











Participated in the 3rd Japanese Culture Juku Autumn Course organized by Osaka Shoin Women’s University.

My wife and daughter are whispering. “We’re going to have dinner near the school this Saturday… and then…
What…we both left our father alone…I was listening close to my ears and it seemed to be a story about the school’s working class.
I asked him what it was, and he told me that Shoin Women’s University was offering a course for working people to learn and appreciate traditional Japanese performing arts with an explanation.

I was originally interested in Japanese classical performing arts, but I find Kabuki, Kyogen and Bunraku somewhat difficult to understand. So, once you’re there.
I’ve always wondered if there would be an attempt to make the film available to the layperson in a way that they could understand. Therein lies this story.

He immediately said, “Dad, I’m coming too…
However, it was already closed for the second time, he said. Um, I don’t know if there’s anything we can do about this… Ask the school.
(He is good at forcing things), and he asks his daughter to do it. The next day he replied, “It looks like we can manage. And.
The day before yesterday, Saturday, my wife and I joined the event.

The lecture was a “Storytelling Show,” featuring “The Great Scribe’s Old Calendar,” with commentary by Kei Kizugawa.
Performed by Yoshiteru Nanjo and Yuriko Mishima. Kizugawa-sensei’s talk was good.
It was a 30-minute commentary, but instead of commenting on Osan Mohei, it was about “storytelling”. After hearing about it, it is played by Yoshiteru Nanjo and Yuriko Mishima.
I thought that the performer might be difficult to perform… but he is a professional. It was a masterful storytelling. So to speak, it’s just a story.
The scene comes to mind more vividly than watching a play. As you can see, the “narrative play”, as the character “narrative play” reads, was brilliantly turned into “play”.

This autumn, there will be three more lectures on Kodan, Ramikyoku and Chikuzen-Biwa.
Next spring, the school will offer optional classes for kabuki appreciation and bunraku appreciation.
I wanted to participate as time permits.



天風会 心身統一法(積極観念の集中力養成法)








?内省検討 ? 自分の今の思考が、積極的か消極的かを客観的に観察してみること。これを習慣化できたらしめたものであるが、

?暗示の分析 ? 周りからくる暗示を、積極であるか消極であるかを分析的に批判し、積極は受け入れ、消極は受け入れないようにする。

?対人精神態度 ? 第三者に対する時の、自分の心の態度のこと。とにかく、自分以外の人に対する時は、

?取越苦労厳禁 ? 取越し苦労ほど下らないものはない。取越し苦労は心のエネルギーの消耗率を高めるだけで、

?正義の実行 ? 言葉からすると、とても難しく大抵の人には出来ないことのように思われるとおもうが、決してそんなものではない。

Anyway, there are a lot of holidays. When did Japan have so many more holidays? It’s like this.
Recently, however, when it comes to holidays, I often go on business trips to Tokyo, and on these three consecutive holidays, I watched a movie and enjoyed it in my own way, but yesterday I went to Tokyo on a day trip.
Moreover, I left at 6:00 AM and came home at 11:30 PM. I don’t particularly move my body, but I’m somehow tired.

I’ve written about this before, but I’ve been used to traveling by train since I was young because of my job, so I’m not bothered at all.
Last week, I had some time to spare, so I used “Kodama” as a technique.
I even went to Tokyo in a car. When I wake up, I just stare at the scenery, and when I get bored, I read a book again.
And yet the train takes me to my destination. It’s no exaggeration to say that train travel is a blissful moment, even if it’s for work. Just…
Recently, I’ve been feeling tired of taking a day trip to Tokyo.

I would like to continue with last week’s report on the second part of the “Positive Sensory Performance” of the Unification of Mind and Body, the “Positive Contemplation Concentration Training Method”. If you want to know more
Please contact me and I will be happy to talk to you at any time.

“Positive Thinking Concentration Training.

In order to make the sensory performance positive, it is necessary to renovate the contemplative elements and at the same time to cultivate the concentration of positive contemplation. Because.
People who have been living unconsciously in a negative mindset for many years will not be able to change their mindset even if they try to change it through self suggestion guidance.
This is because when we are in our daily lives, we tend to unknowingly lean towards the negative side of our mind, and the effect of the self suggestion guidance tends to fade. Anyway.
The present world is full of negative implications. This is especially true of the mass media.
It’s a commentary on negative thinking, and people are naturally sensitized to their surroundings (negative implications), and most of them thrive on reluctance.

So, in order to make life, even just a little bit brighter and more rewarding to live, we should not be influenced by the negativity of the present world.
We must always strive to keep our minds in a bright direction. Never, under any circumstances, turn your mind to the dark side.
You need to command yourself to do it. As the old poem says, “If you do it, it will become, if you don’t do it, it will not become, if you don’t do it, it will not become, if you don’t do it, it will not become because you don’t do it”.
The first thing to do is to believe and do it.

