平成22年3月 ○○大学 卒業
平成22年4月 ○○㈱ 入社
平成28年2月 ○○㈱ 退職
平成28年5月 △△㈱ 入社
平成29年2月 △△㈱ 退職
所見、 「申告の履歴書は全くのデタラメ。前々職の○○㈱は、約6年間の在職となっているが、実際は5年ほど前に6ケ月勤務しただけ。しかもまともに出勤したのは入社後2ケ月程で、後は家庭事情(父が心筋梗塞で倒れたとか、病院に連れて行くため、等々の理由で)を理由に度々欠勤していた。余りに欠勤が多いため、会社の人が家庭訪問をすると、父親は心筋梗塞どころかピンピンしていた元気な姿で応対したという。そんな事から会社は本人と話し合いの場を持ち、結果勧奨退職なったとのこと。尚、前職の△△㈱は、在職期間は僅か5ケ月。しかも、父親が急死したとの理由で、特別休暇をとり、そのまま退職したとの事であった。ところが、父親は元気で今も勤めに出かける姿が近隣者に確認されており、父親の死は全くの虚言であることが判明した。以上、申告履歴に信憑性は無く、空白期間の動向も定かで無く、被調査人は虚言癖のある信頼しがたい人物と判断せざるを得ない」
※ 但し、上記報告書の所見は、実際の報告書をそのまま転記したものではない。
our company The main part of the company’s work is recruitment research. It is also mainly a background check for employed people, so to speak, mid-career hires. As I’ve mentioned on this blog a few times in the past, a resume is generally considered to be accurate because it’s a personal statement of your background. However, what I found out after working here is that there are a lot of lies on resumes. I wonder when we became such a society… Am I the only one who thinks that personal information protection = anonymous society = fraudulent society = criminal society? Also, if privacy and personal information are protected, will it really make our society easier to live in? The average person can’t help but think about this.
Truth be told, I didn’t mean to write such a blurb today. However, when I write it out, it always becomes a blur…..
The following is what I wanted to write about
My main job these days is to check the reports written by the investigators. This is what is called a “desk” position in a newspaper company.
I read dozens of reports a day, but the content varies a thousand times. Some people are good, some are not so good. one of these
Name, Taro Yamada (pseudonym/ 27 years old)
March 2010 Graduated from ○○ University
April 2010 Entered XX Corporation
February 2018 ○○ Corporation Retirement
May 2018 Joined △△ Corporation
February 2017 Retirement
(Investigation Report)
Findings, “The filing resume is complete bullshit. The previous company, XX, has been in the company for about six years, but in reality, I only worked there for six months about five years ago. After that, he was absent for family reasons (my father had a heart attack, I had to take him to the hospital, etc.). He was so absent from work that when the company staff visited him at home, his father appeared to be in good spirits, not having a heart attack. As a result, the company had a discussion with him, and as a result, he resigned at the recommendation of the company. The previous company, △△△, had been in the company for only five months. Moreover, he had taken a special leave of absence and left the company as it was because his father had died suddenly. However, it turns out that his father’s death was a complete lie, as his neighbors confirmed that he was in good spirits and was still seen going to work. In light of the foregoing, the filing history is not credible, and the trends of the blank period are not certain, we are compelled to conclude that the respondent is an untrustworthy person with a habit of lying.
In addition, the article section of the report contains detailed information on the status of attendance at the previous and previous positions, which supports the above findings.
I see this kind of report on a daily basis. However, this is the result of the efforts of the investigators, and if you normally ask them about their previous jobs from the front, they will say, “We can’t respond to your inquiry because it is personal information. Of course, I can’t tell you whether or not I was there for a period of time,” he said with a whimper. This is the current trend in personal information protection.
However, the findings in the above report are not a transcription of the actual report.
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