











なすび 007

なすび 006



なすび 005

なすび 004

なすび 003

When I moved to my current house three years ago, I have been enjoying a small vegetable garden in part of my garden.

Normally, when it’s three years old, everything looks good in its own way, but our vegetable garden is not so good… The only thing I did was to dig up a part of the garden, pick up a few stones, and add organic fertilizer.

In addition, the master is a type of person who is kind to himself and very strict to others, and it is his aim to grow vegetables strictly, and once he has planted them, he can only scold and encourage them from inside the house, saying, “Take responsibility for yourself and do your best. Basically, we are on a laissez-faire basis and try not to interfere with the individuality of the vegetables as much as possible.

However, this summer was tough, and the goya died in about 10 days, and the cucumbers made a healthy effort, but they still struck within a month of starting to work, and on the contrary, the tomatoes grew up straightforwardly. When the battle began, however, he lost all motivation to fight, and despite orders from the flagship to “encourage everyone to work together,” he failed to do any good and succumbed to heatstroke.

However, if there is a God who discards, there is a God who picks up. A filial vegetable was born in May and came of age in July and started working immediately, endured the heat wave in July and August, and survived the lingering heat in September, and became more vigorous in October. He continues to work unabated. However, he rarely asks for a salary, follows his parents’ orders, and does what he is supposed to do, albeit in a free-spirited manner. It is truly a mirror of a vegetable.

This morning I harvested the eggplant. It was raised too freely and grew to 25 centimeters. I can’t vouch for the taste, but it should be no different from autumn eggplant…


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