






今朝3時30分(小生は何故か2時半に目が覚め、寝れそうにないので、スタンドを点け本を読んでいた)、リリンリリン、電話が鳴った。瞬間やった? と云う感じ。飛び起きて急ぎ電話をとると、婿の弾んだ声・・「無事女の子が産まれました!。3時8分、母子ともに元気です。体重は2,850グラム!!。」


「初孫の さずかりし朝 風かおる」


After much delay, we finally had a grandchild! Banzai, Banzai, Banzai…

She gave birth to her first grandchild on June 6 at the age of 66.

At 3:30 this morning (I woke up at 2:30 for some reason and couldn’t go to sleep, so I turned on the stand and read a book), lilting lilting, the phone rang. It’s like, “Did I do it? That’s what it’s like. When I jumped up and hurriedly picked up the phone, my son-in-law’s bouncing voice said, “A baby girl was born safely! At 3:08 a.m., both mother and child are fine. He weighs 2,850 grams!

My wife and I both shouted our hearts out in a hurray.

“My first grandchild, lingering in the morning, with the wind.












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Our favorite newspaper in our house is the Yomiuri. She has not had a single fling since her wedding day and has been consistent. Yes, everything goes on, and cheating should be discouraged.

In the editorial page of the Yomiuri (last week), there were these words.

‘I am close enough to my acquaintances to borrow money, but not close enough to lend them money. It’s a two-way street where you borrow and lend money, and you call them friends.” (Ambrose Heath’s quip)

The article was meant to make fun of the relationship between the U.S. and Japan while raising the issue of the right to collective self-defense.

I read it with admiration that lending and borrowing money is a metaphor for a friend or not, but it’s a very good one.

By the way, there is a cactus on the stairs of our building that has been enduring the heat of the summer and the cold of the winter. I’ve written about them several times in this blog, but this year, I was looking forward to seeing them in full bloom. However, for some reason, the cactus in our company is very shy of people and always blooms on Saturdays and Sundays and wilts on Mondays.

This year, too…

This is how it was last Friday evening. I decided to put them in front of the entrance of the company, because it was too cute to keep them quiet and not be seen by anyone. Looking at the flowers, the people passing by….














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May means the Golden Week and the General Assembly. As I’m sure you know, I’m also in the rush for the general meeting. I attended the general meeting of an industry association in Tokyo last Tuesday and Wednesday, two days in a row.

One is the National Federation of Survey Industry Cooperatives, and the other is the National Federation of Survey Industry Associations.

For some reason, I had to chair both meetings. Generally speaking, the annual general meeting is a formality and usually becomes a shanshan meeting. However, when it comes to the chairmanship, there is a certain amount of tension.

The results of the meeting went smoothly as planned. I went home by Shinkansen immediately on that foot.

As I put the burden on my shoulders and gazed out the window with a beer in hand, I suddenly saw the splendid Mt. On my last business trip to Tokyo, Mt. Fuji was a bit of a haze in the spring, but this time it was a refreshing Mt. A quick peek!

It’s good to be sunny, it’s good to be cloudy, it’s good to be Fuji.” (This is a poem by Tenpou Nakamura) It is a poem that expresses my personal motto, “I am at peace with my mind,” and the “positive mind” of the Tenpukai.

As a matter of fact, yesterday was also a general meeting. However, yesterday’s general meeting was completely different and there was no sense of tension at all. It was a very enjoyable general meeting. Yes, it was the 49th general meeting of the famous “Kinki Kokuga Kai”.

It was a hometown meeting organized by people from my hometown, Nishinoshima Town (Oki Islands), with many members from the countryside, including the town mayor, the chairman of the town council, and the president of the ward mayor’s association, in attendance, and we had a great time drinking and singing. When the first party is over, the second party is over, and when the second party is over, the third party is over. As soon as I left the venue of the after-party, I caught a taxi and headed for Kitashinchi.





帰った翌日には友達に手伝って貰い、ヤマハのマイボートを海におろし、早速試運転。 操船の腕は錆びついていたがエンジンは快調そのものであった。










I came back to my hometown “Oki Island” for a week on a consecutive holiday in May.

The day after I got home, I asked a friend to help me out and put the Yamaha My Boat out to sea for a test drive. The steering arm was rusty, but the engine was in good shape.

According to the information before returning home, “The fishing has been extraordinary this year. Especially the blue fish is a big fishery, and the yellowtail, the white whale, and the yellowtail are in a state of eating, and the fishery cooperative does not handle the fish (because it is too big a fishery and does not have a price)”.

Therefore, I wanted to go back to my hometown as soon as possible, but I had a lot of business to attend to, so I had to go back to my hometown one week after I got the information.

With an impatient heart, we set sail at 10:00 a.m. I started jigging fishing immediately at 11:00, but there was no reaction at all. Just raise and lower the rod needlessly. I repeated to move the location while looking at the fish finder, but still no reaction at all.

I moved here and there for about 3 hours, but in the end it was a joke. It seems that the fish has escaped because it is afraid of me. The next day, we gave up on the bluefish and decided to go for the snapper. However, this one is also no good. I tried to move to a place where I caught a lot of fish last year, but there was no reaction. It was a shameful result.

The sea was stormy from the next day and it was not possible to go out for fishing, and the homecoming of this time had no harvest after all. But fishing is like this………………………………………………………………….

Head on over tomorrow!















I have been participating in a study group called Shinjin Juku for several years now.

It used to have more than 50 members, but it was disbanded about three years ago because it had grown too big. However, half a year later, some volunteers decided to start it again, and it is now limited to a small number of members and holds study sessions once a month.

The name “Shinjin Juku” is a little bit ostentatious, but it was actually taken from the book “The search for the Shinjin life” of Dr. Tenpou, and it is not particularly ostentatious for the member of Tenpou.

I believe that since we were born into this world as human beings, the chief of all things, let’s live a life worth living, a life of true humanity. It is a group of people who have gathered for the purpose of improving each other’s skills.

Thus, in a sense, everyone is serious. And then we talk about it honestly.

At the monthly meeting, one person acts as a speaker, speaks for an hour on a topic of his or her own choosing, and for the next hour, everyone exchanges opinions on the issue.

As a matter of fact, yesterday was the day of this Shinjin Juku. The venue usually takes turns, and the company of the person who is the speaker at the time usually takes over the venue.

The theme I chose was “Life at the end of life”. I took up the theme of the end of life, so to speak. In the May issue of this year’s Bungei Shunju, I saw Takeru Umehara’s article on “Life after death” and decided to use it as my theme.

And what we talked about, it’s so badly blogged about. There is no way I can write about him because I don’t know him well.

However, at the Shinjin Juku, we discuss what we don’t understand, what we can’t do, what we want to do, and so on, and try to make life, even if only a little, fun, happy, and worth living. Anyway, it’s great that everyone is able to expose themselves and talk about their true feelings.




  • フォームからのお問合せ
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  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