There are five specific methods for cultivating positive thinking and concentration. This is what we have to keep in mind and do every day.

? Introspection ? Observe objectively whether your current thinking is positive or negative. This has become a habit, but
Most people tend to go about the things in front of them without any sense, but
Before you do that, you should try to make a habit of consciously examining whether your mind is active or reluctant.

? Analysis of Implications ? Critique the implications from around you analytically, whether they are positive or negative, and try to accept positive implications and not accept negative ones.
What is implied is everything: language, letters, actions, and phenomena. In particular, this world is full of negative implications, and you need to be especially careful.
Therefore, it is better to have a person who is as active as possible in a relationship.

? Interpersonal Mental Attitude ? The attitude of one’s mind toward a third party. Anyway, when it comes to people other than myself.
Do not destroy the positive attitude of the mind and always try to be “cheerful, cheerful, vivacious and courageous”.
This is not to say that you should not feel sorry for a person who is unlucky, but that you should be careful not to be drawn into the other person’s company even if you do feel sorry for them.

? Hardships in excess of hardships are strictly prohibited ? There is nothing so trivial as hardships overtime. Overwhelm will only increase the rate at which the mind’s energy is drained.
To command the mind that it is a totalitarian act with no gain at all. This is because all hardships are thought out of a negative mindset.

? The execution of justice ? From the word go, it sounds like a very difficult thing for most people to do, but it’s not.
This is because we all have to do what we don’t want to do in our hearts and conscience.
A true conscience is not something that can be trained or created, it is something that every bad person has in him or herself.
If you get into the habit of asking your true intentions and conscience about anything, you will be able to do it.



天風会 心身統一法(観念要素の更改)














?連想暗示法 ― 意識的に積極的思考を作り、心に思念連想する方法で、寝際
(ラッ           ポ期)に行うのが最も効果的であり、寝床に入ったら楽しいことのみを考え連想するように心がける。

?命令暗示法 ― 小さな手鏡を用いて、鏡に映った自分の眉間に、命令口調で「お前は信念が強くなる」

?断定暗示法 ? 命令暗示と併用して行う。前夜寝際に行った暗示を目覚めて直ぐに自分に断定する。

 日常の言行 ?

感謝の生活と三行 ? 不平不満を言わず何事にも感謝。そして、何時も正直、親切、         愉快の実行に努める。

三勿の実行 ? 今日一日、怒らず、怖れず、悲しまず、を心がける。



Yesterday, I attended an education and training session for the National Association of Surveyors in Tokyo at the Cosmopolitan Building on the 12th floor.
It began with a lecture by Yasuhiro Harashi, a former member of the House of Representatives, who was responsible for most of the bill’s creation.
There were talks from the perspective of a former police chief and a lawyer, so it was a reasonably fulfilling workshop. Then we stayed overnight.
Today I was scheduled to attend the board meeting of the National Association of Surveyors (Nishi-Shinjuku), but it was decided to cancel due to the influence of the typhoon.
So I hurriedly canceled my overnight stay and returned home last night.

As a result, I have been relatively relaxed today and have prepared a training report on the mind-body unification method, which I would like to attach.

The Renewal of Conceptual Elements Act.

It was his own illness that led to the creation of the doctrine of mind-body unification.
I was so stout that I could stand on the death row without a care in the world, only to be stricken with a disease called pulmonary tuberculosis.
How did I end up being such a nervous heartless person? And what the hell is this! In pursuit of this, I studied hard, wandered the world in search of teaching.
His life was saved by the yogic saint Kaliappa. However, it took the next eight years to systematize the mind-body unification method into its current form, and the “sensory performance
This is due to the discovery of the performance inherent in mental life, namely

Whether a person’s sensor performance is positive or negative is closely related to the strength of his or her mind.
He realized that the reason he had become a weak person due to the disease of pulmonary tuberculosis was due to the weakening of this sensing ability.
He made it a law of mind-body unification.

As a concrete method of proactively improving sensitive performance, the
Renewal of the conceptual element

Request for the concentration of positive thinking

3. regulation of neural reflexes

4. mental usage
The first of these is the renewal of the conceptual elements.

What forms the basis of human thought is the ideational element, which is held in the human subconscious.
A thought action responds to the sensory performance as if it were responding to the voice of an object. Thus, passive thinking negatively affects sensitive performance and
Proactive thinking leads to positive sensory performance. From this, it becomes a diagram of the subconscious mind/conceptual element ⇒ thought action ⇒ sensory performance.
How to activate the conceptual elements is a prerequisite for sensory performance activation.

The conceptual elements are held in the subconscious realm, and by purifying this subconscious realm, the conceptual elements will be reformed.
There have been many ways of reforming this conceptual element since ancient times.

