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As I wrote in my previous blog, on Saturday, October 24, I participated in the “Oki-no-jima rally to establish Takeshima’s territorial rights” at the Rainbow Arena in Oki-no-jima Town.

The Rainbow Arena is the largest meeting place on Oki Island and can hold 1,500 people, but most of the seats were filled before the show opened at 1:30 p.m. on the day, a sign of the islanders’ strong interest in the issue.

The meeting started with a greeting from the mayor of Oki Island, the organizer of the meeting, followed by a speech from the teachers of the Diet members, which went on and on for more than 30 minutes, and it was not until after 5:00 p.m. that the declaration was accepted. In a sense, it could be said that it was the time of the Oki Islands in a calm mood, but it could also be said that the meeting was a very heated one.

However, my impression when I participated in the meeting was very gentlemanly, which is just like Japan in any way, and it stopped at stating that Takeshima is Japan’s unique territory and that the people of Oki Island had occupied Takeshima. There were no TV cameras, and I couldn’t help but feel that the focus was a little off, compared to the enthusiasm of the organizers.

Considering the situation where South Korea has unilaterally and illegally occupied Takeshima since 1954, and the military is permanently stationed on the island, the government’s response to the situation is weak-hearted and unimaginable as a sovereign nation, and the human rights-covered media is not even willing to report on the thoughts of the people of Oki Island. With this kind of nonsense, we can’t help but think that retaking Takeshima is just another dream.

So I have something I want to claim and do. But I can’t express it here…..

By the way, when Matsu-chan goes back to Oki, he’s always getting calls from all over the place saying, “My place, my place, Achiki’s house… So, I decided to stay at the place where I wanted to see the movie this time because I really wanted to see it.

This is the pine that I wanted to see at first sight. It is a 500-year-old pine tree, commonly called “100 million yen pine”. It is said that a millionaire man in Kyoto saw this pine tree and asked him to sell it to him for 100 million yen. However, it seems that the owner at the time did not shake his head. Since then, it has been called the “100 million yen pine tree” without anyone saying anything about it. However, the current heir is an office worker living in Osaka, and the care of the pine trees is a complete amateur. But it’s worth a look, as usual. In fact, this master is my opponent in Go, and on the day of the game, we had a heated game until one o’clock in the evening.


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