















From the week before last to the week after last, I spent a week back on my home island of Oki. The purpose was to land the boat that had been floating since early spring, but that was just an excuse; in fact, he was looking forward to going out fishing more than anything else. However, the winter seas on the Sea of Japan are rough, and when I returned home, the seas were quite rough, and the 3,000-ton ferry was rocking heavily as it was being hit by the waves. Therefore, the next day was a major climactic event, and all ships between the mainland and the Oki Islands were out of service. The Oki Islands had been turned into an island of drifters.

As a result, we stayed for a week, but only got to go fishing for one day. But the sea in winter is interesting. The waves are high, but you can catch some big fish. This time, we tried jigging, a type of fishing gear.

The fish is fished at a depth of about 100 meters off the coast. Two large hooks are attached to the end of a weighted 150-gram fish, and the hooks are shanked and lifted (to make the fish appear to be swimming) up to about 50 meters above the sea floor. Therefore, if you stay in the fishery for 5 hours, you can’t stop shoveling the rod for 5 hours. This is a lot of physical work.

However, the bounce when it is caught (when it is caught) is great. It’s an instant gurgling, intense pluck. The rest is a desperate struggle. However, it is hard to say what the real pleasure is when you pull it up to the bottom of the boat and scoop it up with tamo. Yes, it’s hard to say.

Ken Kiguchi would have been able to express this feeling well in literature, but I can’t say anything but “I can’t say anything” with my ability…. Just googly-googly…

That feeling still lingers in my hands.

Three to four kilograms of white shark (before yellowtail). In five hours, he caught ten white-tailed fish of about the same size.

The next day after I returned to Osaka, I had a golf competition at Arima Royal by the Tenpukai, but my arm was quite sore. However, the pain may have been a good thing, because he won the Vesglo.







ところが、11月号で一寸興味を引いたのが、近藤誠医師の「健康診断が人間をダメにする」。目から鱗というか、健康診断を定期的に受診している人と、そうでない人との生存率を統計的に見ると、寧ろ、受診しない人の方が長生きしている、等の統計数字が紹介されていた。その後、手にしたのが内藤聡医師の「医学不要論」、これは近藤先生以上に強烈で、今の西洋医学が人の命を短めているかを事細かく列記し、医学のあり方に強烈な警笛を鳴らしている。その後、読んだのが、五木寛之の「こころ と からだ」。これは五木寛之が65才くらいの時に著したもので、20年も前の本であるが、同感するものが多く、面白く読ませて頂いた。そして今手にしているのが、やはり五木寛之の「人間の覚悟」。五木寛之は基本病院嫌い。医者にかかった事は殆ど無いようで、自分の病気は自分で治す主義らしい。常に自分の体に耳をかたむけて、人間が本来持っている自然治癒力に任せている様である。この考え方には、私自身同感する部分が多く、天風会の教えにも通じるものがあり、興味深く読ませて頂いた。



This month, for some reason, I’ve been dabbling in books about health.

Ever since I graduated from high school, I always have a book next to my bed and in my bag. There is no genre or anything. I have my favorite writers, but I’m not particular about them. Anyway, if I have a book in one hand, it makes me feel at ease.

I am personally impressed, but I have not missed a copy of the monthly magazine Bungei Shunju for 48 years, from the age of 18 to now, at the age of 66. I used to read them with interest until I was about 50 years old, but nowadays I just read them and don’t enjoy them that much.

However, what caught my attention in the November issue was Dr. Makoto Kondo’s “Health checkups ruin people”. It’s not like it’s eye-opening or anything, it’s just that when you look at the survival rate of people who have regular checkups and those who don’t, statistically the statistics show that people who don’t have checkups live longer. After that, I picked up Dr. Satoshi Naito’s “Unnecessary Medicine”, which is even more powerful than Dr. Kondo’s. He describes in detail how Western medicine is shortening human life and sounds a strong warning against the way medicine should be. After that, I read “Kokoro to Karada” by Hiroyuki Itsuki. This book was written by Hiroyuki Itsuki when he was about 65 years old, and it is 20 years old. And the one I’m holding in my hand is, of course, Hiroyuki Itsuki’s “Ningen no Yukui”. Hiroyuki Goki basically hates hospitals. He has hardly ever been to a doctor, and apparently he treats his own illness by himself. It seems that he is always listening to his body and letting the natural healing power of human beings take care of itself. There are many parts of this way of thinking that I agree with, and there is a connection to the teachings of the Tenpukai, so I read it with great interest.

