










February 3rd, Setsubun. It’s called “Risshun” on the calendar, but like the Japanese economy, I don’t really feel it at all. It’s still cold, so watch out for that.

By the way, speaking of “Setsubun,” we have bean-throwing. Speaking of mamemaki (scattering of beans), it is Narita-san. Our house is located just west of the Narita-san Myoo-in Temple. Therefore, the
Of course, we have to go to Narita-san on Setsubun, but it is not possible if Setsubun doesn’t fall on a holiday due to the sadness of the workers.
This year, however, it was Setsubun, and I was 61 years old. My wife and I immediately headed for Narita-san. There will be three bean-throwing events, with the first one scheduled to start at 10:30 in the morning.
I went by 10:00 a.m. The precincts were already overcrowded with thousands of people.

The bean-throwing ceremony at Mt. Narita Myoo-in is known for having the actors of NHK’s morning drama series in attendance every year.
In addition, comedian entertainers, old men from the political and business world, and geiko-san from Kyoto are all in attendance. An old man in a hakama with a crest
The sight of the 2-year-old girls lined up on the narrow stage was spectacular.

A little after 10:30, after a speech by Fusae Ota, the governor of Osaka Prefecture, and a bean-throwing ceremony started at once.
It’s not easy to get the beans in the middle of a mess that you can’t even push.
Naritasan’s beans are peanuts with skins, but picking up a fallen one is the most dangerous thing to do. So you have to reach out and get it directly, which is hard to do.
So the veteran gets a furoshiki or paper bag over his head. I was unaware of such a thing and was empty-handed, as expected of my wife.
Kitchiri had brought a paper bag with him. The results were a little short of their age, but reasonably satisfactory.

Every year, we always have a bean-throwing ceremony in our house. This year, however, it was just the two of us, my wife and I, who were a little lonely.
When my children were still small, the day of Setsubun was very difficult. As soon as I opened the front door on my way home from work, they made me wear a demon mask and run around the house.
It was a bean thrown at them. It was hard work, but it was fun in its own way. But now they don’t want to deal with me at all.
Dad, you’re too embarrassed to speak up,” he complains.

By the way, the bean-throwing ceremony at Narita-san is called “Fuku wa uchi! Only, “Oni there! is not said. Because there are no demons in the precincts of Narita-san, or something like that?
. However, I think that the shouting of “Fuku wa uchi” and “Oni wa soto” is the demon of the mind and Fuku. In other words, the “anger,
A reluctant mind such as “fear, sorrow, agony, envy, jealousy” is a “demon” and “kindness, honesty, joy, gratitude, peace, and compassion
The sincere heart that every human being is born with is called “Fuku”, and you can shout out “Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi” (Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi).
I’m sure you’re wishing for a happy year.










Yesterday, it was the Yue-Nen party of the Kori Tenpukai.
We call it the year-end party, not the year-end party, but the New Year’s Eve party, which is held on the third Saturday of December every year.

We had the usual Sunday service at 9:00 am and started the Yuejian event at 11:00 am. Part of the party was to listen to a tape of Dr. Tenpou’s lecture and part of the party was to get to know each other over a pot.

The tape of the speech was a long one, two hours and 25 minutes long, which was difficult to listen to because of the normal time of the monthly meeting at the beginning of the month.

The title is “Elucidating the Ten Cows”. The Ten Oxen.
The Ten Bulls is an explanation of the process of Zen training written by the Chinese sect reigns, comparing it to an ox.
It consists of ten figures and explanations, including the following: scenic spots, seeing oxen, gaining oxen, maki oxen, returning oxen, forgetting oxen, forgetting oxen, returning oxen, returning oxen, and entering oxen.
This is a story about the Tenpukai style, which he gave in 1965 when he was 90 years old at the Correctional Goshuikai in Kyoto.

He was so full of energy that it was hard to believe that he was 90 years old, not to mention the content.
It’s a long tape, two and a half hours long, but it’s a great one that doesn’t feel like time at all.

In the second part of the show, I changed my focus and went to a chanko shop in front of the Korinoen station, forgetting about what I had just heard from my teacher.
They were eating chanko nabe and shochu. The less good he is, the prettier he is…? I hope you’ll forgive me with a bitter smile…









This is the second generation of TV in our house, since I inherited it from the first 18″ TV more than 10 years ago.
It stands between the kitchen and the living room with a huge face like the Lord.

However, I couldn’t win against the age wave, and my physical strength weakened considerably from about three months ago.
After a while of turning on the switch, a line of light appears on the side, and then a ripple like a wave gradually spreads out and a faint screen-like object appears.
When he is in a good mood, only the bottom half of the screen is decent and the top half is three times longer.
The beautiful anchors at each station are also in a state of disarray.

So, instead of waking up, I tapped my head lightly, which startled me and made me come to my senses. It had been like that for about a month, but
After that, the bokeh progressed rapidly, and nowadays, you have to throw a strong punch vertically, horizontally, and diagonally.
Even if you’re sane for a moment, the slightest thing can make you feel lightheaded again.

