








 食は、超豊か。米や麺類など炭水化物系は買うにしても、副食系は大半が自給自足。多くの家が庭の一部か、自宅近くの畑で、それなりの野菜作りをしており、お互いに貰ったりやったりの物々交換で、大半の家庭が買うことは稀・・・。全く栽培していない人でも、結構皆が持って来てくれる様である。また、魚は超豊富で、朝数時間の漁に出れば、何軒にも配れる漁があり、これも、やったり貰ったりで結構贅沢なものである。 歳を取れば、野菜と魚があれば十分で、肉系にはこだわりが無い。だから、食に余りお金が掛からない。サザエ、アワビ、岩牡蠣、ワカメやアラメは、海に入れる健康があれば結構手に入る。











Country life. Well, from April this year, I’ve been going back to my hometown, Oki Island, as much as possible in the middle of the month, and enjoying the life of Nagi-Furi-Fu-Reading, as I call it, Harukou-Reading.

I’ve been living like that for less than half a year now, but there are some things I’ve felt while living in the country. That is to say, the “richness of the countryside”.

The foundation of life is food, clothing and shelter. Each and every one of them is abundant.

For men, work clothes are enough, and one dress for weddings and funerals and one or two jackets for travel are all that is needed.

The food is super rich. Even though we buy carbohydrates like rice and noodles, most of the side dishes are self-sufficient. Many families grow their own vegetables, either as part of their gardens or in the fields near their homes, and they barter with each other, rarely buying… Even if you don’t grow it at all, many people seem to bring it to me. In addition, fish are super abundant, and if you go out to fish for a few hours in the morning, there is a fishery that can be distributed to several houses, and this is also quite a luxurious thing to catch or receive. When I get older, vegetables and fish are enough, and I’m not particular about meat-based foods. So, I don’t spend too much money on food. You can get turban shells, abalone, rock oysters, wakame seaweed and arame if you have the health to put them in the sea.

The house has a lot of land from generation to generation, and it is a spacious house of about 2.5 square meters, with a well-kept garden, and if you peek inside the house, you will find two or three refrigerators and dishes for dozens of people lined up in a row, overflowing with things. Such an outwardly relaxed way of living can be observed.

Therefore, if you have a decent income, you don’t have to work so much as an axe. Many people seem to have a strong sense of peace and stability, and just want to be healthy and get on with their day.

I don’t have much money to spend. A friend of mine says, “I have 5,000 yen in my pocket and it never goes down…sometimes it stays there for a whole month. This may be true because he does not smoke or drink, but it is also true that he has no place to use it even if he wants to.

That’s why people don’t work so hard. And yet, there is no shortage of life, and outwardly they are several times more affluent than city dwellers.

That’s just from the side. When I tell this story to my friends in the countryside, they reply, “That’s right”.

To tell the truth, I’m not really a businessman at heart, but as I’ve been running my own business for many years, I can’t help but turn my attention to business. Therefore, it is the country life of returning home sometimes, but when I look at the situation where we are living with the feeling that it is good to be able to eat it and not be able to connect it to the business while facing the rich resource called the sea, it is a shame, why don’t we do this? I feel that it’s not enough. However, even if you talk about it, there is no one who wants to do anything about it, even if they are not adventurous, even if they don’t want to, even if they don’t want to…

Apparently, there seems to be an abundance of untroubled wealth behind that thought. Really, it would be nice if it was.

By comparison, life in the city is tough for everyone. They leave their children at daycare or kindergarten, work together as a couple, early in the morning and late in the evening, and their salary is miniscule due to social insurance, taxes, and loan repayments. However, when it comes to Saturdays and Sundays, money flies out, the temptation of food, clothing, and shelter is tens of times the temptation of the countryside, and everything is money, money, money.

It makes me think a lot…..










 「成せばなる 成さねばならぬ 何事も」、そう・・何でもそうなのだ。成さなければ、何事も絶対にならい。成しさえすれば何とかなるのだ。これは真理ですぞ・・・・。





The reunion of the Okijimae High School was held this Sunday, the 21st, at Xu Yuan, a Chinese restaurant in Higobashi.

The name of the alumni association is the “family governing board” (Atodokai). I don’t know the origin of the name, but I think it comes from the place where the school is located at the foot of Atodosan.

Some people may say that there are mountains in Oki too, but roughly speaking, Oki is only sea and mountains. Especially in Shimamae area where my alma mater is located, there is a sea and a mountain, and people live in the coastal edge of the mountain. There are not many places with 100 houses, and it is a quiet area dotted with about 50 villages.

As is usually the case in the countryside, they all came here from about an hour and a half before the start of the meeting. I’ve gotten used to it a little recently, but I used to think it was normal for me to only go back and forth for a minute at a time for anything that could be called a meeting, but it was only when I became a caretaker that I learned about it. And it made me realize how much the participants were looking forward to attending.

