





















今日12月18日の小生の誕生日を社員が社内で祝ってくれた!!。感謝 かんしゃ。



It’s the end of the year for both public and private life. The number of survey requests surged from last week to this week. The investigator is in a situation where he was told to spare no time for sleep. So, I would like to whip up my old body and help out with the field work, but it is difficult to do so. In addition, there are many year-end parties at this time of year, including public and private ones. My stomach is screaming a bit and there are signs of yellowing in front of my eyes from a drink or two. Is your body screaming in spite of your eagerness? I can’t help but feel my age.

And today is my birthday. Sixty-eight years ago, with the help of my parents, I was born into this world, and with the support of everyone, I have been able to live to this day. First of all, I would like to thank my parents, my wife and children, as well as my employees, people in the industry, business partners, school friends, and people from my hometown. Thank you so much.

Last week, I went on a business trip to Tokyo on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Wednesday morning, I left the hotel (Nagatacho) to go to my company (Tokyo branch) and headed for Tokyo Station. The square in front of the Imperial Palace was packed with oddly aged women. Police officers are standing here and there, clearing the traffic. There’s something about this…? I immediately lined up in the crowd. Then, the line continued to Qianmen. He was searched for his baggage and body before the Qianmen and proceeded from the Qianmen to the Imperial Palace. And what a line it was for the autumn foliage picking in the Imperial Palace’s dry street.

A view of the palace from Qian Street.

Imperial Household Agency

Autumn leaves on dry street

This Monday (December 14) is the Funaba Rotary Club’s Christmas family get-together. This year, a member’s daughter (former Takarazuka Gennu and Mayu Tama) volunteered to make a guest appearance and gave a wonderful singing voice.

Some members were fascinated by Mayura Tamayura’s singing voice and went to the stage…

One of my employees celebrated my birthday today, December 18th, in the company! Thanks for the comment.













It’s early in the month. At this age (52 years old at the time), I am acutely aware of how quickly the year has passed. What have I done? When I look back, I’m still not quite sure. I think that I should live each day with significant attention to detail and earnestly in the moment, but in the end, I’m not able to do that.

However, over the past year, one thing I’ve felt strongly about when I’ve been reviewing hiring survey reports is the credibility of resumes.

It’s normal to think, “There’s no mistake, it’s the right one,” because you’re writing your own resume on your own. It is common to interview and select applicants based on their resumes. However, this is a big mistake. Some of them seem to be mere errors in writing and memory, but most of them are contrived. So to speak, there are so many fraudulent resumes. In the case of our company, the background check is based on three companies over the past 10 years, but there are so many mistakes that the true nature of the case cannot be revealed without a further investigation.

When the Act on the Protection of Personal Information was first enacted, I warned that the number of resumes from graduates of Tokyo University and Kyoto University would increase in the future.

With the guidance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, some job seekers are aware that “investigations at the time of hiring are unfair”, and even if they write lies on their resumes, they think that they can’t find out because they can’t be investigated. There are some people who complain to the company with a big smile on their face.

In any case, it’s not a good idea to join a company with a false resume, and it’s not a good idea to have a social system that doesn’t know whether or not your filing history is correct.

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is urging companies to make fair hiring decisions. However, one must not confuse equality with fairness. I don’t think they are instructing you to put a false resume and a correct resume on the same table, and to select without checking your resume, but in reality, that’s not the case, and they tend to assume that any investigation at the time of hiring is out. There is no way they can create a fair recruitment and selection system. Small and medium-sized companies that are forced to rely on mid-career hiring will not be able to keep up.

It was a year that made me feel these things more strongly than ever before.






日時: 2015年12月12日(土)13:30〜15:30(受付開始13:00)

会場: 尼崎女性センター・トレピエ

    尼崎市南武庫之荘3-36-1 ℡06-6436-6331

講師: NPO法人国際地雷処理・地域復興支援の会(IMCCD) 理事長 高山良二

定員: 80名


 ※ 尚、12月5日から2月9日(10::00〜17:00 月曜休館)、トレピエ1Fギャラリーにて地雷処理をしている女性地雷探知員(デマイナー)たちの姿や地雷被害者の現状を伝える為の写真展が開催されている。






My friend Ryoji Takayama will be giving a lecture on land mines and unexploded ordnance disposal in Cambodia at the Women’s Center in Amagasaki under the title “Seeds of Peace”, which I have mentioned in this blog several times in the past.

Date and time: Saturday, December 12, 2015, 13:30 to 15:30 (registration begins at 13:00)

Venue: Amagasaki Women’s Center, Trepie

℡06-6436-6331, 3-36-1, Minamikonosou, Amagasaki

Speaker: Ryoji Takayama, President, International Mine Clearance and Community Reconstruction Support Group (ICCCD)

Capacity: 80 people

Participation fee: Free

From December 5 to February 9 (10:00 – 17:00), a photo exhibition of female mine detectors (deminers) who are handling mines and the current situation of mine victims is being held at the gallery on the first floor of Trepie.

The border between Cambodia and Thailand is the last stronghold of the Pol Pot regime, and there are still hundreds of thousands of landmines that the Pol Pot faction buried themselves as a defense. Cambodia’s Jaymas (a government agency) is in charge of disposing of the landmines and is receiving support from all over the world. Takayama is the most prominent of them all, having been appointed as a reconstruction advisor to the Kingdom of Cambodia and hiring local staff at his own expense to dispose of land mines and unexploded ordnance. I can’t help but bow my head.

He and I were the same classmates in the Self-Defense Forces at the time, and we lived and ate together for four years, while also studying at the same night school. However, I never dreamed that he would become a man who would make such an international contribution. At that time, he was scolded by his team leader for skipping training and pretended to go to school to fish in Toyokawa. After 13 years in Cambodia, he will give a two-hour lecture titled “I want to be a Seed of Peace”, having learned a great deal.

If you are even slightly interested, we hope you will come to the venue and listen to the lecture.












I was back in the Oki Islands for a week last week. The purpose was to set up a fishing boat, because it is difficult to go out for fishing in the Sea of Japan from December to March because it is basically a big day. Therefore, I challenged myself to jigging for big bluefish for the last time this year. The results were good, with two days out on the 11th and 12th, but eight medals in the 3k class and one margo in the 5k class.

I went back to Osaka on the weekend, and the next day on the 15th (Sunday), I went to the Kinki-Shimane Prefectural Association. A total of 550 Shimane Prefecture residents gathered in a large hall on the second floor of Hotel New Otani. It turned out to be a very lively party. Especially this year, the Oki area is in charge of the secretary. Therefore, the stage is full of Oki folk songs. Even though he was young, he was very lively.







On the 25th (Sun.), there was a seminar (public lecture) of the Tenpukai-Kori Support Group, and the lecturer was Ura Ura, a member of the Korien. The lecture will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and will be held on Sundays until 4:30 p.m. Although the number of participants was small (more than a dozen), the content of the lecture was substantial.

The following Monday was Rotary’s regular meeting day, and the speaker was a film director, Mitsutoshi Tanaka. It was the story of an amazing director Tanaka, who produced “Rikyu ni tazuneyo” in 2013 and “Sakura Saku” in 2014, and produced the Turkish-Japanese co-production “Uminami”, which was released on December 5 this year. He was very good at talking and had an excellent way of taking things in between. The content of the talk was so good that people came running to shake hands with him as soon as the table talk was over. Don’t miss the “Marine Accident”…

Tuesday I enjoyed playing golf and Wednesday was business as usual. On Thursdays and Fridays, I spent all my time training new employees at the Tokyo office. It was an unusually productive week with a welcome party for new employees in the evening.




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