


檄文 、戸籍法見直し



7月25日?8月28日まで約1ヶ月間のパブリックコメント(search.e-gov.go.jp/servlet/Public) にかけている。

2006年7月25日 300080001 戸籍法の見直しに関する要綱中間試案に対する意見の募集
2006年8月28日 法務省民事局民事第一課

















To the few readers of this blog…! ……………………………………………………….. Our country.
In order to protect the Japanese people and, by extension, Japanese culture.

On July 25, the Ministry of Justice compiled and announced an “interim draft of the review of the Family Registration Law”, and at the same time, the draft was published in
It will be open for public comment for about a month (search.e-gov.go.jp/servlet/Public) from July 25 to August 28.

July 25, 2006 300080001 Call for Comments on the Interim Proposal of the Family Registration Act
August 28, 2006 Civil Affairs Division 1, Civil Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice
Tel: 03-3580-4411 (in 2447).

Call for Voluntary Input

First of all, I would like you to read the interim draft. However, it was extremely long. What’s more, when the average person reads it, it’s like, “I see…
As a result, I’ve given up commenting on the site because I’ve become disgusted with the length of the text and its harshness.
But let’s not give up on this proposed review alone.

To summarize the proposed revision, the “principle of openness of family registers” has been adopted since the establishment of the Family Registration Law in 1905, and the
The Family Registration Law has been amended many times since then, but the principle of openness has been maintained (the current family register is open to the public and the expulsion of the family register is private). However, the recent trend of personal information protection and
As a result, there was a strong demand from related circles that the system of disclosure of family registers should be strictly enforced.
There is a need to review the open system. In addition to the following

Everyone may feel uncomfortable to have their family register seen by a complete third party, don’t you think? So.
The idea is to make it impossible for a third party to take the family register at will. The reason for this is to protect personal information and prevent unauthorized access.

Well, that’s a good thing…and if you think about it simply, I think so.

But, oh my… It’s not such a simple matter.

Why has the Ministry of Justice stubbornly defended the principle of openness of family registers until now? That is because it is the only thing that notarizes a person’s identity.
The reason for this is that it may hinder the maintenance of social order if it is not made public.

However, the trend of personal information protection and the demands of the related circles have pushed them to revise the law. In particular, the family register states that the parent-child relationship
It is said that this is because it includes matters that the applicant would not want others to know, such as the history of marriage (child born out of wedlock) and the history of divorce.

However, in order to lead a social life, we need a system where we can find out about the parent-child relationship and the history of marriage and divorce, if we are so inclined.
It would be a hell of a society. With the rampant individualism, we are living in a world where the next person does what he or she does.
No matter how many times they have been married and divorced in the past, no matter how many times a certain Koizumi says that Prime Minister Koizumi is my uncle and a relative, there is no way to verify that. Result.
We will live in a world where we can tell as many lies as we want.

There is one more thing, even if you are a qualified person (such as a lawyer or a judicial scrivener in eight industries) to prevent it from happening.
It is an amendment that seeks to regulate the inability to get a family register easily.

It’s true, you can’t get it wrong. So they can’t be illicitly obtained. It is the original story. However, as you all know, under current law
In fact, the municipal mayor’s office will not release the family register to anyone other than qualified persons.
Therefore, if there is a need to know the information in the family register (marriage, parent-child relationship, etc…), many research companies (credit agencies and detective agencies) will not be able to provide the information.
He had asked a qualified person to look up the family register matters. All parties involved have labeled this as an illegal acquisition, and the credit bureaus and
They are trying to get the government to change the law by advertising that the detective agency is doing something terrible.

Investigation companies (credit bureaus and detective agencies) require family registers at the request of interested parties, and
There is a legitimate reason for the claim, but the mayor of the city has twisted the law and interpreted it to mean that the family register has to be examined to know the truth.
It is an unconscionable act of not responding to a claim. He dismisses it with one word: illegally obtained.

It’s not like “a thief gets a third of the profit. It’s true, I don’t think it’s acceptable to say, “I can’t take it, so I’m going to go around and take it.
I don’t want to open up about what’s wrong with it, but I think it’s better than the government agencies that have been giving in to nonsensical arguments and pressure and giving away money (subsidies).
I’m going to take the issue of human rights and discrimination seriously….

Many people think that obtaining a family register is discrimination, but this structure is not
The reason is that it has been used as propaganda for the movement, and in fact, most of the time it has been obtained with good reason and with very little problem.



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