At the beginning of the opening of the meeting, the principal of Shimamae High School talked about the current state of the school, and he said that the number of teachers had been increased by nine at once this year. Of course, the number of students has increased, but it is impossible for a school in the country to have nine more teachers at once. I think the prefectural board of education also made a good decision, and this is the result of the unity of the three local towns and villages in Shimamae, and their enthusiastic appeal. Furthermore, although it is a prefectural high school, it accepts many students from outside of the prefecture, and in addition to the dormitory, it has set up an island parent system to act as a parent for students who have left their parents’ homes, inviting them to have meals with them on Saturdays and Sundays and visiting their classes.

Our alma mater, Okijimae High School in Shimane Prefecture, which was on the verge of being closed, is now attracting national attention. The academic ability seems to be improving rapidly, and I hear that many students have entered national and public universities as well as famous city universities.

“If you do, you will become, you must become.” That’s right…it’s just like anything. If you don’t do it, nothing will ever happen. It’s just a matter of getting it done. This is the truth…..

Because I heard such a happy story at the beginning, my head was heated up. When the first party was coming to an end, the atmosphere of the second party seemed to go on without anyone saying anything. At three o’clock in the middle of the day when the summer sun was shining brightly, I had no choice but to call the mother of the tavern. I was asked to open the restaurant in a hurry, and I lost track of time with 12 of my classmates singing and talking endlessly.

The next day, I played “Nara no Mori Golf Club” with a dazed head. A series of OBs in the first hole…………………. But I was in my 80s in total.

It had been a long time since the age of 65 returned to high school, and it was a pleasant two days.
















Taking advantage of Abenomics, our new president has announced a proactive business plan and a policy of “three arrows for business expansion”.

The three arrows are: “Revitalization of sales”, “Strict and friendly internal discipline”, and “Reduction of expenses and increase in the share of labor”.

In accordance with this policy, new employees were hired as soon as possible. For this reason, I went to report the “Acquisition of Employment Insurance Coverage” earlier.

Hello Work in Umeda is located on the 16th floor (top floor) of the second building in front of the station.

It is a little hard to understand why the government office of the industry with many customers such as Hello Work is on the top floor of the building. The rent on the top floor of a building is generally high, and the industry with many people coming and going is very uneconomic, even considering the use of a single elevator. Especially at this time of the year when we have to conserve energy… However, if there wasn’t a suitable location, that’s fine too (it was previously in an inconvenient location with a bad traffic valve).

With this in mind, I got off the elevator on the 16th floor and headed for Hello Work.

However, there is no “notification of qualification for employment insurance”. There are information on “recruitment”, “benefit”, “opening a business”, “consultation” and so on, but there is no information on “qualification acquisition” or “loss of qualification”. I looked around, and there was a corner with four or five reception counters that took up the most space. If you look at the information sign, it says “Get and Mourning Section”. It took me five minutes to pick up the number tag in front of it and wait. My number was called (I didn’t complain about being called by a number at all…). ‘Are you sure your qualifications are good here…’ and ‘Yes, go ahead…’ The procedure was a handy one, and it was handled in less than five minutes. Thank you very much… By the way, does this read “toksou clerk”?” “That’s right”, “Assou… I don’t know what that means… I didn’t understand”, “I know it’s hard to understand, but when I joined the company, they told me what a toksou clerk was… and I just did my job”. Assoo, but it’s a little confusing, isn’t it?” he said lightly and left Hello Work.

Perhaps I am too ignorant of the language, but I wonder how many people can immediately recognize what they are in charge of when they see the sign for “Gain and Mourning Section”…?

If this were a private service industry, at least the name of such an attendant would have been lost decades ago. There must be hundreds of thousands of people working in the government offices, but no one is questioning it…?

Speaking of which, I once had a discussion with a government official of Osaka Prefecture, at which I was surprised and impressed. It takes a lot of effort and patience to try to change even a single word of the documents that the government regularly publishes every year.

Therefore, I’m sure that there are information signs called “Get and Mourning Section” at all Hello Workers throughout the country, but changing this from the inside would require a great deal of effort, patience and time.













 で、感心しながらホームに向かうと、何と妖怪だらけ・・・これでは正確な時間等云える訳が無 い。ホームと汽車を見て、駅員の応えに大いに納得が行った。




























宴たけなわ、 座は乱れに乱れ・・・





I’ve been so busy that I haven’t updated my blog…

One of my precious blog lovers asked me coldly, “Maman, I haven’t been updating my blog lately…”, and I deflected with an inexcusable excuse, “Yes, I’m sorry… I haven’t been able to take the time…”. It’s always been on my mind, but for some reason I just can’t seem to find the time…

I have been planning to spend about 10 days in the middle of the month since April this year in my hometown, Oki-no-jima, and I have executed my plan in April, May and June.

