Continued from last time…
If someone else requests a certificate such as a family register or a certificate of residence in Saitama Prefecture, you may be asked to submit it.
All 64 municipalities in the prefecture will begin a system to notify the person of the fact that they have been given a gift. The purpose is to prevent fraudulent billing, the company said.
This system has been institutionalized in two cities and towns in Osaka Prefecture.
So far, it hasn’t spread nationwide, but given the recent trend of privacy and personal information protection
I have to say, I’m in a very worrying situation …
I, uh…
I am very angry at this system.
I wouldn’t have anything to say about it if the world was just a clean slate, but the reality is not so sweet.
If you don’t use the checking function in every situation, there are many cases where terrible things will happen.
In the current trend of privacy protection, this makes sense.
In order to prevent fraudulent requests for residency records and family registers, it is important to ensure that your family register and residency records are easily accessible.
I think it would be a very good system if you could see who took it and at what time. I think it’s plausible that a good citizen would think so.
But think about it.
Things are not so easy.
What I have been arguing for some time is why the family register and the certificate of residence have carried out the principle of openness since the Meiji era, and why it is so important for the people of Japan to be able to make their lives easier.
It seems that the government has stubbornly protected the system that allows many people to receive their family registers and residence certificates.
Isn’t it because if we don’t do that, the social system will go awry and we won’t be able to maintain peace and order in society?
A family register contains your name, date of birth, parent-child relationship, marital status, and other information related to your status.
The certificate of residence states where you live and who lives there.
It is a proof of who and what a person is, so to speak.
In general, there are no items listed that must be kept secret. Therefore, I’m going to make this public and
We have maintained the social order by making sure that people know where they are and who they are when they feel like it.
However, recent amendments to the law have effectively made the certificate of residence and the family register private, and placed severe restrictions on requests from third parties.
When a request for a grant is made, the system will be introduced so that the person can recognize the grant.
A system like this.
If we had a society in which only good people lived without any falsehoods or anything, then there would be no problem. However, in fact, the people who think of frauds and schemers, the
I don’t think there’s a better system for people who try to deceive others.
It’s a system where there’s no verification system, no third party, and you have to believe what they say.
(We can’t see your residence certificate or family register, and we can’t check your education and work history, using the protection of personal information as a shield)
It’s a system that says, “I’ll let you know about it.
We are a research business.
It’s your job to find out who they are and what they look like before things happen. Our business is to check the creditworthiness of people and things in advance and to act as crisis management.
It is the police’s job to investigate after the incident has occurred.
I don’t want anything to happen to you.
In order not to be deceived, you can try to find out beforehand, but you create a system that can’t be checked, and if you do, the other person will be checked.
This system is the Fraudsters Protection Act, the Bad People Protection Act, which is a solicitous and polite way to inform you.
To be honest, in view of the recent operation of the Personal Information Protection Law and the operation of family registers and residency cards, I don’t think that the
You can give up your history, write down your name, age, and address as much as you like.
The third party is the name, age, address, family structure, education, work history, parent-child relationship, marital status, and
They have been shut out of the system to make sure nothing happens.
It’s not like that…, wouldn’t it be a disaster if that happened?…, I hear such a voice coming from somewhere, but…
Actually, that’s exactly what it is.
Schooling, education.
Work experience at work. However, schools and workplaces usually do not respond to third-party verification requests, citing the protection of personal information.
Only the family register can be used for accurate confirmation of a person’s status, and the certificate of residence is used to prove the address (except for the address). However.
As mentioned above, it is virtually impossible for a third party to obtain a family register and a certificate of residence.
Badasses who know about it are free to impersonate themselves.
If you can’t confirm it from the standpoint of a third party, why don’t you have the person submit various certificates…?
You are absolutely right. However, the enemy is also something. These days, it is easy to create various certificates with a computer, and
Fake graduation certificates, fake driver’s licenses, and fake enrollment certificates have been circulating (our research has confirmed several cases). The real bad guys all know about this stuff.
Even if you forge a certificate that only you can obtain, a third party cannot confirm it, so you can pretend to be a major player.
Well, what can I say?
It’s worse to be deceived…”, etc.
I’ve been duped.
It would be nice if it was just a simple matter, but as a matter of fact, the act of doing it by identity theft often leads to an important thing that will affect the other person’s life.
I have seen and heard many such cases in my work, and
In addition, we have been thanked more than once or twice for preventing our research from becoming a major problem. However.
With the current trend of privacy and privacy protection, it’s going to be very difficult to be as accurate as it is to be appreciated. Because…
Because the administration gives badasses advance notice that “you’re under investigation”….
Fraudulent claims must be prevented. It is more to do with that measure. But.
What causes fraudulent claims? I think we need to think seriously about this too…
In spite of the fact that the law stated that “any number of people can request the issuance of a family register or a certificate of residence by revealing the reason.
Isn’t it also true that fraudulent claims were made unavoidably because the government does not respond to third-party claims?
At a time when crisis management and risk management are so necessary even at the individual level, personnel surveys (surveys on people)
What is this attitude of trying to regulate the investigations by making it a guilty plea for the right of the people to do so?
We need to create a peaceful society where people can live in real peace and security.
I wonder if politicians and officials are thinking about it. We don’t want them to just bend their own thesis for the sake of a single voting ticket. Also.
I want them to study their own opinions and speak with conviction when they speak out….
Thanks for reading…………