







 二葉亭四迷45歳、夏目漱石39歳、正岡子規36歳 、尾崎紅葉35歳、国木田独歩37歳、樋口一葉24歳、有島武郎45歳、石川啄木26歳、萩原朔太郎37歳、芥川龍之介35歳 、岡本かの子49歳、宮沢賢治37歳、横光利一49歳、夢野久作47歳、梶井基次郎31歳、小林多喜二29歳、林文子47歳、堀辰雄48歳、中原中也30歳、中島敦33歳、坂口安吾48歳、太宰治38歳、 織田作之助33歳、三島由紀夫45歳。











Last Sunday, there was a book with the title in the library I always go to. I don’t pick up much how-to stuff other than novels, but it looks pretty interesting when I flip through it. I thought it would be nice to borrow something like this from time to time.

The structure of the book is extremely concise, including profiles of 50 literary giants of the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras, their views on love, hobbies and specialties, years of birth and death, summary of their representative works, their lifestyles, episodes, and friendships. I was surprised at the short life of a writer who is said to be a great writer.

About half of the writers have passed away before reaching the age of 50.

Futabatei Shimei 45 years old, Soseki Natsume 39 years old, Shiki Masaoka 36 years old, Momiji Ozaki 35 years old, Doppo Kunikida 37 years old, Kazuha Higuchi 24 years old, Takero Arijima 45 years old, Takuboku Ishikawa 26 years old, Sakutaro Hagiwara 37 years old, Ryunosuke Akutagawa 35 years old, Kanoko Okamoto 49 years old, Kenji Miyazawa 37 years old, Toshikazu Yokomitsu 49 years old, Hisasaku Yumeno 47 years old, Motojiro Kajii 31 years old, Takiji Kobayashi 29 years old, Fumiko Hayashi 47 years old, Tatsuo Hori 48 years old, Nakaya Nakahara 30 years old, Atsushi Nakajima 33 years old, Ango Sakaguchi 48 years old, Osamu Dazai 38 years old, Sakunosuke Oda 33 years old, Yukio Mishima 45 years old.

In addition, it may be natural to say that there was a lot of love, debauchery and lack of domesticity, and a writer who was addicted to drugs. I enjoyed reading this book quite a bit.

Among them, Ishikawa Takuboku was the most surprising. The following is described in his view of love.

Although he is married and has children, he is very uninhibited, dating several geisha in Tokyo. On the other hand, there are aspects of his dependence on women, such as being severely depressed when his wife and children run away from home. He also shows a jealous look on his face as he insulates his wife and her friend Ikuuma Miyazaki from suspicion of an affair based on a letter. In addition, it is said that he dropped out of junior high school because he was caught cheating, and even after going out into the world, he was covered in debt, and he spent the borrowed money for playing with women and entertaining himself, and he was absent from work.

Ishikawa Takuboku, who wrote the poem about living hardship.

“My life, though I work, is still easier, and I look at my hands.

He said, “I will carry my mother on my back and weep for her lightness, not wavering for three steps.

Mitsuko, the younger sister of Takuboku, who wrote this poem, wrote, “It is impossible for an older brother, who was so much trouble for his mother, to carry her on his back.

I stared at the letters in amazement.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***










流石にこのケースの履歴書は中々のもの。職務経歴書の自己PRもへーと思えるもの。ところがところがである。調べてみると、今度はへーと思える虚偽が満載。口八丁手八丁で見てくれは良いが、実績は伴わず、実際は同一企業に2年と続かず転職を繰り返している人が多く、弊社の調査結果では8割が、「採用不適当」 と判断せざるを得ないものと成っている。



The “cross-industrial exchange meeting” seems to be held widely and frequently.

When I was in my 40s and in the prime of my working life (although I’m still in the prime of my life), I used to come out here and there. The purpose of the participants is various, but the one thing that can be said for all is self-improvement and business.

I have nothing to say about that, but there is one thing I have always felt strongly about in my work. That is, “Be careful what you sell at social gatherings. It means.

Especially the pitching of human resources (including self). Among the people who appear at such social gatherings, one can often find people who call themselves “consultants”. On the other hand, there are also many people who join for the purpose of scouting.

Then, the two sides agreed, and we talked about “Why don’t you help me with my internal work…?

In such cases, we are often asked to do research. It is a so-called executive career recruitment survey.

As expected, the resume in this case is not so bad. The self-promotion in your resume is also something that makes you wonder. However, there was a problem. When I looked into it, I found out that it was full of deceit. It’s fine to look at them with all your might, but they don’t have a track record, and in fact, there are many people who repeatedly change jobs at the same company for two years or less, and according to our survey results, 80% of them have to be judged “unsuitable for employment.

In the same way, there are many cases of spitefulness in business negotiations, and as a general rule, it is necessary to be careful about sales pitches at social gatherings, which is a lesson I learned from my work.











