13日(日)は、近畿島根県人会の日。 朝9時に世話役一同、ホテルニューオオタニに集合。会長も実行委員長も猫も杓子も一緒になって、受け入れ準備に大わらわ。
The 13th (Sun.) is the day of the Kinki Shimane Kenjinkai. At 9:00 a.m., all the caretakers gathered at the Hotel New Otani. The chairperson, the executive committee chairperson, the cat and the ladle got together to prepare for the reception.
Although the event was held at 11:00 a.m., people started to gather around 10:00 a.m., and by the time the event was held at 11:00 a.m., more than 600 people had come to the venue. New Otani’s second-floor large hall was very full, and they changed the usual 9-seater round table to 10-seater round table, and it was very crowded.
In this kind of meeting, it depends on how many people get together. There was no need for the organizer’s greeting, but the large number of participants made the event a success. In that sense, this year’s Kenjinkai was a great success.
The organizer is Oki-no-shima. That’s right, people from the Oki region came together to make this prefectural association a great success. Therefore, the program is also all Oki color.
The performance was held in the Oki region’s traditional performing arts, “Kotobuki Mai”.
“Celebration Dance.
This father’s dance is excellent, this taste doesn’t come out often…
All of a sudden, the audience goes up on stage and starts dancing…..
The people who start dancing under the stage one after another…it becomes a banquet seat of the Oki Maru out. This is the unification of the stage and the audience….
At the end, the mayor of Oki-no-jima town started to sing…
The Governor and Mr. Zenbe were so taken aback…
Thank you very much for your hard work, everyone involved.
I couldn’t do anything to help, but I could only participate in the event because the dead trees were bustling.