











I’ve read “An Encouragement of Learning” by Fukuzawa Yukichi and “Bushido” by Inazo Nitobe, both recommended by Masahiko Fujiwara, whom I respect.

Surprise no more, recklessly awesome. I was amazed at the fact that there was a man who wrote such a book at the beginning of the Meiji era. In my mind, I thought that the people of more than 100 years ago had a low level of culture, were inward-looking, and did not see or think much on a global level, but this was not the case at all. What a great person there was!

Come to think of it, neither Confucius, Sakyamuni nor Christ are BC. Ambassador Kobo is 1,500 years old. Science is advancing wildly, but maybe humans aren’t advancing or evolving much.

It is said that human beings are “animals born into the world to contribute to the improvement of the evolution of the universe” (Tenpou Nakamura), and this is certainly true.

Be that as it may, Meiji is amazing. The people are interesting, but the background is also great, and I think it is necessary to study the Meiji era once again.

Come to think of it, both of my parents were born in the Meiji era. It’s not that long ago…











For some reason, he is busy. That’s why I couldn’t update my blog and it’s just today. I don’t think anyone cares about this, but the overly self-conscious Machan would like to apologize to a few blog readers across the country and apologize deeply.

I don’t know what’s keeping me busy. I basically go to work every day, but when I leave home, I feel like “I don’t have much to do today,” but when I go to work, I’m so busy all day that I can’t even take a lunch break. So when I left work at 6:00, I was like, “What did I do today? I don’t know what I did in particular. I was so busy that I couldn’t even update my blog.

I don’t know if it’s because my ability to handle work has declined or it’s because my concentration has declined, but either way, I don’t seem to be able to do it as well as I did when I was young.

It is said that we are in the age of 100 years of life, and there are many people who say they will retire at 70 years old.

One of the reasons for my busyness is the Rotary presidency, which I have been working on since July. Every Monday, on our regular meeting day, we call it “President’s Time” and we have to talk for about ten minutes. It’s a lot of work, and there are so many other meetings that I don’t have time to relax, to be honest.

Today, a typhoon was approaching, and the company left the office at 5:00 a.m. The typhoon is no longer No. 20, and there is something wrong with its various directions. The global environment seems to be changing little by little. It seems to me that everyone at the global level needs to stop and think seriously about it once and for all.










About a month ago, I was invited to attend a party in Gokakakai, an area of Oki island town, and I attended the party. In his opening remarks, he spoke of Mizuwakasu Jinja, a shrine located in Oki-no-jima-cho, Oki-gun, Shimane Prefecture. Shikiuchi Shrine (Meishin Taisha), the first shrine in Oki Province. Formerly known as Kokushinchu-sha, it is now an annexed shrine of the main shrine office. The priest of the shrine (whose crest is called “chrysanthemum”) informed us that he was unable to attend this meeting today because there was a rite of condolence for 14 victims of the Oki Disturbance.

I thought. The Oki Riot was supposed to be a bloodless revolution? Fourteen dead… eh, that’s not real. I asked the man who was sitting next to me, “There were 14 people killed in the Oki Disturbance…? I asked. He said, “I don’t know how many, but some of them must be dead. After that, I talked with him about the Oki riot for a while. After that, he told me that there must be a book about the Oki Disturbance, and if I had it at home, I would send it to him. I appreciate that. I’d love to read it, and if you tell me the title of the book, I’ll order it from Amazon… etc. In less than a week’s time, I received a copy of “Shimamoyu, Oki Disturbance” (Yuko Matsumoto).

This is the secret story of Japanese history that only those who know it and those who don’t know it don’t know it at all. In fact, the Oki Islands have a history of starting an extremely advanced and bloodless revolution during the turbulent period of the Meiji Restoration, and of establishing an autonomous government for a time. At that time, Oki Island was under the jurisdiction of the Matsue clan and the Matsudaira family, and a deputy of the Matsue clan was dispatched to the island to rule it permanently. However, it seems to have been a region with a high level of citizenship, or rather a place where people were enthusiastic about learning. It would be… In the Edo period, as a port of call for Kitamae ships, goods and information from all over Japan came in, and in those days it was much busier and more prosperous than it is now, and there were quite a few merchants who traveled from Honshu to the Oki Islands to do business. In the midst of all this, the idea of reverence for the emperor and expulsion of the barbarians, which took place in many parts of Japan, seems to have flared even among the young people of the Oki region, who have moved to ban foreign ships from port. In addition, under the influence of Nakanuma Ryozo, a Confucian scholar from Oki, the villagers and priests of Oki Island, who were dissatisfied with the clan administration, united to expel their deputies and create an autonomous government. The reason for this was that Ryozo Nakanuma wanted to build the “Bukubunkan” in Totsukawa Village in Nara Prefecture, but his proposal was not heard.

It was an extremely innovative, three-powered, self-governing government. However, due to the Satsunaga’s vague response, it was decided that the Oki Islands would again be under the jurisdiction of the Matsue Clan, and 50 days later, the Matsue version sent several hundred samurai to destroy the autonomous government. At that time, 14 people, including the ringleaders of the Restoration Revolution, were killed in the war. I’m not cut out to talk about the details, but it was a very interesting book and I enjoyed it.

What I wanted to say was that Oki is not just an island of drifters, as is generally known, but also an island that made a commensurate contribution to the Meiji Restoration and worked hard in its own way, if not to the extent of being a behind-the-scenes player in the creation of present-day Japan.














I came back to Oki Island over three consecutive holidays. I had to go to Bali because of Rotary, but I skipped the trip and went back to Oki. I’m afraid that it will come back to haunt me, but I decided selfishly to let my ego get the better of me this time, and it was worth it.

First of all, we were blessed with good weather and were able to go out to the open sea. However, we were too fortunate to have a sticky calm with 0.5 to 1m waves, but we were overwhelmed by the heat. Fishing with a small boat in the Sea of Japan, there was not a single shade and the reflection of the sea was so strong that it was a little scary to think that I might get heat stroke. We could see the sea and the shadow of the island as far as the eye could see, but there was no boat to help us, and we were fishing alone in the ocean.

You can target sea bream at a depth of 100 to 120 meters, but if you don’t make a mistake, you’ll almost always get a good bite. When I become a veteran, I raise two or three fish at a time, but I haven’t reached that level yet, and when I raise one fish, I am so happy that I raise it. I caught about 90 fish in three days, which is still quite a result.

It’s fun in its own way, but it’s great on the way to the fishery… We left the port at 5:00 a.m. and the sunrise came after about 10 minutes of driving.









It rained for most of the last week. As far as I know, I don’t remember such a large amount of rain falling over a wide area. I think there were quite a few more severe local downpours, but it rained all day and night, almost without a break. There must be a lot of rain in the sky… I thought. Especially in the northern part of Osaka, where there was a big earthquake recently, I thought that God was not going to be nice to me, but he didn’t listen to me. However, in the midst of such annoying days, the beauty of the moonlight, which my wife had been neglecting with all her soul, bloomed for only this night. Waiting for my return, just one flower, just one night. As it was almost midnight, I could feel the atmosphere of the place. The only people who were simply waiting for me to return were Tsukishita Bijin and Kotaro.




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