





先般、久し振りに妻と2人で京都に出かけた。香里園駅から準急に乗り、枚方で特急に乗り換えた。そこそこ混んでおり空席は無く、吊革に手を掛け立っていると、前に座っていた若い娘さんが、スッと立ち上がり 「どうぞ・・」 と声をかけてくれた。一瞬誰に、と思ったが、僕以外には考えられない。エッなんで・・・、ビックリと戸惑いで、どう対処していいのか・・・、「エッ良いです」と声がでてしまった、でも、それも悪いと思って、すぐに隣に立っていた女房に「あんた、座らせて貰え」と声を掛け、有難う・・と声を掛けながら妻に座ってもらった。





人には沿ってみよ、馬には乗ってみよ、 特に最近の若い子は外見だけで判断するのは大きな間違いかも・・・・。


I’m super surprised! The incident on the Keihan train to Kyoto.

The other day, my wife and I went to Kyoto for the first time in a while. I took a semi-express from Korinoen station and changed to a limited express at Hirakata. It was so crowded that there was no empty seat, and when I was standing with my hand on the strap, a young girl sitting in front of me stood up quickly and said, “Please come in…”. For a moment I thought, “To whom?” but I couldn’t think of anyone but me. Why …, I was so surprised and puzzled, I didn’t know how to deal with it …, I said, “Ehh, that’s fine,” but I felt bad about it too, so I called out to my wife who was standing next to me, “You, let me sit down,” and asked her to sit down while saying, “Thank you.

In fact, the daughter who gave up her seat to me was surprisingly young, about 15 or 6 years old, and she seemed to be flying from the look of it. She has reddish brown hair, strong false eyelashes, and super flashy make-up in the current style. She was a girl whose looks made me want to frown a little.

That’s when I thought. People shouldn’t be judged by their appearance after all…

She gave up her seat to me, but she was actually with two young boys her own age. She gave up her seat and stood in front of him, talking in some sort of amused way, but after a while, this time her boyfriend stood and sat her down.

It was just that, but it was a mild shock and a slightly rich feeling.

It may be a big mistake to judge a young girl by her appearance alone, especially nowadays…..

I remember writing about it on this blog before, but it was on a crowded commuter train in the morning. A young man in a neat suit sat down with his legs open in the middle of the empty seat for two and immediately started to read a book. I thought to myself, “What a guy…” and looked in to see what kind of book he was reading, but it was a book on moral teaching.




先週末26日(土)、京都の南座で開演中の「アマテラス」(坂東玉三郎演出の玉三郎と太鼓芸能集団 鼓童の共演)の観劇を女房と2人で楽しんだ。






Last weekend, Saturday the 26th, my wife and I enjoyed watching “Amaterasu” (Tamasaburo Bando directed by Tamasaburo Bando and Kodo, a drumming and performing arts group) at the Minami-za in Kyoto.

As soon as the performance began, I was mesmerized by Tamasaburo’s bewitching dance and Kodo’s bachi moves, and I was able to spend a moment forgetting the mundane.

After an intermission, for about 2 hours and 30 minutes, the brave drumming of the Kodo and Tamasaburo’s feast of beauty, based on the theme of the High Heavenly Plain of Japanese mythology, were so inspiring that even a rugged man like me could be drawn in.

Eighty percent of the customers are women. Perhaps because of this, the curtain call did not stop ringing and it was a standing ovation at the end. It ended up being 10 curtain calls, and at the end I felt a little tired.

The curtain call is limited to 4 or 5 times, but 10 times…





「松ちゃん、最近ブログ更新していないね? どうしたん・・・」等と知人から電話をもらう。


10月半ばは「隠岐で釣り三昧」、のつもりで帰ったが、台風襲来で船を出せたのは2日だけ。それでも、2.5キロの大鯛を釣りあげ、超ご機嫌!!、早速それを友達に自慢すると、「2.5キロが大鯛だだか?。 こっちで自慢できる大鯛は最低5キロ以上・・・2.5キロなど他人に云うなよ・・・」と、ご親切に忠告されるしまつ。それでも、小生にとっては大変な出来事・・・、これが黙っておられるか・・・と皆に言いふらす日々!



