





50名学級 3教室と職員室のみの小さな小学校ですが、カンボジアは午前・午後の2部制であるため、300名の生徒が雨露をしのぎ学ぶことが出来る。机や椅子は現地の住人が僅かなお金を出し合い、自ら作ったもの。




Mr. Takayama, the representative of IMCCD, sent us a photo of the Matsutani School (Cambodia) which was completed in June last year.

It is a small elementary school with only three classrooms and a staff room for 50 students, but because Cambodia has a two-part system, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, 300 students are able to brave the rain and dew to learn. The desks and chairs were made by the local residents with a small amount of money.

Maybe this school will be home to a future prime minister…












Happy New Year to you all!

Our company is out for the first time on the 5th. After the start-up ceremony in the company, I drove out to say hello as usual, but like last year, there was no traffic jam this year and it went pretty smoothly. When I think about the bubble period, it’s mind-blowing.

It may be that the traffic congestion has been gradually relieved by the improvement of roads, but it may also be due to the influence of the economy…

I heard that the third arrow of Abenomics has already been released, but apparently it hasn’t reached the Kansai region yet. Maybe they were shot down in Yokohama….

If this is the case, I would like to get involved from Kansai, but Hashimoto seems to be struggling to get his inner circle together and his backing is weak.

Therefore, he decided not to rely on those around him, but to open up his own business on his own.

This year, we are determined to make a great leap forward in our work with great ambition, based on the results of our 35 years in business and the trust we have steadily cultivated, so we would like to ask for your guidance and encouragement.





ということは、今年一年、大したことをして来なかったという証しかも。 それでも何か有るだろう・・・。そこで、小生の一年を振りかえってみた。






6月、公私ともに超多忙、厚生労働省が関係する冊子「採用と人権」が頭から離れない・・あまりにも酷い、「今日一日、怒らず 恐れず 悲しまず」を身上とする小生であるが、これが怒らずにおられるか・・・でも誰も業界人は動かない・・、それにまた怒り心頭。 ただ、全くの私事であるが六月六日待望の孫誕生、母子ともに元気、よって公私ともに超多忙。

7月、少し熱かった、業績はまずまず、回復基調か・・・。隠岐でお客を迎えたが、これが中々大変。その後、「あなたの隣の名探偵 七人のサムライ」が出版される。





12月、とにかく早い、後一週間で御用納め・・・トホホ。ところが今日は小生の誕生日。還暦を迎えはや7年、正直信じられない速さで、オントシ53歳(マッチャン年齢)。で、このブログを書いている最中に、当ビルの2F住人の才女が、突然闖入してきた。満面の笑みを浮かべ ?会長おめでとう” 。 何事かと思いきや、手には、特大の誕生日ケーキ!!。 ありがとう、とにかくありがとう、これで、爽やかな正月が迎えられそう・・・。





It’s like the light and the arrow, so real that it’s disgusting.

That may be a proof that I haven’t done much in the past year. Still, it’s something… So, I looked back on my year in Japan.

In January, it’s like a New Year’s greeting. Personally, I am determined to build a primary school in Cambodia and make a transfer.

February, I think I ran away, I can’t remember a thing.

I’m not sure if I’ve done the right thing after a full year of accounting and changing presidents in March.

April, the start of a new school year, the hesitation of March slowly blowing over.

In May, I gradually became accustomed to the chairman’s position, and I think I have a little more time to play golf.

In June, I was extremely busy both in public and private life. I can’t stop thinking about the booklet “Employment and Human Rights” related to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. However, it’s completely personal, but on June 6th, my long-awaited grandchild was born, and both mother and child are doing well, so I’m very busy with my work.

It was a little hot in July, the performance was decent, the recovery is on track… We welcomed a guest in Oki, but it was very difficult. This was followed by the publication of The Great Detective Next to You, Seven Samurai.

In August, I didn’t take a lot of Obon holidays and went to work diligently.

In September, the change of the president was a success and realization. The company came to be bright and vibrant… The old soldier just leaves…

In October, my grandson is shy and shy of people. When I see the smile on my grandson’s face, all the company stuff disappears. The company will still be able to manage… The president change was a huge success! Yeah, yeah.

In November, for some reason, the number of special investigations increases. Has the world become a little more structured? I will return to Oki for a week in the middle of March. We were only able to go out to the sea for one day, but we caught 10 white-tailed fish weighing 4 kilograms and were in a good mood.

Anyway, it’s early in December, I have only one week to finish my work….. Today, however, is my birthday. It’s been seven years since I turned 60, and to be honest, I can’t believe how fast I turned 53 years old (Machan age). As I’m writing this blog, a talented woman, who lives on the second floor of the building, suddenly barged in. With a big smile on his face ? Congratulations, Chairman.” I was wondering what was going on, but in my hand was an oversized birthday cake! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, now I can have a refreshing New Year’s Day….