So I have to give a strong stimulus and scold and encourage you every time though I feel pitiful. You can’t stand to see that.
The arrows are urging him to get rid of his role and start a third generation. But my friend, who I’ve lived with for more than a dozen years…
I’m so attached to it that I can’t bring myself to do it.

I’m hoping that I can make it last for the rest of the year.









The next Sunday, I finished my breakfast early and was standing under the Great Gate of Kumano Hongu (the largest gate in Japan) at 9:00 am. From there, you can visit the main shrine and
We decided to walk the Kumano Kodo, which is about 8 km round trip. I just walk silently through the dense cedar forest. All I can hear is birds and insects.
It was two and a half hours of forgetting the hustle and bustle of the city and playing in the nature like an ancient man.

We had lunch at a neat diner in front of the main shrine and came to a crossroads. On the way, we stopped at the Totsukawa High School, which was said to have had a Bunbu-kan, but there was already no Bunbu-kan, and it was the only place where we were able to go.
There was a splendid monument of Ryuzo Nakanuma next to the high school ground. Towards the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, a young and energetic Totsukawa samurai made the case for the reverence of the emperor and the expulsion of the foreigners.
It was written that he had risen to his feet in the spirit of the emperor, but the Oki Disturbance (in the first year of the Meiji era, the Oki county head of the Matsue clan was expelled and an autonomous government was imposed. (Oki Restoration through Bloodless Revolution)
I was once again reminded of the greatness of Ryuzo Nakanuma, who also became the background of the thought of “I’m going to do this.

As we drove after Totsukawa High School for a while, we saw a sign for 12 km from Tamaki Mountain. Tamaki in 12 km, then I made a U-turn and went to Tamaki.
However, this was very difficult. It took us 30 minutes to reach the parking lot on the steep S-curve, but we still had 30 minutes to reach Tamaki Shrine on foot. However.
The Tamaki Shrine, built on the 1,000-meter-high Mt. Tamaki, was a fantastic view surrounded by spirituality. It was a hard detour that took two hours for a round trip, but
Two hours could have added about a year to your life…

It was nearly 20 o’clock when we came home, and it was the first time in more than 20 years that we had enjoyed our trip together.











I took a short trip for the first time in a long time this weekend. Moreover, he and his wife are alone. I can’t remember a time when two people participated in a group trip, but it was purely two people.
It was probably the first time since our honeymoon more than 20 years ago.

When I called out to my wife after 8 a.m. on Saturday morning, “Shall we go out?
They had never planned a trip with us, so they seemed to be half-heartedly skeptical though they had said, “Let’s go to Kumano on the weekend…” in advance.

I was thinking of visiting Ryusenji Temple in Amakawa Village, Nara Prefecture, and
It went to the Bunbu-kan of Totsukawa village, stayed one night in Kawayu Onsen, and
The next day, we paid a visit to the main shrine and planned to walk a little on the Kumano Kodo.
It’s not so much a trip that just doubled as an overnight drive, but this was pretty good.

I stopped by Ryusenji Temple in Amakawa Village as one of the 36 Fudo-son sacred sites in the Kinki area, but it was more wonderful than I had expected.
The expression is bad, but it was an interesting temple. It is a temple of Shugendo, but Fudo Myoo, who shows his anger and closes one eye, is somehow charming and
There were many children riding on the backs of these cheerful-looking komainu, and they had their own unique taste. Also.
I was surprised to see so many monuments to the 50th and 100th anniversaries. It seems to be a monument to commemorate the number of waterfalls and waterfalls.

Bunbukan in Totsukawa Village. This is my hometown.
Nakanuma Ryozo, a native of the Oki Islands (b. 13 in Bunka, scholar of Japanese history, lecturer to the Meiji Emperor)
It was founded by Emperor Kōmei at the order of Emperor Kōmei. The main purpose of this trip was to see the Bunbukan.
However, even if you look at the tourist guide or the tourist bulletin board in Totsukawa Village, you can’t find anything.
I thought there would be a guide if I was running properly, but I couldn’t find it at all. We stopped at a souvenir shop on the way and asked him about it, but he said he didn’t know.
I don’t know Ryuzo Nakanuma-sensei,” he said, “I’m really in the mood to say ‘Moo’. After a while of driving and refueling at the gas station, I asked him
The current Totsukawa High School was called Bunbukan in the past. I finally figured it out, but I had already passed by there.
After all, I decided to stop by on the way home, and I ran to Kawayu Onsen one way. It is said that Totsukawa Village is the largest village in Japan, so it is Totsukawa Village no matter how much you run.
However, the view of the Totsukawa River was so wonderful that it was an exhilarating drive that I didn’t feel bothered no matter how much I drove.

Kawayu-onsen arrival 17:45. After being greeted by the lovely proprietress, taking a relaxing dip in the hot spring, wrapping your tongue around the delicious food, “I’m satisfied…
He went back to his room in a good mood, and as soon as he tried to watch the Japan Series, he seemed to have fallen asleep, waking up in the middle of the night.

We’ll continue tomorrow.




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