こんな言い訳を書くと、今の若者にはたぶん大笑いされると思う。だって、ブログなど、電車の中でもバスの中でも書けるのに、何でわざわざ時間をとるの?、と思われるから。 言われることは良くわかるが、それができないのが介護保険料を請求されるようになった第二青春真っ最中の団塊世代なのだ。














I’m fine…..

”Matsu-chan, you haven’t updated your blog lately, have you? I get a phone call from an acquaintance saying, “What’s wrong with you?

I never did. It’s just that I haven’t been able to take some time to relax and update my blog. I’m sorry…

In the middle of October, I went back to Oki with the intention of “spending a lot of time fishing in Oki”, but I could only take out a boat for two days due to a typhoon. Even so, he’s in a great mood after catching a 2.5kg bream! As soon as I boasted about it to my friend, he said, “2.5 kilograms is a big sea bream? Don’t tell other people that the big snapper you can boast about here is at least 5 kg… 2.5 kg…” he kindly advised me. Still, it’s a very difficult event for me…..

In the initial plan of this year, I was going to spend the middle of the month from April to October in Oki, and after November, I concentrated on work because the sea would be faded, but my friend said, “November is the most interesting for fishing………………………………………………………………………………..

As soon as I came back to Osaka, I was busy with work, Tenpukai, Rotary, and a business trip to Tokyo, so I couldn’t take time for myself.

I’m sure today’s young people would probably laugh out loud if I wrote this excuse. I mean, why bother taking the time to write a blog when you can do it on the train or on the bus? Because it seems to be. I understand what you’re saying, but it’s the baby boomers in the midst of their second adolescence who can’t do it, because they’re being charged for long-term care insurance.

At dawn, we set sail for the fishing grounds…

2.5 kg of big sea bream, high quality fish called red snapper, and other sea bream such as brindle.

I got a turban shell that came up at night in front of my house with a tamo. At night, the turban shells come up to the top of the wharf.

By the way, I went on a business trip to Tokyo yesterday and the day before yesterday. The main event was an education and training session hosted by the National Association of Surveyors. As vice president, I couldn’t afford to be absent, so I attended the meeting. However, there was some talk of cooling off from the lawyer’s teacher at the table.

The cooling-off system, which was created about two years ago from the viewpoint of consumer protection, has been greatly revised, and not only door-to-door sales business but also many other industries are now subject to the cooling-off system, and all contracts made outside the company’s office (such as coffee shops and hotels) are subject to the cooling-off system. Most of the contracts in the detective business are made after receiving a phone call from the client, and for the client’s convenience, consulting outside of the office, and concluding the investigation contract, but in this case, all contracts are subject to cooling-off regardless of the reason. If this is the case, the only way to start the investigation is after the eight-day period in question has passed, but in reality, that is not enough time. The client wants it to be implemented today and immediately tomorrow. Otherwise, there is no point in doing so…or missing a great opportunity…and so on. Even if I had received money, I would have had to pay back everything and the money if the client had asked for a cooling-off within 8 days. Even after the client has received a satisfactory investigation report, the client is still subject to a cooling-off period for the investigation contracted outside the office, so the cooling-off period can be applied within 8 days and all investigation companies will be exempted. How can you be so unreasonable? I think so, but I can’t do anything about it because it’s the law. As long as it is an industry subject to cooling-off, there seems to be nothing we can do about it… You have to deal with it carefully.




今週は、火・水曜と東京に出張していた。で、昨日は大変、朝9時過ぎビルの11階に居て、メールを打っていたら、ぐらぐら、グラグラ。 東北地震以前だと、少々グラグラっと来ても、 地震か? くらいの感覚であったが、以後は感じ方が可也違う。一瞬グッと構え、自信の大きさに全神経を注ぐと云った感じである。 幸い、震度3・4程度でおさまったが、どうも災害に対する、潜在意識が最近大分変わって来ている様に思う。



すると、彼ら3人、ホッとした感じで、直ぐにまた打合せを再開したが、その時感じた・・・。やっぱり皆が相当敏感になっているな・・・と。だって、反応が全然違うんだもの。 しかも、地震と云えば、直ぐに大地震を想定してしまうみたいだネ。

尚、昨日は、夕方、大阪に帰ろうと東京駅に着き、新幹線の切符を購入、改札を入ると、構内の雰囲気が何時もと全然違う。改札付近で座り込んでいる人が一杯。アレッと思って掲示板に目を遣ると、4時半になっているのに3時の新幹線が未だ発車していない。 集中豪雨の影響で立ち往生らしい・・・。




This week, I was on a business trip to Tokyo on Tuesday and Wednesday. I was on the 11th floor of the building after 9:00 a.m. when I was typing an email, and it was wobbly and wobbly. Before the Tohoku earthquake, it was a little wobbly, but it was an earthquake? But after that, the feeling was quite different. It’s as if he’s taking a moment to prepare himself and pouring all his nerves into his confidence. Fortunately, the seismic intensity 3 or 4 calmed down, but it seems that my subconscious mind about disaster has changed a lot recently.