When I returned home in April, I brought back the car that was on the verge of abolition to Oki, and a pleasure boat for a fishing boat was made in May, and it was ready. However, maneuvering the boat was not as easy as I thought it would be, and if a cold blows, there are quite a few waves in the inland waters, so we had a hard time. It’s very difficult to wrap the rope around the screw, and it doesn’t land on the wharf well. Therefore, I think that I can enjoy the next homecoming quite well, although there is still anxiety to go out to the fishing alone, if it comes in July, there seems to be no such temporal thing.

In the countryside, I’ve managed to get away with my carefree life like this, but when I return to Osaka, I’m busy with work and various plans. There is a big gap between the relaxed mood in the countryside and the sluggishness of Osaka, and to be honest, I don’t think I’m that busy, but I feel like I’m in a hurry, and I haven’t gotten around to blogging yet.

I’ve got the board meeting and the general meeting of the Kansai Research Association from 3:00 p.m. today, and I haven’t been able to get ready for it, but I’ve decided to write a blog about it… I’m not idle at all, please understand.

We returned to Oki by express bus and ferry, but we took the bus at 9:30 am and arrived at Beppu port at 5:05 pm. However, both buses and ferries are carefree and left to others. As long as you’re cockeyed while reading a book, it’s easy because it takes you back to your hometown.

On the way, I got off the express bus at Yonago and went to Sakaiminato by JR Sakai Line.

I asked the station clerk in Yonago, “Excuse me…how long does it take to get to Sakaiminato?” He said, “40 to 45 minutes. Ew, I can’t keep my open mouth shut. Japan’s JR, the world’s leading railway company, is asked how long it will take to get there. . Mmm, mmm, great. As expected, it is the border line of Yonago Station.

So, I headed for the platform with admiration…there were so many yokai…there was no way I could say the exact time. I looked at the platform and the train and was greatly convinced by the station staff’s response.




 今週の日曜日(26日)は、我が故郷、近畿国賀会(近畿に住む西ノ島町出身者の親睦会)の第48回総会が北京料理徐園で大々的に開催された。何時もの事ながら郷里、西ノ島町からは町長、町会議長ほか多数の方が駆けつけてくれ、歌に踊りに三味太鼓と逸れはそれは賑やかな宴であった。隠岐民謡は勿論であるが、今年は京都を地盤に活躍中の隠岐大 好き演歌歌手「大林幸二」氏を招いて、花を添えていただいた。大林氏は私の大好きな、坂本龍馬や中岡慎太郎を朗々と歌い、最後は俵星げんばで締めくくってくれた。流石はプロ歌手、凄い歌唱力でしばし聞きほれてしまった。

 そっそくDVDを買い求めたのは勿論のこと。これで練習に励み、持ち歌にしようかと・・・・。  それだけは止めてくれ・・・と、伏して頼まれそうな気もするが!。



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ついでに、我が家の庭園公開。  庭に所狭しと咲き誇る「どくだみの花」

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This Sunday (26th), the 48th general meeting of my hometown, Kinki Kokaga Kai (a fellowship of people from Nishinoshima town in Kinki) was held at Beijing Cuisine Xuoyuan. As always, many people from my hometown, Nishinoshima town, including the mayor and the chairman of the town council, came to the party, and it was a lively party with singing, dancing, and mami drumming. In addition to Oki folk songs, this year we invited Mr. Koji Obayashi, an enka singer who loves Oki and is active in Kyoto, to add flowers. Mr. Obayashi sang my favorite songs, Ryoma Sakamoto and Shintaro Nakaoka, and closed with the Tawarabei Genba. As expected, I listened for a while with a professional singer and great singing ability.

Of course, I bought the DVD right away. Now I’m going to practice hard and make it my own song….  Don’t do that…I have a feeling he’s going to ask me to keep my head down!

This year, too, the cactus that I had grown with great effort and a thorough leave no stone unturned policy was in full bloom. Look at that…

Yesterday evening, around 5:00 PM.

Yesterday at about 8pm.

Flowering at 10:00 am. But one day’s life…

As a side note, it was captured in a digital camera…. Kotaro, after a year’s absence from the hairdresser…

I love my futon.

And I love the seat cushion…

Also, my garden is open to the public.  The “camellia flower” blooms in the garden

Well, what is this… the answer is “shungikku no hana”. We tried to grow winter vegetables in our garden this year, such as chrysanthemum, spinach, and radish, with great effort, but the result was this. It was hardly edible, so I let nature take care of it, and it started to bloom lovely flowers. Therefore, it is impossible to pull out, and now a radish and a garland chrysanthemum dominate all of the field, and this state. Actually, it’s early time to plant summer vegetables, but in this situation, it’s too bad to pull them out…. Therefore, I’m going to leave it in this situation for a while and make it a fallow field this year… Please understand that I’m not lazy at all…

daikon flower

A stunning contrast between the dogwood and the satsuki. When we think of being kind to the natural environment, we end up with this…




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