





手にした本が、僕の大好きな浅田次郎「おわらざる夏」、上中下の3巻からなる長編であったが、これが中々面白かった。その中に「カムイ・ウン・クレ」という言葉が出てくる。これは、北アイヌ人のなかで日常的に使われていた言葉とのことで、日本語に訳すと「神、われらを造りたもう」となるらしい。そして千島列島の最北端 占守島(シュムシュ島)の先住民が挨拶代わりに使っていた言葉とのこと。何かあると「カムイ・ウン・クレ」(神われらを造りたもう)。この言葉を発することにより、全てを許し全てを解決したようである。



The consecutive holidays in September are in the Oki Islands. The weather is clear and the waves are quiet. It was a great day for fishing. For me, the results are good. I was very satisfied with the abundance of fish species such as 2kg class of red snapper, large horse mackerel, mackerel, red snapper, and hagfish. Also, the beach breeze was pleasant at night, and I was able to read a decent amount of books.

The book I got was my favorite book, “Owara Zaru Natsu” by Jiro Asada, which consists of three volumes (upper, middle and lower). In it, the words “Kamui un kure” come up. It is said that this word was used daily among the Northern Ainu people, and translated into Japanese, it means “God, let us create”. And it is said that the indigenous people of Urumori (Shumshu) Island, the northernmost island in the Kuril Islands, used this word as a greeting. If anything, it’s “Kamui-un-Kre” (Let God make us). By uttering these words, he seems to have forgiven everything and settled everything.

What a wonderful word, “God has made us”! Perhaps Jiro Asada wrote this novel because he wanted to use these words…








Recently, the Oki Islands were certified as a World Geopark. Jeez, jeez! This is the sixth place in Japan to be certified.

Oki has rocks and strata that tell the story of the process of the formation of the Sea of Japan, and a caldera topography caused by volcanic activity can be seen. In addition to the unique ecosystem that has evolved in this remote island, you can come into contact with the culture that has been cultivated as a key point of Japanese trade, as well as the island drift of Emperor Godaigo and other important people. (From the Asahi Shimbun article.)

Last year, the geopark certification was not approved due to a lack of information on tourism strategies and other factors, but this year, three towns and one village in the Oki Islands joined together to work on the geopark certification. However, the Oki itself did not seem to be on fire so much, and in general, it seemed to be trying to work slowly.














I spent a week last week fishing in the Oki Islands. If I wrote that I was going out into the rough sea alone in a small boat, I would like to write something a little more emotional, so I stopped, but fishing is not as easy as I thought. Anyone can catch a fish, but it’s not easy to find the point where the fish are.

Where you fished yesterday doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll catch it today. Also, the location is all different depending on the fish you are targeting. The ocean is big and wide, and the outcome of fishing depends on where you float your boat on the ocean.

I am still in a state of groping, but I still have GPS and a fish finder on the boat, so even if I can’t do Yamadate (connect three points of the mountain and decide the position), I can manage to some extent. It’s just..,

But for now, I don’t target anything, I just catch the fish I catch, and I’m happy if I can catch anything.

However, when you catch a big fish, you will be happy… So, what I want to say is that I rowed out on my own boat and caught a large, very high class fish, a kana. Hurrah…hurrah…banzai!

Cana at 1.7 kilos. Please check that it is sticking out of the cutting board…





 10勝2敗は、白鳳に次いでの優勝候補。隠岐から大相撲の優勝力士が出るなど、想像だにした者は居ないのでは・・・。本人は、先ずは10勝と、控えめであるが、本当はそれではダメ。 優勝を決意したものだけが優勝できるのだ!!・・・何がなんでもガンバレ・・・。

 不世出の大横綱、双葉山の言葉にこんなのがある、「横綱になろうと決意したものだけが横綱になれるのだ」。 全くそうだ・・・、先ずは思うことである、そして、思ったことを信念にまで高めれれば、必ずその思いは成就する。


Yesterday, Thursday the 21st, I went to support the “Oki Sea”. It was wonderful to see the way he was able to leave the usual “no change” in his mind, and then push his way to the very end.

His 10 wins and 2 losses are second only to Hakuho for the championship. No one could have imagined that a sumo wrestler from the Oki Islands would win the grand sumo tournament…. He is modest with 10 wins, but it’s not enough. Only those who are determined to win can win!!! Do whatever it takes…

In the words of Futabayama, the unparalleled great yokozuna, “Only those who are determined to become yokozuna can become yokozuna. That’s exactly right…The first thing to do is to think, and if you raise the thought to a belief, the thought will surely be fulfilled.









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隠岐人会 017

On Sunday, April 15, the 8th Kansai Okijin-kai General Assembly (Oki no Kuni no Hiroba) was held in Osaka’s Taikooen.

The Kansai Okijin-kai was formed for the purpose of friendship between people living in the Kansai area and people from the Oki Islands, and to help their hometown in some way.

The last time, I was asked to be the president, so I had a lot of work to do and didn’t have much time to enjoy myself, but this time, I was able to enjoy the party as an advisor.

As always, Oki is a folk song when it comes to Oki. Although there are many skilled performers among the members and professional entertainers are called, it is not uncommon to see a genin-barefoot member start dancing under the stage when a folk song begins, and before you know it, they are squatting out in the center of the stage.

The singer is a classmate of mine, a representative of Ama Village

Otsu-an from Tomio village, a super entertainer and a genin barefoot is this person.

The singer is the superintendent of Tomio Village.

Shimago no Jinni no Niwa? I just started dancing to Sumo-toribushi…

A man who sings Kuroda’s style in a loud voice

Yasugi-bushi, the singer and the dancer are parents and children, which one is…

Professional folk music…

A row of cherry trees in Okawabata




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