In fact, at 11 a.m. today, Osaka Prefecture sent out an emergency email to 5.13 million people as a “8.8 million person drill” to conduct a disaster drill.

My smart phone also has a 11:00 sharp. An emergency email came in. At that moment, there were three young men immediately nearby. When I said “Ah, the earthquake…it’s off the coast of Wakayama…” as I was looking at my email, the young man looked like he didn’t know about today’s disaster drill. What would you do if you saw that and let it through as it really is? I thought for a moment, but I felt a bit sorry for him, and immediately corrected it to “Training, Kunren”.

Then, the three of them felt relieved and resumed the meeting immediately, but then I felt… I think everyone has become quite sensitive after all… Because the response is completely different. Moreover, when we think of an earthquake, it seems that we immediately think of a major earthquake.

In addition, yesterday, I arrived at Tokyo station to go back to Osaka in the evening, bought a Shinkansen ticket, and entered the ticket gates. There are a lot of people sitting near the ticket gate. When I looked at the bulletin board, it was 4:30 a.m. and the 3 o’clock Shinkansen had not yet departed. It seems to be stranded by the influence of the torrential rain.

I returned to work immediately without any hesitation. We got to know our employees early on and ended up going home late at night.

By the way, earthquakes, tornadoes, torrential rains.
















Since our company was founded in 1979, we have been consistently doing business for 34 years, mainly in the field of recruitment research. However, the industry has been going downhill for the last 40 years, and it would be embarrassing to say it by myself, but I am sure that they have been able to make it in such a depressed industry.

Even at the time, the number of companies that were considered to be the largest in the field of human resources research has fallen to less than 10% of its peak level, and the largest company, Teikoku Koshinjo (now Teikoku Databank), has withdrawn from human resources research altogether.

The reason, the cause.

It is a fact that prior to 1975, public information agencies were involved in investigations into Buraku discrimination, and some companies even commissioned such investigations. As a result, when the case of the Chief Inspector General of Land Names was uncovered in 1975, the label “personnel investigations lead to discrimination” was put on the label, and campaign groups and administrative agencies joined together to launch a nationwide campaign to decline background checks.

It’s a fact that the industry has the idea that anything is possible as long as the request is made, and while being ridiculed as a corporate dog, they have responded to the request with a sense of guilt.

Since 1975, however, the industry has been reflecting on its own efforts to create a discrimination-free society by actively participating in the campaign for the elimination of discrimination.

As a result, as far as I know, there are now no companies that commission tribal discrimination surveys, or even 100% of the survey companies that do them.

What is the purpose of HR and recruitment surveys? In a nutshell, I believe that this is a consistent part of “knowing the truth” and “risk management,” and that it is an indispensable job for as long as human life continues.

The police move to find out the facts of the case after it has happened, and the lawyers move after something has happened. However, the majority of cases are investigated beforehand so that a detective agency and a public information office may not cause a problem as a “stick in front of the other side”. A hiring survey is the best way to find out whether an applicant’s resume is correct or not, whether his or her work history is untrue, and whether there is anything about the job that cannot be found through paper tests or interviews.

In the U.S. and other countries, whether or not a company thoroughly examines its employees before hiring them has a significant impact on a court case. However, no matter how hard the industry tries to improve the situation, the Japanese government does not give any evaluation, and as if it had been 10 years and a day, it has been giving administrative guidance to companies on the grounds that “personnel surveys may lead to discrimination.

The government requires a great deal of effort to change one part of a sentence written by a senior author. Therefore, it is easy to imagine that changing the administrative guidance will require unimaginable patience and effort. However, this is not an internal problem, but a serious problem not only for our industry, but also for companies and the public, and I hope that you will reconsider this issue.




  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
