








For the first time in a long time, I looked through “Friends of Lottery” (Lottery’s monthly magazine), which has been derided as a best-selling magazine that people don’t read. The article, titled “Telling the Story of Polio Eradication,” was written by K.R. Ravidadra, president of Rotary International.

One of the pillars of the Rotary International Foundation’s service work is the polio eradication campaign, a decades-long effort to eradicate the polio virus from our planet at the expense of the Foundation. I have been very interested in this activity since I was asked to be the club’s foundation chair a few years ago, but it seems that we can finally eliminate polio from the earth, which is the ultimate goal.

According to the article, only two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan, accounted for only 20 to 30 cases of polio worldwide in 2015. This is the first time that mankind has ever defeated the fury of nature, a threat that is indescribably amazing.

But according to this article, this time, it looks like it’s a mistake, even though it’s been said for several years that it’s close to being eradicated, but not completely. The president of Rotary International has indicated that we should not let up on our activities, but rather, it is more important to see the complete eradication of the disease, and I think he is absolutely right.






 「黎明」(葦原瑞穂 著)と云う本に出合ったのは半年ほど前。「我とは何ぞや・・」、分かっているようでわからない。









On Sunday the 11th, the long-awaited lecture by Mizuho Ashihara was held at L-Osaka. I arrived at the venue at 12:40 p.m. The show opens at 1pm, which is unusual for me, and I got to the venue 20 minutes early. However, the venue with a capacity of 200 people was already 80% full. What’s more, the atmosphere of the venue was completely different from that of a regular lecture hall. Even an ordinary person like me could feel the high level of vibes of that venue.

It was about six months ago that I came across a book called “Reimei” (written by Mizuho Ashihara). I don’t know if I know what I am.

Teacher Tianfeng’s recitation, perfection of mind and body. The body of a person is not in the body, nor is it in the mind. He is the immutable and immortal spirit. However, many people do not understand this solemn disappearance, but only think that the body or mind is the body of the person. It’s not as if they were real. Nor is it in the manifestation of its essence. The chanting that follows is completely recited and can be uttered anywhere and at any time, but it is only said and has not reached the realm of enlightenment.

I have been associated with the Tenpukai for 23 years now. However, I don’t seem to have understood the beginning of the teaching, “What is Self? We know it as knowledge, but we don’t really know the truth. So, I felt ashamed and seriously asked the teacher who I thought would be the right person to teach at Tenpukai, “I’m sorry to say… He introduced me to “Reimei” by Mizuho Ashihara, which he said was a little difficult.

Reimei is divided into two volumes, one up and one down, for 2600 yen per volume. It’s not cheap, but I paid a lot of money to buy two volumes. I quickly unraveled it, but it’s more than a little. It’s so difficult, I don’t understand it at all, I could spend half an hour reading a page and still not understand it. Nevertheless, I continue reading, and as I do, some parts of the book become clearer. As you read on again, there are parts of the book that draw you in. However, when I read all these difficult books, my head goes on strike. So, I read Asada Jiro and read Kitakata Kenzo. Therefore, it took me about six months to finish reading the two volumes. It’s also honestly just a matter of looking through it. It turns out that this author, Mizuho Ashihara, is no ordinary person. Maybe he’s one of the people called “Grand Master”. And he is a person who can communicate with “universal consciousness” at any time and place.

To be honest, I don’t understand “Reimei” at my current level, but I understood the lecture by Mizuho Ashihara. I think it is because he is able to detect the level of the audience in an instant, and he spoke in a way that I could understand according to that level.

The performance runs for four hours from 13:00 to 17:00. Two hours were devoted to the lecture and two hours to the question and answer session. As you can see, it is rare for a speaker to have a two-hour question-and-answer session with an audience of nearly 200 people. What’s more, no matter what you ask, you don’t deflect. He caught Kichit in front and responded.

My impression after listening to the performance was that it was the same as what Mr. Amakaze said. The truth is one, eternal and universal principle. The way of expression is different, but deep down we are the same…I thought. This is also a very natural thing, and I am sure people will say, “What do you mean?

And we should try to live our lives in a positive way, take everything positively, and live with a heart of truth, love and harmony….





手にした本が、僕の大好きな浅田次郎「おわらざる夏」、上中下の3巻からなる長編であったが、これが中々面白かった。その中に「カムイ・ウン・クレ」という言葉が出てくる。これは、北アイヌ人のなかで日常的に使われていた言葉とのことで、日本語に訳すと「神、われらを造りたもう」となるらしい。そして千島列島の最北端 占守島(シュムシュ島)の先住民が挨拶代わりに使っていた言葉とのこと。何かあると「カムイ・ウン・クレ」(神われらを造りたもう)。この言葉を発することにより、全てを許し全てを解決したようである。



The consecutive holidays in September are in the Oki Islands. The weather is clear and the waves are quiet. It was a great day for fishing. For me, the results are good. I was very satisfied with the abundance of fish species such as 2kg class of red snapper, large horse mackerel, mackerel, red snapper, and hagfish. Also, the beach breeze was pleasant at night, and I was able to read a decent amount of books.

