








When did the term “job hunting” become popular? There is no doubt that job hunting as a new graduate is a major turning point in one’s life at any given time. However, for people like me in the Showa era, the job-hunting wars of today’s university students do not resonate with me. Mostly, we narrowed down our target to two or three companies and decided on one of them. In recent years, however, the job market has changed drastically. Regardless of the difficulties of finding a job or finding a job, 10 or 20 companies are the norm, and some of them submit their entry sheets to 40 or 50 companies and focus on job hunting after a long year. It seems to be particularly difficult for students in the liberal arts. However, there are many cases in which even when they do find a job, it doesn’t last for three months, and then they start looking for work again as second graduates.

In order to eliminate such mismatches as much as possible, we not only handle requests from job seekers, but we also handle requests from job seekers to search for job seekers. Particularly recently, many companies are seen as black companies, and according to the “White Paper on Job Hunting 2017” by Recruit Career (Chiyoda, Tokyo), the number of students who cited “working hours and leave” as the “most important criteria when choosing a company” rose from 4.8% immediately after starting job hunting to 7.4% in December, the month after activities. Instead of choosing the job you want to do or the company you want to work for, the most important thing is “working hours and vacation”. Although it sounds like a total disaster, there are some companies that can’t even take one day off a week and work 12 hours a day as normal. Therefore, it may not be a situation in which young people lament, “Young people these days…” even when such a job white paper comes out.

In any case, getting a job as a new graduate is a big event that will affect your life. It is my personal opinion that the education and corporate culture at the first place you work after graduating from school will greatly influence the way you work and the way you think about your work. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the first workplace more carefully, and at the same time, the company that hires the person needs to educate him/her seriously, with the feeling that it will affect his/her life.




昭和38年3月 西ノ島町立黒木中学校卒業の同級生120名の内25名が箱根湯元に集合、古希同窓会が開催された。





In March 1963, 25 out of 120 classmates who graduated from Kuroki Junior High School of Nishinoshima Town gathered at Hakone-Yumoto and held the reunion of the old age.

It is a beautiful man and a beautiful woman of 70 years of age and a pan pan that time gathers at Hakone Yumoto with a mountain climbing railway at 7:00 in the evening on May 29, 2007. They were born on the same Oki island, and when they met each other, they were like a child with a fire in their hearts.

Seventy years old men and women are Jun-chan, Keough-chan and Set-chan…. It’s a nice sight that only a reunion can have, to be 55 years younger at once.




毎年の事ながら5・6月は企業、団体の定時総会が目白押し。小生も今週は業界団体の総会で火、水曜と東京出張。火曜日は全国調査業協同組合、水曜はNPO法人全国調査業協会連合会の総会に参加。また、6月は社団法人関西総合調査業協会、公益財団法人天風会の評議委員会(総会に準じたもの)が予定されており、何かと多忙。しかし、その隙間をぬって、来週の月、火曜日は何となんと、御歳70歳の古希同窓会(中学の同期)。考えるに、これは我が人生の総会のようなもの。まだまだ先は長いが、ひとつの節目であることは間違い無さそう・・・。人生の総括には未だ早いが、振り返ってみると、幼少のころからの思い出が走馬灯のように浮かんでくる。この世に生を受け、最初の記憶が3歳の時,たぶん祭りの日の記憶。後しばらく無く、鮮明に覚えているのが小学校入学の時、なんと入学式を終え、自宅近くの川で水遊びをしていたら、何時の間にか仲間と喧嘩になり、びしょ濡れになったものだった。以後、70歳の今日まで、山あり谷あり、紆余曲折いろいろあったが、それなりに楽しく充実した日々を送って来た様に思う。あと余命50年、今日死ぬかのごとく生き、永遠に生きるかのごとく学んでいく事にする。そして ”やった やった”大声で叫びながら次の世へ旅立とうと思う・・・。


In May and June, there are many annual general meetings of companies and organizations. I’m also on a business trip to Tokyo on Tuesday and Wednesday for a general meeting of an industry group this week. On Tuesday, I attended the general meeting of the National Association of Surveyors, and on Wednesday, I attended the general meeting of the National Association of Surveyors. Also, in June, I will be busy with meetings of the Kansai Research Association and Tenpukai’s Board of Trustees (which is the same as the general meeting). However, next Monday and Tuesday will be a reunion of my junior high school classmates who are 70 years old. If you think about it, this is like the General Assembly of my life. There’s still a long way to go, but there’s no doubt that it’s a milestone… It’s too early to sum up my life, but when I look back on it, memories from my childhood come to mind like running lanterns. I was born into this world and my first memory is when I was three years old, probably on a festival day. What I remember vividly is that I got into a fight with my friends before I knew it and got soaked when I was playing in the water in the river near my house after the entrance ceremony at the time of elementary school entrance. Since then, until today, at the age of 70, I have had many ups and downs, and many twists and turns, but I think I have spent my days enjoying and fulfilling them in my own way. I have 50 years to live, and I’m going to live today as if I’m going to die, and I’m going to learn as if I’m going to live forever. And I think I’m going to leave for the next world screaming, “Yes, yes, yes”….





















Just south of our company, a five-minute walk away is Nakanoshima, the old dating spot. The Bank of Japan and Osaka City Hall are on the other side of Midosuji, and to the east of them are Nakanoshima Library, Osaka Public Hall (both buildings of Meiji era), and the Museum of Oriental Ceramics, which is the most scenic place in Osaka with the aroma of culture.

At the tip of Nakanoshima, a spring rose garden has been opened. Every morning, I cross the “Niniha Bridge” (a.k.a. the Lion Bridge), which straddles Nakanoshima, to my office.

This week is the height of the rose garden. As always, the beautiful roses are in full bloom now. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday, are probably the best times to see them… I recommend you to visit them. However, if you can’t take the time, please enjoy the slightly blurry roses that I took….






From May 1st to 7th, I went back to my home island of Oki-no-jima. I arrived at Beppu Port in the evening of the 1st, painted the bottom of my boat the next day, and with the help of my friend, dropped off the boat (from land to sea) and enjoyed sea fishing on the 3rd and 4th. The results were about 50 sea bream and 4 bokka, and the weather was fine on the 6th and 7th, but the waves were high, so I went back to Osaka early on the 7th. I was able to spend a very productive holiday.




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