However, all of them require a considerable amount of time and effort to cultivate, and many of them are impossible for the average person to do. However, the method devised by Professor Tianfeng was
It is extremely simple and can be done by anyone. Specifically, it is the application of suggestion-sensitization and uses the self suggestion induction method.

? Associative suggestion – a method of consciously creating positive thoughts and making thought associations in the mind, at the time of sleep.
When you go to bed, try to think and associate only pleasant things.
Make it a habit to not think negative in your bed.

? Command Suggestion Method – Using a small hand mirror, use a small hand mirror to place your reflection in the mirror between your eyebrows in a commanding tone, “You will be strong in your beliefs.
or “I’m going to love math” in a small, serious whisper. Please don’t.

? Decisive implication method ? Used in conjunction with instructional implication. He wakes up and immediately declares to himself the suggestion he made the night before when he went to sleep.
‘I’ve grown stronger in my beliefs’, ‘I’ve grown to love math’. You may go as many times as you like after that.

? Incidental points (daily words and deeds, life of gratitude and three lines, and execution of three kinds of things)
What I say and do on a daily basis ?
Strive to be proactive in what you say and do. Be especially careful with your words.

A life of gratitude and three lines ? Gratitude in everything without complaining. And always strive to be honest, kind, and pleasant.

Do not be angry, do not be afraid, and do not be sad all day long. Today, I will try not to be angry, afraid, or sad.

The truth is what is truly feared. “Pessimism kills, and rage is the breath of the devil.




と言うのが最近のパターン。ところが先週末は余り観たい映画もなく、では奈良の「松伯美術館 http://www.kintetsu.jp/shohaku/




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I spent a Saturday and Sunday at home for the first time in a while. When I woke up in the morning on the weekend, my wife said, “What are your plans for today? No, there’s no movie…
This is the recent pattern. However, I didn’t have any movies I wanted to see last weekend, so I went to the Shouhaku Museum of Art in Nara (http://www.kintetsu.jp/shohaku/)
We decided to go out for a leisurely drive.

I like to take a leisurely drive along country roads like farm roads, and when I drive, I always go to Nara.
If you drive from Hirakata to Nara, there is a signboard for a botanical garden on the outskirts of the city (Osaka City University Botanical Garden, Faculty of Sciencehttp://www.sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp/biol/botan/).
came into view. It was after the rain and the air was good, and I wanted to stop by for some reason, so I decided to make a road trip.
I’ve been wanting to visit the botanical garden in my city for a long time, but I didn’t want to go there because there was no parking lot.
There was also a signboard for 500 yen for a parking lot that was recently built.

This botanical garden has no business at all. Most of them are botanical gardens like research facilities of Osaka City University of Science, and the admission fee is about 350 yen, but the rest is completely free.
You can go into flower fields, orchards, natural forests, and bamboo forests on your own, and somehow you feel like you are walking in a natural wilderness. No one is seen outside my wife and I.
As I was enjoying a picnic and strolling around, I suddenly noticed that there were persimmons in a jumble. It’s a childhood habit that makes me reach for it…
Because it was a flat, sweet persimmon shape, I thought it was a sweet persimmon from the head, and without any hesitation, I grabbed it. As soon as I thought the sweet juice came, the strong astringency, the
The inside of the mouth is astringent and rough… My wife is overjoyed…………………………………….. However, they didn’t learn their lesson.
Peel it and taste it. There are many kinds of trees and many kinds of nuts, but most of them are not impossible to eat.
I thought it could be done with a little work. Unlike most botanical gardens, it’s “Do not touch” or “Do not enter.
It was a very good botanical garden that we could enjoy in a relaxed way.

The leaves of a water lily in a botanical garden

Light pink water lilies

It’s just like a water federation

I don’t remember what it was.

Bees trying desperately to suck the nectar from the oleander.

I’m working hard to get this shot.

Where do you think the bees are?

In the end, we spent some time at the botanical garden and arrived at the Shouhaku Museum of Art after noon. I parked my car at a nearby park and hurried to the museum.
However, there was something strange about the atmosphere, and there was no sign of people. The museum is closed for the exchange of exhibits. I’d say that’s exactly what I’m talking about.
Still, it was good for the botanical garden was somehow on the way home without being particularly disappointed, quite a pleasant feeling.

A few days ago, a cute little raccoon dog started to appear in my garden. The purpose is apparently to drink water from tsukubai. Usually, tsukubai and hotei-zakura.
When I looked at it in the morning, I saw that there was a lot of hot grass around it. At first I thought it was a crow prank, but then my wife found out who did it a few days ago.
The culprit was not the culprit, but the raccoon dog (a child raccoon dog). So I gave him a cup of hot grass and gave him a drink of water, but he was a raccoon with no knowledge of his parents.
I don’t know what he was thinking, but this morning he took one of the slippers that he left on the stepping stone at the veranda with him. I haven’t seen the scene, but…
I can’t help but think it’s the work of a sly dog. One of these days I’m going to find out where he’s hiding it and I’m going to interrogate him hard.

stone wash basin – a baby raccoon dog comes to drink water

One left behind, my slippers that look lonely.













