











Yesterday, I attended a corporate seminar for an insurance company.

The speaker was Takeshi Okada, the former coach of Japan’s national football team. When I was invited to this seminar.
To be honest, I was hesitant because I thought, “What’s Okada going to talk about, just listening to him talk about the World Cup…”.
However, I was invited to a meal at the Imperial Hotel rather than a seminar, and decided to participate.

However, there was nothing to worry about, such as Anihakaran and the food at the Imperial Hotel, so Okada’s story was excellent.
I don’t have many opportunities to listen to a lecture a year, but to be honest, I think it was the most moving lecture I have ever had.

Most of the time, when you think of a lecture seminar.
Most of them are the usual political and economic critics, and some are novelists and businessmen, but all of them are used to giving lectures, and all of them are very good at it.
It’s a good story, but it doesn’t appeal to the heart. Most of my impressions are like, “Oh, it was good…it was interesting…

Okada, however, was different. The story is good enough to be reasonably good, but more than anything else.
Talk hard about what you’ve worked so hard to do. The hard work of the speaking attitude is a testament to the hard work we’ve put into dealing with it.
It was a testament to the fact that we have lived our whole lives, and it was consistent with the purpose of the lecture, which was to say that we should work hard at everything.

And “to be in the zone is to be mindless,
When you try your hardest, you can go into a moment of apathy, and you will be in a zone.
It was not a sermon by a monk, or a justified talk by a critic or a scholar, but a wonderful content based on belief, backed up by experience, a kind of enlightenment.

The image I had had of the “simply stubborn Oka-chan” was blown away in an instant.
Now I’m even thinking of chasing after Mr. Okada.


















I’ve been on a lot of business trips to Tokyo lately, so I’ve been missing out on writing my blog. Then, out of nowhere
I received a phone call saying, “Are you busy, Machan? I’m thankful that there are people who read my blog even though it’s not very good. Thank you, thank you…

So today, I’m going to talk about a little bit of a hard story. It’s about Atsuko Muraki, who is a hot topic right now.
She has included a lengthy memoir in this month’s issue of Bungei Shunju. It seems that he believed in and wrote the acquittal before it came out.

I shuddered as I read that memoir. It’s like the fear of power, you know, in front of power.
I was reminded of the fact that the incompetent would not be able to compete at all.

When someone is charged and arrested, they generally lose their job. Then your income will be cut off.
However, if you want to fight the case, you have to hire a lawyer. He also has to make bail in order to fight. But for that, there’s bail money to be made.
Mr. Muraki’s bail was set at 15 million yen. Other than that, I don’t know how many hundreds of thousands or millions of defense costs.
It’s not an amount that a petty citizen can pay very well.

Mr. Muraki said that he had taken everything out of his time deposit and managed to make arrangements.
It must have been prepared by a high-ranking bureaucrat who happens to be a married couple working together, but it would have been impossible in the first place. But if you can’t do that, you have no chance of winning the trial.

This is what they say, “The death of hell depends on the money”…

The prosecutor’s investigation, in which the special investigation is carried out by the special investigation agency, creates a plot in advance and investigates according to that plot.
Apparently, the arrest is made and the statement is made according to the plot. I had heard about this kind of story for a long time, and I thought it was a good thing. You know what?
By the time the prosecution moves, most things are known, and the investigation is not about knowing the truth, but about creating evidence to get a verdict. Therefore, the
Things like this happen, but from the coverage around the time of Muraki’s arrest, there are a hundred to a hundred people who don’t know her.
I think Muraki thought it was black. Maybe it was a report based on a prosecutor’s leak, but I don’t know…” and so on, “What is this guy saying…
I felt like I was in the middle of something.

However, that wasn’t really the case.

What is the basis for the Special Search? There are probably some very real accusations, and this is absolutely doable.
In the end, politicians and high-ranking bureaucrats were the targets of the investigation. Every information, every accusation has been vetted and vetted.
I think you can already see the summit in the moving phase. However, mistakes happen.

I know it’s not the right thing for a layman like me to say, but I’m not going to take information or accusations that don’t have evidence.
It’s a hell of a story.

When people tell a lie, I think they have some kind of intention or purpose.
At least that’s what I’ve thought for years. However, after more than 60 years of living, I have learned that this is not always the case. In this world.
There is no intent, no purpose, no gain or loss, just a person who simply tells a lie.

I’ve met two such people in my life.
It may simply be that I think so, but I’ll go on and on about utterly making things up. And it’s brilliantly concrete and realistic.
The listener doesn’t think it’s a lie at all. Six months and a year later, however, it became clear that it was 100% a fabrication. But the strange thing is.
I don’t know why he told the lie so long and for what reason.