To be honest, I don’t read many books of this kind, and I often pick up entertainment novels about Kenzo Kitakata and Jiro Asada, but for some reason, this month’s series has become a health series.

As a result, I feel that the “health nerds” of the Japanese people these days are fine, but they need to be warned that they are being played by doctors and pharmaceutical companies to take full advantage of their health insurance. These days, health insurance premiums go up twice a year, and even a small company like ours is struggling to pay the monthly social insurance premiums….





驚くなかれ、恥ずかしげもなく、好き勝手をよくここまで書いているな・・・と自分ながら感心する。 ただ、その中で、一寸目にとまった自分のブログがあった。そこで思いついた・・・このブログ再登場させる事を。




今日午前中の話。 ”社長電話ですよ・・・”、懐かしい友人からの電話(元の職場の同僚であった友人、元調査員))であった。

「松ちゃん元気?、 ところでチョット悪いんやけど、某人の大学の卒業と勤め先の確認できへんかな・・?」、 「何それ」、 「いや、一寸仕事の関係なんやけど・・・、平成5年の○○大学卒で○○会社に13年ほど勤めていたと云う人なんやけど、どうもオカシイねん」。

そんなこと自分でやりーや。昔取ったきねづかで・・・」、 「うん、それが自分なりにやってみたんやけど、学校は、それは個人情報なんで・・等と最もらしい理由をつけて応えてくれんし、 会社に訪ねても、個人のことは・・・とかで何も判らんのや。何か昔と違ってえらいことになってるねんナー?」

そやで・・・、昔とは全然違ってきて、個人の事は何も判らなくなってるねん。確認するシステムが個人情報保護を理由に、全てシャットアウトされつつあるねん」、 「ほなどないすんの・・。個人の事は何も言えんという事は、逆に云えば個人の事は何でもかんでも云いたいほうだいかいな・・・?」、 「そや、だから俺、最近腹たちまぎれ云うてんねん。東大卒や京大卒が一挙に倍増するデーって・・」、 「何でそないな事になってん?」、

そら、人権の有識者とか・・色々賢いお方が集まって、卓上の空論でやるから、こないな事になるんとちゃうか?。 今は、 戸籍も住民票も取れんしな・・。 成りすましなんて簡単に出来る世の中になってるねん。 匿名社会とか云われて、個人情報保護の行き過ぎを一時非難する声もあったが、何時の間にか、個人の事は答えないと云うのが定着しつつある。 事なかれ主義の典型だネ・・。 警察なんか退職者は勿論、現職でも居るかいないかさえ応えない・・・。 自分らが調べる時は、個人情報保護も人権もプライバシーもあったものではないが、自らの事になると徹底して隠す。 だから、” 元○○警察で刑事していた”などと大洞吹いても絶対OKやで・・・。 幾らたずねても居たとも居なかったとも応えないんだから・・・」、

「そんなアホな、住民票も戸籍も見れんわ、学歴も職歴も確認できんわ、 エ、それでどないすんねん。 名詞なんか何ぼでも作れるんやで・・、確認できんちゅうことは、何でも有りかいな。 結婚・離婚を何回繰り返していても、本人が初婚と云えばそれまでか・・」、


「えらいこっちゃなー、と云うことは何か、商取引でも何でも、相手の事を知ろうと思えば、相手に調べさせてもらうよってに、その為の承諾書をお願いします、って云うわけ。 そんなアホなことがあるかいな・・。 これから取引しようとか、付き合いしようとか、名詞だされて大きな話されても、相手の事を本当に知ろうと思うと、調べさせてもらいますよってに、調べてもらって結構です、 という意味の書面を書いて下さい、なんてお願いするんか・・?」

そういう事になるわナ・・」、 「そら一寸おかしいちゃうか・・、相手の確認もまともにできんで、それで騙されたらどないすんねん」、








くすための啓発運動を批判するような考えは毛頭ないし、自らも啓発活動には積極的に参加しているつもりである。 ただ、「人事調査」を否定するような考え方には、これからも、はぐれ狼の如く吠え続けて行こうと思う。

Posted on : 2008年10月23日

I have to update my blog… I go to my computer, but I’m worried about what I should write. Come to think of it, I wondered what I wrote about this time last year and the year before… and opened my old blog.

