22日昼過ぎに出かけ、夕方着。僅か11名の宴であったが、明日は我が身と、皆が今日を限りと飲み且つ歌い、しまいには仲居さんまで踊りだす始末・・・。それはそれは楽しい宴であった。 次は誰の快気祝をしようか・・・?。
東伯郡羽合町の東郷湖、 湖に浮かぶ観光ホテル
帰宅を待ちわびていた廣太郎 、しばしジッと見詰め合う・・・。
The cancer is complete! I had such a good news, and we had a celebration of my good health without telling anyone.
It’s not the same as people who just want to get together and drink for any reason. My childhood friend, who was born in the same area in the same year, went to the same school, went to and from school with me all the time (completely different from a group of people), and was always doing things with me, like going to the beach and the mountains, asked me to meet her.
No matter what the reason, there was no way I could turn down this offer. The meeting place is Kaike Onsen in Tottori Prefecture.
We went out after noon on the 22nd and arrived in the evening. There were only eleven of us at the party, but we all drank and sang for the rest of the day, and even the matchmaker started dancing… It was a delightful feast. Whose celebration is it going to be next…?
The next day, I drove from Oyama to Tottori Sand Dunes with my wife and I.
Hoki-Daisan seen from the Daisen P of Yonago Expressway.
A windmill that suddenly appeared in the middle of Route 9
Tourist hotel on the lake, Togo Lake, Hago Town, Donbaku County
Hawaicho, seen from the roadside station overlooking Lake Togo.
Hakuto Kaigan (White Rabbit’s Village in Inaba)
Lord Okuninushi, Princess Yagami and Princess White, made of sand
Magnificent Tottori Sand Dunes
Kotaro, who was looking forward to coming home, stared at each other for a while…
You’re relieved to hear the usual warsa…
If you want this, come and get it…
If you don’t deal with them, it escalates….and they try to lure you into playing with them…