心身の完成 (我とは何ぞや・・・)
※ これは、天風先生が作られた「心身の完成」という真理行修の最初の誦句である。実は、この誦句を解説し、その後、スピリチュアルな問題を提供して、皆で話し合いたいと思っている。さて、どういうことになるやら・・・。


I have been participating in a study group called Shinjin Juku for several years now. The school is run by a small group of about 10 members, mainly managers related to the Tenpukai and Seiwajyuku. Study sessions are held once a month, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the evening. In the first hour, one of the members serves as a speaker and discusses various issues such as the problems of running a self-employed company, how to live and how to think, and in the second hour, everyone discusses these issues together.
The meeting will be held next Monday (25th) on the 6th floor of our company and I will be a speaker.
Now, what shall we talk about? So far, it’s not a big problem, but I don’t have enough education to teach the members… I was thinking. As a result, um, I decided to tackle a larger theme.
“What am I… It has been 23 years since I joined the Tenpukai, but I still don’t understand this proposition as if I understood it. In fact, it is a proposition that must be understood in the first year, and they want us to at least understand it before the training sessions, so the Tenpukai holds preliminary training sessions where we are taught “What is Me? In spite of the fact that I’ve been studying for 23 years, I’m still at a loss.
I wanted to hear what each member had to say, so I decided to challenge this proposition.
The following is the opening part of the regime.
The perfection of mind and body.
The body of a person is not in the body, nor is it in the mind. He is the immutable, immortal, immortal spirit. Many people, however, do not realize this solemn disappearance and mislead themselves into thinking that their body or mind is the body of the person.
No sooner is there a temporary phase than there is a real phase. Nor is it in the manifestation of its essence.
The body and the mind are the tools of life for the life of the true-self to live in the phenomenal world without any means whatsoever, then it must be skillfully coordinated and exercised to promote the perfect expression of its performance with all its might.
Even a master craftsman, without all of his tools, would be like having no skill.
Therefore, in order to truly stabilize our lives, we must not fail to keep in mind that we must better and more fully appreciate the existence of the temporary phase, which is the only tool of our lives.
Only in this way can you achieve true happiness as a human being. You must not understand, you must not study.
This is the first incantation of the truth gyoshu, “Perfection of mind and body,” written by Master Tenpou. In fact, I would like to expound on this recitation and then offer a spiritual question for everyone to discuss. Well, I don’t know what’s going to happen…
So much for the hard talk, and let your eyes be entertained. The cactus has bloomed again this year, living quietly in the back stairs of our company, where I water it three or four times a year with great effort.
This cactus is shy for some reason, and it blooms without anyone knowing it. Every year it starts blooming on Friday night, and on Saturdays and Sundays, it blooms without anyone seeing it. But this year, when I came to work this morning (Friday), they were blooming with great pride. However, most of them will be in bloom tomorrow (Saturday) and the day after tomorrow (Sunday)….