会費は、年間一口 3.000円(個人)、10.000円(法人会員)。

2年後には世界チャンピオンに輝いた彼と祝杯を上げることを夢見て、懸命に応援することを誓います。 ”フレーフレー秋月楓大”。


Professional boxer Kaedai Akizuki (Super Flyweight, 10 fights, 10 wins and 8 KOs, ranked 9th in OPBF, belongs to Taisei Gym) is 18 years old.

Kaedai Akizuki is a promising star of the Japanese boxing world. He was strong anyway, as the above battlefield shows. He is a hard puncher and has an orthodox boxer’s style, as evidenced by his 10 fights and 8 KO’s. He is only 18 years old and has great stamina. Even though he had 10 professional fights, his face was beautiful. He didn’t have the crooked nose characteristic of a boxer, he didn’t have any blemishes in his eyes, and he was no different from the high school students you see on the street. This is because he is extremely unlikely to be punched in the face.

I am desperately rooting for him.

As a matter of fact, his father is from Nishinoshima town on the same Oki Island as me, and we are classmates. Even if they tell me not to support them, I can’t help it.

I recently watched the fight in Sumiyoshi, Osaka, and was intoxicated by the masterful boxing of Hit & Way, taking two downs in the second inning and knocking him out in the seventh. It was a stunning victory.

On November 5, the Taisei Boxing Gym is scheduled to hold a fight at the Sanda Hotel in Hyogo Prefecture. I’m sure he’ll set a record of 11 fights, 11 wins and 9 KOs. Go for it…Kaede Akizuki!

Therefore, we have decided to set up a support group “Encouraging Professional Boxer Kaedai Akizuki” and invite the members widely. Thank you for your support. If you can, please become a member of the Encouragement Society.

The annual membership fee is 3.000 yen (for individuals) and 10.000 yen (for corporate members).

I vow to cheer hard and dream of celebrating with him as a world champion in two years’ time. ”Fray Fray Akizuki Kaedai”.






実は昨日のこと。夕方6時過ぎに仕事を終え、帰途についた。香里園駅で下車し、自宅へ徒歩約17分の道のりを普通にトコトコと歩いていた。後ろからヒールの音、ト・ト・ト、小生の横を通り越して行き、みるみる離される。エッ、女性・・・、そんなに若そうにも無いのに?。自然競争意識がめばえ、こちらもト・ト・ト 頑張る。ところが追いつけない・・・、まー良いか。するとまた後ろから追い越しを掛けられた。またもや女性・・・、またみるみる離された。






When I was an active investigator, I had many conversations like this. How far would it be from the station to get there? ”I see…it’s about 10 minutes on a man’s feet, isn’t it?” ”Okay, thank you very much.

In the old days, they might have said this about men, but it is true that men walked faster than women in those days. These days, however, you don’t even hear these words anymore. More than anything else, the words “with a man’s feet…” are probably already dead.

Actually, it was yesterday. I left work a little after six o’clock in the evening and was on my way home. I got off at the Karizono station and walked the 17-minute walk to my house in a normal way. Eh, woman… you don’t even look that young? The sense of natural competition has flared up, and we will work hard, too. But I can’t catch up………………………………………… Then he passed me from behind again.

I’ve never seen anything like this before, but I’m feeling a little sad about it…

I thought to myself. Nevertheless, the woman has become stronger. The recent success of Japanese women in sports is remarkable, not only in sports, but also in the labor, economic, and political worlds. More than anything else, it’s our house.

I think I was a fast walker, although I don’t know how to say it myself. It’s not because of that, but it’s better to have a man who is a little impatient than a man who walks fast and can do his job. It’s because they can do their job better…” and “Be careful of small men…, for better or for worse.

From now on, maybe I should change “man” to “woman”.



トロイメライ、 http://traumerei.jp/








This week, 18 (Mon) and 19 (Tue), I went to Hakuba in Shinshu with my wife. I had decided that Hakuba was “the place to go for winter skiing”, but this time it was different. What a surprise, we went to eat French food. You may think it’s strange, but there’s a deep explanation for this.

In fact, a resident of Hakuba joined the Tenpukai-Kari group, which I represent, last year. This man used to be a member of the headquarters in Tokyo, but for some reason Kari took a liking to him and purposely changed his affiliation.

My mind was filled with wondering how I could repay the debt of gratitude I have received for my loyalty and respect for my friends.

In fact, he runs a swanky hotel in Hakuba called “Troimelai http://traumerei.jp/”. Troimelai is a hidden gem of a place known for its French food and wine. As it should be, he is the sommelier among sommeliers, having trained a number of sommeliers.

The food and wine are great….. Instead of returning the favor, I’ve been indebted to them once again.

Anyway, it was a happy one night and two days.




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