?連想暗示法 ― 意識的に積極的思考を作り、心に思念連想する方法で、寝際
(ラッ ポ期)に行うのが最も効果的であり、寝床に入ったら楽しいことのみを考え連想するように心がける。
?命令暗示法 ― 小さな手鏡を用いて、鏡に映った自分の眉間に、命令口調で「お前は信念が強くなる」
?断定暗示法 ? 命令暗示と併用して行う。前夜寝際に行った暗示を目覚めて直ぐに自分に断定する。
日常の言行 ?
感謝の生活と三行 ? 不平不満を言わず何事にも感謝。そして、何時も正直、親切、 愉快の実行に努める。
三勿の実行 ? 今日一日、怒らず、怖れず、悲しまず、を心がける。
Yesterday, I attended an education and training session for the National Association of Surveyors in Tokyo at the Cosmopolitan Building on the 12th floor.
It began with a lecture by Yasuhiro Harashi, a former member of the House of Representatives, who was responsible for most of the bill’s creation.
There were talks from the perspective of a former police chief and a lawyer, so it was a reasonably fulfilling workshop. Then we stayed overnight.
Today I was scheduled to attend the board meeting of the National Association of Surveyors (Nishi-Shinjuku), but it was decided to cancel due to the influence of the typhoon.
So I hurriedly canceled my overnight stay and returned home last night.
As a result, I have been relatively relaxed today and have prepared a training report on the mind-body unification method, which I would like to attach.
The Renewal of Conceptual Elements Act.
It was his own illness that led to the creation of the doctrine of mind-body unification.
I was so stout that I could stand on the death row without a care in the world, only to be stricken with a disease called pulmonary tuberculosis.
How did I end up being such a nervous heartless person? And what the hell is this! In pursuit of this, I studied hard, wandered the world in search of teaching.
His life was saved by the yogic saint Kaliappa. However, it took the next eight years to systematize the mind-body unification method into its current form, and the “sensory performance
This is due to the discovery of the performance inherent in mental life, namely
Whether a person’s sensor performance is positive or negative is closely related to the strength of his or her mind.
He realized that the reason he had become a weak person due to the disease of pulmonary tuberculosis was due to the weakening of this sensing ability.
He made it a law of mind-body unification.
As a concrete method of proactively improving sensitive performance, the
Renewal of the conceptual element
Request for the concentration of positive thinking
3. regulation of neural reflexes
4. mental usage
The first of these is the renewal of the conceptual elements.
What forms the basis of human thought is the ideational element, which is held in the human subconscious.
A thought action responds to the sensory performance as if it were responding to the voice of an object. Thus, passive thinking negatively affects sensitive performance and
Proactive thinking leads to positive sensory performance. From this, it becomes a diagram of the subconscious mind/conceptual element ⇒ thought action ⇒ sensory performance.
How to activate the conceptual elements is a prerequisite for sensory performance activation.
The conceptual elements are held in the subconscious realm, and by purifying this subconscious realm, the conceptual elements will be reformed.
There have been many ways of reforming this conceptual element since ancient times.
However, all of them require a considerable amount of time and effort to cultivate, and many of them are impossible for the average person to do. However, the method devised by Professor Tianfeng was
It is extremely simple and can be done by anyone. Specifically, it is the application of suggestion-sensitization and uses the self suggestion induction method.
? Associative suggestion – a method of consciously creating positive thoughts and making thought associations in the mind, at the time of sleep.
When you go to bed, try to think and associate only pleasant things.
Make it a habit to not think negative in your bed.
? Command Suggestion Method – Using a small hand mirror, use a small hand mirror to place your reflection in the mirror between your eyebrows in a commanding tone, “You will be strong in your beliefs.
or “I’m going to love math” in a small, serious whisper. Please don’t.
? Decisive implication method ? Used in conjunction with instructional implication. He wakes up and immediately declares to himself the suggestion he made the night before when he went to sleep.
‘I’ve grown stronger in my beliefs’, ‘I’ve grown to love math’. You may go as many times as you like after that.
? Incidental points (daily words and deeds, life of gratitude and three lines, and execution of three kinds of things)
What I say and do on a daily basis ?
Strive to be proactive in what you say and do. Be especially careful with your words.
A life of gratitude and three lines ? Gratitude in everything without complaining. And always strive to be honest, kind, and pleasant.
Do not be angry, do not be afraid, and do not be sad all day long. Today, I will try not to be angry, afraid, or sad.
The truth is what is truly feared. “Pessimism kills, and rage is the breath of the devil.