演題は「不良長寿」、不老長寿でなく不良長寿とあり、もしかして書き間違いか、と思ったが、さにあらず「不良長寿」の話しであった。講師は松江市玉湯町ご出身の順天堂大学教授の奥村 康先生。専門は免疫学で、知る人ぞ知る超有名な先生で、テレビにも度々出ているとの事であるが、小生ははじめて聞くお名前であった。御歳70才くらいか?。飄々として演題に立つやいなやボソボソと何か喋りだす。カツレツは余り良くなく、アナウンサーの様な名調子とは程遠い喋り方で、これで1時間半は少ししんどいかな・・等と当初思っていた。でも、4?50名の集まりであり、寝るわけにもいくまい等と・・。ところがところが、話しが進むに従い、目が点になると云うか耳が点になると云うか、先生は表情一つ変えず、相変わらずボソボソと喋っているが、話しの内容たるや非常に興味深く高度なもので、しかも切り口が斬新で的を得ており、その上、落語を聞いている様なユーモアーがあり、それはそれは楽しい講演であった。大学の学者先生にもこんな面白い楽しい先生が居るのかと驚いた・・・。
The New Year’s Reciprocal Party of Kinki Shimane Economic Club was held at Rihga Royal Hotel in Nakanoshima yesterday.
The club is organized by businessmen from Shimane Prefecture living in the Kinki area, with the aim of promoting mutual enlightenment and friendship among its members. Last year, I was asked to join the club by all means, and I joined the club. Some of the members were acquainted with each other through the prefectural association, but this was their first time attending and they were nervous.
The New Year’s Reciprocal Meeting was preceded by a one-and-a-half hour lecture, followed by two hours scheduled for the New Year’s Reciprocal Meeting.
In the new year’s reciprocal party, the governor and chairman of the prefectural government, the presidents of companies that have advanced into Shimane Prefecture, and the prefectural directors of commerce and industry, etc., gave talks, and afterwards there was a party, which was quite enjoyable, but more than anything else, the lecture held earlier was very enjoyable.
The title of the lecture was “Bad longevity”, which I thought it was a mistake to write “bad longevity”, not “immortal longevity”, but no, it was “bad longevity”. The lecturer was Dr. Yasushi Okumura, a professor at Juntendo University who is from Tamayu-cho, Matsue City. His specialty is immunology, and he is a very famous doctor who is well known to those who know him, and he has appeared on television frequently. He’s about 70 years old? As soon as he stood up for his talk, he began to whisper something in a whisper. The cutlets were not very good, and the tone was far from that of an announcer, so I thought it would be a bit tiring for an hour and a half at first. But it’s a group of 4-50 people, and they can’t afford to sleep… However, as the lecture progressed, he did not change his expression and spoke in a whisper, but the content of the lecture was very interesting and advanced. I was surprised to find such an interesting and fun teacher in a university….
The other day, Dr. Okumura introduced a book called “A special drug for cancer has already been developed” and I bought it and read it immediately.
In general, my understanding is that the best way to be healthy is to live an energetic and cheerful life with as little stress as possible and as much energy as possible without worrying too much about blood test results, which are a barometer of health. It was a very enjoyable lecture and reciprocal meeting that made me feel this strongly.