumo wrestling that has been held in my hometown “Oki no Shima” for a long time.

It can be said that it’s my hometown, but I’m sure it’s going to be a zinger for both those who are and those who aren’t. As my tear line has been getting weaker lately, my glasses got cloudy and I had to put them back on several times before the show started.

Classic sumo is a unique Oki style of sumo performed as one of the Shinto rituals. It is not just about being strong. In addition to the heart and solemnity of the ritual, it is also a human-sympathetic sumo with sweat and tears that puts the pride and determination of the community on the line. Therefore, a sumo wrestler must take the same opponent twice and end up with one win and one loss. The important thing is not to let the one who wins first lose. It will take twice to praise the opponent. However, it is also a battle for the whole village. And the battle goes on through the night, from sunset to sunrise, and there is a 300 number effort.

Director Nishikori described this kind of sumo to the fullest extent and captured the humanity of the Oki Islands very well. For those who are unfamiliar with the Oki region, it is hard to describe this film as a work only Nishikori can do.

I think the movie was probably shot on an all Oki island. Moreover, the film was shot in the house where the islanders actually live now, instead of using a set. The film is so full of a sense of life that it gives the illusion of returning to the countryside while watching the film, and it is evident that all the islanders worked together to make this film.

It’s definitely an emotional experience….. If you haven’t done so yet, please come and visit us.


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