The book I got was my favorite book, “Owara Zaru Natsu” by Jiro Asada, which consists of three volumes (upper, middle and lower). In it, the words “Kamui un kure” come up. It is said that this word was used daily among the Northern Ainu people, and translated into Japanese, it means “God, let us create”. And it is said that the indigenous people of Urumori (Shumshu) Island, the northernmost island in the Kuril Islands, used this word as a greeting. If anything, it’s “Kamui-un-Kre” (Let God make us). By uttering these words, he seems to have forgiven everything and settled everything.

What a wonderful word, “God has made us”! Perhaps Jiro Asada wrote this novel because he wanted to use these words…



二科100年展 と 広岡浅子の生涯








The theme of my blog was “The Nishina Centennial Exhibition and the Life of Asako Hirooka”, but there is no relationship between the Nishina Exhibition and Asako Hirooka. I only did so because I saw two exhibits. I’m sorry…

This morning, when I turned on the TV, there was a report that the “Legendary Western-style Painters’ Exhibition” was being held at the Osaka Municipal Museum of Art in Tennoji. I am not particularly well versed in art, but I was intrigued for some reason. On a lucky day, I spontaneously said to my wife, “Let’s go see this and Asako Hirooka too…”. I don’t have any plans today, so let’s go,” she replied pleasantly, but one word: “But you’re so haphazard…

We arrived at Osaka Municipal Museum of Art at 10:00 a.m. The doors opened at 9:30 a.m., so there were several dozen people in attendance as soon as we arrived.

The “100 Years of the Nishina Exhibition” was planned to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Nishina Exhibition and exhibited representative works of modern art from the winners of the Nishina Exhibition in the past 100 years, which are on loan from museums all over Japan from Hokkaido to Kyushu.

It was just a thought, but the admission fee of 1,300 yen was not too high. Even I, an outsider, was drawn to the works of Togo Seiji, Okamoto Taro, and Fujita Tsuguharu in particular.

Afterwards, I returned to Yotsubashi and went to the Memorial Hall on the second floor of Daido Life’s headquarters to see a special exhibition on the life of Asako Hirooka, who is said to be the model for the NHK drama series “Asaga Katada” that starts in October this year, “Kashimaya and Asako Hirooka. If you can watch the morning drama series, I think you should visit this place once.




小結、隠岐の海 が大金星。昨日9月13日の初日、小結隠岐の海 が堂々たる相撲で、大横綱「白鳳」を寄り切りで倒した。早くも巷では優勝の声も・・・などと大喜び。 昨日は、天風会の全国代表者会議で東京に出向いており、帰宅が夜中であった為、この大ニュースは知らず、今朝女房から知らされた。今日に限って新聞は無し、ただ、朝のテレビニュースで、隠岐の海の堂々たる勝ちっぷりが放映された。バンザーイ、ばんざーい。  お昼、船場ロータリーの例会に行くや、「マッチャン、隠岐の海、やったな・・・」と皆から声がかかる。嬉しくなった小生、つい調子に乗って「早や下馬評では、優勝の掛け声が・・・」などと豪語してしまった。がんばれ、隠岐の海。  今週末から5日間の大型連休。足は自然と隠岐へと向かう。今回はひそかに思っている、大物を狙おう・・っと。ただ決して豪語はできない・・。

Koyuki and Oki no Umi were the big stars. On the first day of the tournament yesterday, September 13, the Oki no Umi, a komiyuki wrestler, defeated the great yokozuna Hakubao in a dignified victory. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard the name of the winner…. Yesterday, I went to Tokyo for a national representative meeting of the Tenpukai and came home in the middle of the night, so I didn’t know about this big news. There were no newspapers today, but the morning TV news broadcasted the Oki Sea’s magnificent victory. Banzai, hooray.  As soon as we went to the Semba Rotary meeting at noon, everyone said to me, “Machan, you made it to the Oki Sea… I was so happy, I got on the bandwagon and boasted, “In the early days, there was a shout of victory… Keep up the good work, Oki Sea.  It’s a big five-day holiday starting this weekend. The foot naturally heads for the Oki Islands. This time, I’m secretly thinking, let’s go for the big one… But you can never talk about it…




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