I’m Hironobu Matsutani, and it’s been two weeks since I’ve been here (if you can understand it…). I had a series of business trips to Tokyo since Silver Week.
I’ve been on business for one night since Monday, and I’ve got a lot of work to do if I go to work for the first time in a while. I didn’t have time to write a blog like this.
It’s been two weeks since I’ve been here. This is not a case of illness or bankruptcy.

However, I was so busy today that I couldn’t find time to do anything. So, I thought of the usual cutting corners again. This year, I
He is participating in the Tenpukai’s teacher training workshop and is required to submit a report before attending. However.
This report is limited in number of characters and it is quite troublesome. I don’t want to say it myself, but I think it’s pretty easy to understand.
As an introduction to the Heavenly Wind Doctrine, I’ll be blogging this report a few times starting today. And.
If you are even slightly interested, please let us know.

“Latent Force and the Six Powers,” “Aggressive Sensory Performance.

What is the purpose of man’s being born in this world?
He affirms, “We are born and exist in order to carry out the evolution and improvement of this world in accordance with the cosmic principle.
Now that you say it, it makes sense. Looking back on this to myself, I can’t help but think about how I can improve my progress, both physically and mentally.
When we learn something we didn’t know, or find out something we don’t know, we naturally feel a rush of joy from within. So to speak, nature and the true conscience are delighted.
As an extension of that, I can see that there is what my teacher calls “evolution and improvement”.

In order to accomplish this mission, people are born into the world as “the chief of all things”, and deep within their lives, they are able to live in a world where they can be a part of the
A special power called “latent power” is given to any number of people and is real.
We have to “convince” ourselves of this first. Most people in general are not aware of this fact, and
I don’t have any beliefs. As a result, they are using only a percentage of their natural strength and are not even aware of it. However, a prominent philosopher of ancient times, the
Both Swed Marden, Kant and Thomas Karleif, this “latent force
The actuality of the world is expressed in the words of each individual. Dr. Tenpou said, “Humans are.
It is a far more powerful and dignified being than most people realize, a life in which we are all born, a life in which we are all born.
If you don’t live a life worth living, it’s a lie,” he says.
In order to do so, we must manifest the “latent power” that everyone has been given. The way it’s done.
To “demonstrate the reality of a latent power,” one must first believe in the reality of that power. And.
The way we live our lives is adapted to the laws of nature.
To adapt the way of daily life to human nature and absolutely purify it. In other words.
A way of life that unifies the mind and body, “mind and body unity
It is to live in the state of Then, naturally, the latent forces will come into play.
A unified life of mind and body is a life of subjecting the mind to the laws of spiritual life and the body to the laws of physical life.

By doing so, the ultimate root of all living things, Ki, which is the life of all living things.
(Vril)” can be taken in a large amount of the yielding fraction, and the content of life will be abundant. If this manifests itself in the mind, the power of the mind.
If it appears in the direction of the flesh, it becomes the power of the flesh. This power can be divided into six categories for convenience.

The six powers are “physical strength, courage, vigor, ability, judgment, and decisiveness. And life is.
It has to be “long, strong, wide and deep. By living a way of life that complies with the laws of nature, so to speak, the
The “latent power” that is inherent in human beings is unleashed, and the “chi” that is the root of life
By accepting more and more of these things, we can create a life worth living that is “long, strong, broad, and deep.

The mind is upstream and the body is downstream, so the mind and the body must first be unified.
It is necessary to make the mind subject to the laws of spiritual life and make it a strong and positive mind first, and to make the body subject to the laws of nature and make it disciplinarily positive.
The five organs and six internal organs are driven by the nervous system, and the nerves are largely controlled by the brain’s medulla. Also.
The cerebral medulla governs the workings of the mind. This is evident from the effect that fear has on the body as well.

And this means that you have to do it first, rather than thinking about it in terms of logic. Bright, cheerful, energetic and spirited every day.
It is to be alive.
In order to do this, we need to increase the “sensitive performance” (the performance inherent in mental life).
In order to improve the sensory performance positively, we need to reform the contemplative element, practice the concentration requirement of positive contemplation, and regulate the neuro-reflex action.
There are three ways of doing this, namely, “the use of the spirit” and “the use of the spirit” as an incidental matter.
By incorporating this method into your daily life and practicing it on a daily basis, you will be able to live a life that is worth living and contributes to the evolution of the world.




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