It is true, however, that there are such people, and trials should be on an evidentiary basis, but
Such horrible things can happen when relying on documentary evidence, and they can’t help it if they don’t. When you think about things like this.
It’s difficult to understand, but what I found out is the reality that the fear of power and hell depends on money.










An incident on a commuter train.

This morning, I boarded my usual train as usual. The area near the entrance is always crowded, so
I try to stand near the center of the carriage, and today I stand almost in the center of the carriage, as usual, with a book of Jumgo in my hand and in deep contemplation (similar to a poorly thought-out break). so to speak.
This is my recent commute from Monday to Friday, as usual.

Normally, I would tell you to go straight to Naniha-bashi station, but
At the second station this morning, the two men who were sitting in front of me got off and there was a seat open for two. A young man in his twenties, who was standing beside me at the moment, quickly sat down.
So far, it’s just an ordinary scene. However, this young man sat down in the center of the seat where two people were sitting, and
He began to read the book wholeheartedly. I wondered why he was sitting alone in the seat where the two of us were sitting, but this young man was reading without any sense of discomfort and in a very natural manner.
Looking sideways at the book, I’m not sure if it’s a moral, ethical, or philosophical book, but either way, it’s a book that preaches “the way of man”.

I don’t want to say, “Young people these days…” but if it doesn’t involve action…
There’s no point in studying too much, is there?












Matsu-chan’s blog has been all about the Tenpukai and his hometown lately, hasn’t it? “Why don’t you write a little more about the industry and your job…! I have a friend who gives me such good advice.

I think that’s true for me too. However, when I write about the industry or my work, I get increasingly angry while I’m writing, and I even say things that I don’t need to say, and after I upload my work, I sometimes feel depressed that I’ve done it again… In comparison, hobbies and country things are easygoing. And it just so happens that…

I would like to write a little personal opinion about the industry today, based on my friend’s advice. I’m sorry if that’s too much to say…

In June of this year, three years have passed since the Detective Business Act came into effect. It is a common practice that newly enacted laws will be reviewed after three years, and this business law also says so. However, I haven’t heard any mention that the review has been done. Why is that? I think it’s probably not because there are no requests from the industry for a review.

This business law is parliamentary legislation and seems to me to be an extremely crude piece of legislation. Also, some of the operational aspects of the system do not match the actual situation, but it seems to me that the system is neglected with almost no improvement being made.

However, industry groups have not taken any action. Economically, we were removed from the government’s emergency loan target industry, and the government’s guarantee association was not guaranteed, so no matter how much money we put up, we could not be guaranteed. On top of that, the industry itself is treated as if it were an anti-social entity, and the reality is that it is looked down upon with contempt.

Nevertheless, few industry people and organizations are willing to raise their voices. Most of the people in the industry speak out against the industry and attack groups, and most of them try to earn their own trust by criticizing others. I feel really sorry for them, but the truth is that they are.

Therefore, I would like to make a proposal. Can’t the industry get together enough? We had to separate and disperse as much as we wanted to. And let’s create a system that allows industry activities by industry people for industry people.






企画段階では、「関西隠岐人会の会長としては参加しない訳には・・・」的な、しぶしぶ感覚であったが、意外や意外、自分が一番楽しんでいたのではと思う位に充実したものであった。 参加者は総勢17名。本当は25名を予定していたが宣伝が行き届かず、70%に留まったが、こんなだともう少し無理を言ってでも連れて行けば良かったと思ったくらい。




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Oki tour with Kinki Shimane Kenjin Association.

I participated in the Oki tour planned by the Kinki Shimane Kenjin Association for three days this week, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. It was only a small trip of two nights and three days, but the contents and the places to see were extremely rich, and it was a pleasant and enjoyable three days. I was born and raised in Oki, and although I was familiar with Nishinoshima, where I was born and raised, I was surprisingly unfamiliar with Tomoo, Ama, and Okinoshima, and Tomoo and others had only been around since their elementary school excursions.

At the planning stage, I reluctantly felt that “as the president of the Kansai Oki Association, I can’t afford not to participate…”, but unexpectedly and unexpectedly, it was so fulfilling that I think I enjoyed it the most. The total number of participants was 17. We had planned to have 25 people, but we couldn’t advertise it well enough, so it was only 70%.

Oki was a very greedy plan to go around all four islands, Tomoo, Ama, Nishi-no-jima, Oki-no-jima town, and to meet and exchange opinions with three officials of three towns and one village.




  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
