




昨日、㈱あしたのチーム(人事評価システムの会社)と弊社とのコラボで、人事セミナーを開催した。小生は後半の1時間を担当。調査会社から見たリスクマネジメントについて話した。 求人の際の調査の必要性を縷々説明し、採用調査の実態と課題について話したが、参加者の反応は今一つ。何が足らなかったのか・・・反省しきりである。





Yesterday, we held an HR seminar in collaboration with Ashita team (a company of HR evaluation system). I was in charge of one hour of the second half. We talked about risk management from a research firm’s perspective. I explained in detail the necessity of a survey at the time of hiring and talked about the actual situation and issues of the recruitment survey, but the response of the participants was lacking. What was not enough………………………

What I felt most strongly about was the age gap, or rather the perception gap. There were many things that I thought everyone would know about, but surprisingly not so.

Many of the participants were in their 30s and 40s and were in the executive class of venture companies. Many of the participants seemed to have never heard of such things as the case of the chief inspector of land names in 1975, which I had only just heard about. On closer inspection, it was a time when it was unborn or unborn for them. It’s natural not to know, and in the extreme, it’s historic. However, for me, it was also a case of strong input, and it was just a previous feeling……………………..

I think that I am still young and inexperienced, but it seems that I have reached an age where I can’t say so quickly. Come to think of it, I’ve been asked to hold an honorary society in two or three years.

This is ridiculous… who are you talking about?





昨日8月26日(水)午後4時から、本町の大阪国際ビルヂングで「人事セミナー」を開催した。このセミナーは、人材支援サービス(採用、管理、就職支援)を行う日本データービジョン㈱と弊社の共催で実施。講師は小生とデータビジョンの河村社長との2人。持ち時間は40分。  個人情報保護法施行以後、求職者の履歴詐称が非常に目立って来たこと、及び、その履歴確認が極めて難しくなっている現状を話し、その対策とノウハウについて話を進めていった。  参加者の多くが、各企業の人事担当者であった事から、それなりに興味を持って聞いて頂けた様には感じたが、時間的制約と準備不足から、思いの半分も伝え切れず、大いに反省をしたセミナーでもあった。  尚、来週9月3日にも、第一部「企業版人間ドッグ」、第2部「企業防衛、7つの裏ワザを惜しみなく公開」と題した無料セミナーを、弊社と㈱あしたのチームの共催で企画しており、小生が第二部を担当することになっている。仰々しい演題となっており、担当する本人がエッと思っているが、やるっきゃない(ちょっと古すぎるか・・・)。ただ、今のところ参加者が少なく、集客に苦労している様子。ご興味の方がおられましたら是非ご参加くださいませ。  参加申し込みは、06-6363-0110 吉本まで・・。宜しくお願い致します。


Yesterday, August 26 (Wednesday), at 4:00 p.m., a “Human Resources Seminar” was held at the Osaka International Building in Honmachi. This seminar was co-hosted by Japan Data Vision Inc. and our company, which provides human resource support services (recruitment, management, and employment support). There were two lecturers, myself and Mr. Kawamura, President of Data Vision. The duration is 40 minutes.  After the enforcement of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, we talked about the fact that the falsification of job seekers’ histories has become very conspicuous, and the current situation in which it has become extremely difficult to verify such histories.  However, due to time constraints and lack of preparation, we were not able to convey half of what we had hoped for, and this was a seminar that I greatly regretted.  I will be in charge of the second part of a free seminar titled “Corporate Human Dog” and “Corporate Defense, 7 Behind-the-Scenes Techniques”. It’s a grandiose subject, and the person in charge of it thinks it’s a bit old-fashioned, but it must be done… However, it seems that they are having a hard time attracting customers because of the small number of participants so far. If you are interested, please join us.  Please contact Yoshimoto at 06-6363-0110 to apply. Thank you very much for your cooperation.















Because of the relationship with our customers, it is difficult for us to take a vacation for all employees, so we take summer vacation in turns around Obon. I took a week’s summer vacation from the 11th to the 18th, because I had a junior high school reunion in the country on the 12th. I came back to my hometown, Oki Island.

Reunion scene with seafood barbecue. All-you-can-eat Oki’s unique abalone, turban shells, abalone oysters and grilled yellowtail.
After the barbecue party, we went on a night cruise. A training ship for the Bureau of Shipping was anchored offshore. At the stern of the boat, the sailors were enjoying the night fishing.

On August 15, lanterns were floated in the Mitajiri area of Nishinojima-cho. The floating lanterns of the sea from the offing are also quite impressive.







August 8th (Sat) Naniwa Yodogawa Fireworks Festival.

I was invited to “Naniwa Yodogawa Fireworks Festival” by an acquaintance. The apartment is right in front of the launch site, and the balcony has a special seat. We finished the golf at 3:00 p.m. and arrived at the apartment at 5:50 p.m. We had a hard schedule for the day’s golf, but since we were invited, we gladly accepted. It was a rather large apartment, but more than a dozen customers had already come. Almost half of the faces are familiar to me. Without hesitation, I’ll take your word for it and start with a beer… I went to the balcony with a beer in my hand, and the countdown to 10, 9, 8, 7 started, just after 8:00. Fireworks are played together with Dawn’s loud sound. I was able to watch the fireworks from a very special seat that I could only think of for me. This is what makes it so moving. Dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, tamaya! The fireworks never stop going up for an hour….











いや、100%ダメと云うのではないんじゃない。だって、こんな人でも面接試験でOKになって、調査を依頼して来ている訳でしょう。 調査無しだとこの人採用に成ってしまうよ、きっと。 入ったらどうするの・・・、会社大変jじゃない。

そこで小生のボヤキ。 まったくそうなんだよなー、 だけど日本の人権論者や偉い人の間では、こんな会話全く通用しないんだよな・・・。行政官の社会でも通用しないみたいなんだよなー。




When I went down to the investigation room on the fourth floor (a room dedicated to the investigation section), I found the investigator muttering something like, “What is this? Let me recreate that conversation or rather, a whisper here.

What is a resume? It’s natural to try to make yourself look good, but then again…

It’s not just a habit of paranoia.

Maybe this kind of person will make a better impression in an interview? I have a lot of self-assurance.

But when I investigated it, I was like, “Yikes! It’s not a lie at all, but it’s something completely different inside.

Yes, it’s tempting to say, “Who is this?

But the hiring survey is supposed to say, “You can’t do that because it could lead to discrimination…

No, it’s not that I’m saying 100% no. It’s because even people like this are coming to us after being accepted for the interview and asking for a survey. If you don’t do the research, you’ll get this guy. What if I get in…, it’s a company disaster.

So here’s my blurb. It’s true, but this kind of conversation doesn’t really work among Japanese human rights theorists and intellectuals… It doesn’t seem to work in the society of government officials either.

The only people who can do it are the ordinary small and medium-sized business owners who are drinking cheap drinks together at the end of the pub….

It’s not like that. I think we all know what’s really going on. But I don’t think I can say the truth…




  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