トップテンは、「ありのままで」「カープ女子」「壁ドン」「危険ドラッグ」「ごきげんよう」「マタハラ」「妖怪ウオッチ」「レジェンド」 とあった。








This year’s buzzwords of the year are “No, no, no” and “the right to collective self-defense.

The top ten were “As it is”, “Carp Girls”, “Wall-Don”, “Dangerous Drugs”, “Gokigendaiyo”, “Matahara”, “Yokai Watch” and “Legend”.

The word of the year award is the most popular word or word used this year among the people. However, the words that seem to be the first time for me, who is completely out of fashion, are lined up in a row. I’m sure I’ve been watching TV news and newspapers, but I can’t help but be surprised by myself…

To be honest, I only knew about “the right to collective self-defense,” “dangerous drugs,” “good day,” and “mata harassment,” and the grand prize winner, “No!

However, I wonder if young people my age are more or less the same.

Most of the popular songs can be sung, but young people’s songs these days are 100% bad. I don’t even know where it’s popular….

Because of this, the young people of today,” he says with great pride, “don’t you know anything about them?

That’s what I thought when I saw this year’s Buzzword Award.

This is what it means to be obsolete… As a matter of fact, if you look at the buzzwords of last year and the year before, you can understand and use them quite well. It’s completely out of fashion….

























It’s at the stage of being suspected, but I shudder to think that it’s true.

Yes, the case of Chisako Kakehi, a suspect, seems to be the top topic of conversation at the well end of the day. According to media reports, he used a marriage agency to lure a man with a small fortune to marry again and again, amassing an inheritance of hundreds of millions. Moreover, at least seven of the men have passed away, all of them within a few months of marriage, due to illness or accident.

If this is the case, then the men of the world…

Some men might say that they would love to be killed by the woman they love, but most men are so gynophobic that they can’t sleep with their pillows high.

In recent years, the number of marriages after reaching the age of 60 seems to be increasing due to the anxiety and loneliness of old age. However, I suspect that more and more people will be on the fence in the future.

That’s the way it should be. It’s fine to like a person, but the reality is that it’s become ridiculously difficult in today’s society to know what kind of person he or she is.

Let’s say you met Chisako Kakehi two or three times and you felt that you liked her, and you wanted to marry her. However, in today’s Japan, it is not an easy task.

If you are introduced to a marriage agency, they will at least check your family register, but if you have repeatedly transferred your family register two or three times, you will only know your birth information and your past marriage history will not be visible. Be that as it may, it is difficult to even verify mere personal identifying information such as address, name, and age.

If you can’t get a certificate of residence to prove your address, you can’t see your family register to prove who you are. Where I came from, how many universities I graduated from, and since then I’ve been working for a certain company, and I’ve been in an odd position. Even if the person tells us that he has a deposit of tens of millions of yen, everything we can do to verify it has become nearly impossible under the distorted operation of the Personal Information Protection Law, the Family Registration Law, and the Basic Resident Registration Law.

There is no way for a third party to verify this in the usual way that universities and companies do. All of them do not respond to privacy reasons. The same goes for government offices.

Therefore, some people may say that the man killed by Chisako Kakehi stretched out under his nose, or that he was thoughtlessly murdered.

The Chisako Kakehi case could be seen from an unbiased perspective as a result of today’s society that prioritizes the protection of personal information under the banner of human rights. Shouting for human rights and crying out for the protection of personal information has led to the violation of the greatest human right of all: human life.

The public can’t find out anything about Chisako Kakehi’s past marriage and accident history. The government will never issue a residence card or a family register to a third party as long as they put out the letter “Ke” for marriage. What is the purpose of a residence certificate, family register, etc… It is a necessity for the collection of taxes and a necessity for the state to manage and protect its people. And civil servants can easily be checked if they are on the job. On the other hand, a citizen cannot know his partner objectively, even if he is in a relationship on the premise of marriage. The only way to find out is to ask the person in question, but there is no way for the public to know if what they have heard is true or not. The reasons are: protection of human rights, protection of personal information, and protection of privacy.

No one likes the idea of having someone else find out about them without their knowledge. Therefore, I agree with you that the government should systematically protect human rights, personal information and privacy. However, even if you want to know the other person out of necessity, you can’t know anything publicly. Address, name, date of birth, parent-child relationship, marital status, marital status, divorce history, educational status, and work history are all shut out and the only way to find out is to ask him. However, it is no longer normal to check whether what you hear is true or not.

Is this really such a system to protect human rights…?

If you don’t have a system open that you can look into if you have a good reason, you’re in for a hell of a lot of trouble.

Did you know that there has been a huge increase in the number of Tokyo University graduates and Kyoto University graduates lately?

Chisako Kakehi’s case happened to come out, but even if it was not this bad, there are many similar cases.

As far as I know, there is a woman who got married through the introduction of a marriage agency and in less than two years, took in nearly 300 million yen in assets (cash and real estate), bullied her husband, and divorced him.

There is no morning, no night. Yes, let’s believe it and keep shouting…..




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