Don’t be surprised, but I’m amazed that you’re not shy about writing this much… However, there was one of my blogs that caught my eye. So it occurred to me… to bring this blog back to life.

This blog is five years old, but after reading it, I think it’s still totally true… It’s written in such a way that it’s sickeningly dull, but if you have the time, please read it with as much patience as possible. And I’d be very grateful if you could comment.

Today’s morning story. “You’re on the president’s phone…”, it was a call from a long-time friend (a friend who was a former work colleague, a former investigator).

How are you, Matsu-chan? It’s a good idea to be able to get a better idea of what you’re doing. It’s a bit of a work-related thing…but this guy graduated from a university in 1993 and has been working for the company for about 13 years, but it doesn’t seem right.

I’ll do that myself. I tried it on my own, but the school responded with the most plausible reason, saying that it was personal information, and when I visited the company, I couldn’t find out anything about it because it was personal information. Something different from the old days is happening, isn’t it?

That’s right…it’s totally different from the old days, and we don’t know anything about individuals anymore. All the systems to verify the information are being shut out for reasons of privacy protection. If you can’t say anything about a person, you might as well say anything about a person… “Yeah, that’s why I’ve been getting so angry lately. “Why is this happening?” “The number of graduates of Tokyo University and Kyoto University will double at once. and

That’s why it doesn’t happen because human rights experts and other smart people get together and do it on a tabletop argument, doesn’t it? Now, I can’t even get my family register or residency papers… It’s so easy to impersonate yourself in this world. In the past, there have been accusations of over-protection of personal information in the anonymous society, but before long, it has become an established fact that people don’t answer questions about individuals. It’s the epitome of opportunism… The police don’t even respond to retirees, let alone current employees, whether they’re there or not… When they investigate themselves, there is no protection of personal information, human rights, or privacy, but when it comes to their own affairs, they hide it thoroughly. So, it’s absolutely OK to say “I used to be a detective with the police” or something like that… No matter how many times you ask him, he doesn’t respond…

“That’s ridiculous, I can’t see your residence card or family register, or your educational or work history, so what’s the point? You can make as many nouns as you want. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve been married or divorced, if you say it’s your first marriage, that’s it…

So …, if you want to confirm a person’s identity, it seems that you have to get the person’s consent to do so … Moreover, if you don’t get it in writing, we can’t get the proof of your consent, which is necessary for confirmation,

What I mean is, if you want to know something about a person, whether it’s a business transaction or something like that, you have to ask them for a letter of authorization to do so. How could that be possible…? If you’re going to do business with me, or go out with me, or if you’re going to talk to me about something big, but I really want to get to know the other person, I’m going to ask you to write a letter saying that I’ll look into it, and that you’re welcome to look into it.

“That’s what happens…” “It’s a little crazy… You can’t even check the other person properly, so what if you get cheated?

“Of course, it’s dumber to be deceived.” “Even if it’s dumber to be deceived, we can’t look into it, which is ridiculous…

It’s a long 30 minutes of talk like this. Eventually I decided to do something about it, but he didn’t care about the investigation fee at all. The anachronism is also very serious…?

Who’s… and who’s… and who’s… and both of them. I’m about to be severely scolded by human rights experts.

However, no matter how much I study, I can’t understand the system or the way of thinking (the way of denying it) that makes it impossible to conduct such “surveys on people” on the grounds of personal information, human rights, or privacy. It’s not that I don’t agree with it, but I’m afraid of what will happen if we live in a world where people have the idea that they shouldn’t investigate people. Maybe civil litigation, such as fraud and breach of contract, will double, although the lawyers may be howling.

The pundits say they have not made any laws that say, “You can’t search people,” and they have not instructed us to do so. However, he says that hiring surveys are “no good” because they may lead to discrimination. They also say that marriage surveys are a “no-no” because they may lead to discrimination. It says that both the family register and the certificate of residence are “no good” because they may lead to discrimination depending on how they are used.

It’s true that depending on how you use it, there is a “threat of connection”. However, if we say “no” to things that may be connected, then most of the things in the world are “no good.

