「霊魂は不滅」 松谷 廣信
Because I am taking the teacher training course of the Tenpukai
We are frequently asked to submit reports on the Tianfeng philosophy and the Unification of Mind and Body Law.
Among them, there was a very difficult problem… You only live once, though.
You are asked to submit a summary of the thesis of “The Spirit is Immortal” in 1,200 words or less. Honestly.
If I could write a report with confidence on this proposition, I might not have to worry so much about it…
I was obliged to submit a report, so I decided to summarize what I was thinking about and submit it.
Today I’m attaching a report that doesn’t make sense. If anyone can give me an opinion, I would appreciate it.
You only live once, though.
The spirit is immortal.” Hironobu Matsutani
“You only live once,
So to speak, I was born into this world with this body and this mind, and my life is a one-time thing.
It won’t happen again. Even if you believe in reincarnation and are born again in this world as a human being, you will not be able to be aware of it.
It’s not me with this body and this mind. My life with my body and my mind is a one-time thing, no matter what anyone says. Therefore, the
Life is irrevocable. It is a lie if you are not living a life that is absolutely worth being born in this world.
However, the true self, the real self, is immortal, says Master Tenpou.
And with convictional awareness.
When you know what you are.
“I have no pangs of flesh.
The wickedness of the human world will disappear like a dream, and the world of infinite supremacy and joy will appear.
It is called “spirit immortality”. This isn’t something you can be taught.
It’s a world of enlightenment.
I am what I am, and the true self is the spirit.
However, the thesis that “the spirit is immortal” is not so easy to explain theoretically.
I can understand in my own way that this is probably the case.
From nothing there is no being, and the being does not become nothing, and so on.
It is undeniable that there was a me before I came into this world. Whether you call it “spirit” or “chi”, it is undeniable that something happened.
Descartes said, “I think because I am,” and he is absolutely right. Even if you deny everything, you cannot deny what you think.
We can deny that everything in this material world is virtual and just a phenomenon, but
You can’t deny yourself that you are perceiving and thinking about that thing or event. In the same way, even if this body of mine perishes, the unborn self (true self)
The true self (spirit) will not disappear, although the material body will disappear. All things in form can change and disappear, but
A thing that has no form to begin with is probably not going to disappear 100% of the time, but once you think about it, it doesn’t come to nothing.
Once the voice is out, it is not completely nothing. The spirit called the true-self is also formless and does not become nothing. It’s just that these theories are
It’s a theory for my own sake, and it doesn’t seem to make any sense.
What is the Self, the true Self?
In order to establish a sense of self-consciousness (belief-awareness) that correctly believes in
He teaches that there is no other way to cultivate the mind and always place that mind on a spiritual plane, and to do so, establish a specific awareness of life.
(The True Self is wearing a temporary garment called a body, etc.). This is the process of preparing the mind for the spiritual realm.
At the very least, by believing in this and doing stable dakiza every now and then, you will be able to
“Awareness of the true nature of the self.
I will try my best to become a person who is able to write a thorough explanation and report in accordance with the thesis of the title.