There have been many cases of killing or wounding with kitchen knives, razors, hammers, etc., but I have never heard of any administrative guidance prohibiting the manufacture or use of kitchen knives, razors, hammers, etc. However, when it comes to “discrimination,” anything that could lead to discrimination is considered “no good,” and not only human rights groups but also the government is providing thorough guidance. Discrimination between people is a profound and very sensitive issue, and I am well aware of that. However, this does not mean that discrimination will be eliminated by denying the “personnel investigation”.

I have no intention of criticizing awareness-raising campaigns for the purpose of protecting people’s health, and I intend to actively participate in such campaigns myself. However, I will continue to howl like a stray wolf at the idea of denying the “personnel investigation”.

Posted on : October 23, 2008













One of the things that stood out in the hiring survey recently was double work.

As long as the company allows double work, there is no problem, but there are few companies that allow double work for full-time employees (dual employment). Nonetheless, one of the most common cases we see in recruitment surveys these days is a case of someone holding down a job.

However, this is almost unknown to the company (my former job).

More often than not, girls work at night. Snacks and other water-based businesses dominate the market. This is a few hours a week, once or twice a week, and if the company is busy with work, it is OK to take a pass at night.

Also, in the case of a man, a case where he was originally self-employed, but it didn’t work out. I decided to quit my self-employment and got a job, but in reality, I often continue my self-employment in a small way.

However, while such cases have been seen from time to time in the past, the most recent feature is that they are doing online sales as a side business.

The person in question is not directly causing trouble for the company, he is working diligently, and seems to feel that there is something wrong with his sideline work, but there are few companies that allow sideline work for full-time employees, and it is clear that this is a violation of the employment regulations.
























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The 50th general meeting of the Kinki Ama-Go-Toba Association was held on October 5 (Sun).
The place is Taikooen in Miyakojima-ku, Osaka. A whopping 330 people attended the event. Even though it was the 50th Anniversary General Assembly, the number of participants was astonishing.

I am not from Ama town, but I was invited to attend because of the Okijin Association. Nevertheless, the ability to attract people, or the unity of the group, is astonishing.

Since the mayor of Yamauchi town also participated from the local area, he said, “It is great, this unity power. Where does this kind of power come from? When asked, “How serious are you about this?” he said, “It’s how serious everyone is.

I thought that was totally true.

Earlier, on September 29th, Prime Minister Abe gave a speech in the Diet, in which he introduced Ama Town. Ama, a cold village with only about 2,000 people, was introduced in the Prime Minister’s statement as a model case for local revitalization.

What’s in that speech?

There’s nothing that isn’t.
This word is the logo mark of Ama-cho, Shimane Prefecture, which is located on the Oki Sea. It doesn’t have the conveniences of the city. But the message is that everything important for the future of Amacho is here. We have achieved great success by taking advantage of what is “unique to this island.
Rather than imitating a large city, we will make the most of its individuality. We need to change our mindset. If each town had the spirit that “the real thing is only here”, the scenery would change completely.

It was a young man who came to the island and turned the island’s turban shellfish curry into a product that sells 20,000 meals a year. The ideas of young people have led to one hit product after another, and over 400 young people have come to the island, which has a population of about 2,400, as I-turns in 10 years.

If you do it, you can do it.

The structural challenges facing rural areas, such as a declining population and a super-aged population, are serious. However, young people have dreams and hopes for the future and want to be challenged in that place. I am convinced that such “young people” are the key to curbing the crisis.

We will promote town building, people building, and job creation that is attractive to young people. We will establish a “Headquarters for the Creation of Communities, People and Work” to compile and implement bold policies that are different in dimension from those of the past.

We create an environment where it is easy for young people to be challenged. Break the practice of “personal guarantee” bias, where once you fail, you lose everything. More than 20,000 loans have been disbursed without personal guarantees in the last six months by the Japan Finance Corporation (JFC) and Shoko Chukin Bank alone. In addition, the government will create a new framework to give priority to companies that have been in business for less than 10 years, and the government will work together to support the expansion of sales channels for those who challenge new businesses.

It is the people who live in rural areas, including mountainous areas and remote islands, who protect their traditional hometowns and support the beauty of Japan. We must not let such a hometown disappear. There is no longer any time to spare.

What this parliament needs to do is to make a strong start towards the creation of rural areas where young people can have dreams and hopes for the future. Let’s do it together, shall we?

The 50th Kinki Ama Shogo Toba Kai




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