








I’d like to say “I’m too busy to blog”, but that’s not really the case.
However, for some reason I was so busy that I couldn’t take the time to work on my computer.

I’m trying to be a person who can be “unfazed” at any time, but it’s not as easy as I think.

A lot of things have happened since the beginning of September, and it’s been a total three-way street. The evil spirits of mountains and rivers are said to abound in the investigation industry.
I was shocked, as if I had fallen for the Oreole scam myself. At the same time, I was reminded of the importance of the research industry.
It’s also true that I’ve learned some great lessons while being reflective.

Yesterday, I participated in the Funaba Rotary Golf Tournament. An unheard of 35 on the front nine.
I was the most surprised of all. Just as I was enjoying myself, wondering if I had mastered the Heavenly Wind Dao a little bit…
As expected, the back nine was 43, which was back to the usual score.









On Tuesday, September 5, at Hotel Okura Tokyo, the Japan Association of Surveyors’
A ceremony was held to celebrate the passage of the Law Concerning the Proper Operation of the Detective Business.

Although the JRA has parted company due to differences in past management policies, etc., we were invited to this event because of the celebration.
Although I have my own thoughts, I have decided to attend the meeting with a good feeling. The Detective Business Act.
A working team chaired by Mr. Taku Yamamoto, a member of the House of Representatives, acted as the flag bearer for the legislation, which was enacted by lawmakers.
It was a very grand celebration. Regardless of the contents of the business law and operational issues, I would like to begin by saying “Congratulations”.
It was a pleasant time to warm up the old friendship.

The next day, the 6th, as soon as I woke up at the hotel, the news of the birth of Noriko’s baby boy jumped out at me.
Yatter… I jumped up from my bed with a smiling face and felt refreshed, as I always do, with a heavenly wind massage, washing my face, pranayama breathing, breathing exercises, and so on.
In the middle of the last peace movement (positive gymnastics), I felt a pain in my lower back. Oh, yeah… It’s a lumbar strain.
I’ve been there a few times in the past and I can tell by the little touches. It’s going to be stuck for a couple of days.

However, this time it was in Tokyo, and the way back by Shinkansen was regrettable.
I wanted to go home as soon as possible before it got worse, but I had to do my best because my schedule was on until 3 p.m.
I managed to complete the schedule, but as I thought, the bullet train responded considerably. Sure enough, I was down the next day and could barely go to the bathroom.
However, it becomes to be able to move a little in the evening, to the pool of the fitness club there…, this is a preeminent effect, as I thought, though it only walks in the water.
He had recovered to the point where he could walk almost normally by the time he got home. But strangely enough, I can’t walk again today…
I went to the pool again this morning and the results were extremely good. I had some anxiety, but I went to work on that foot. Just…
I’m tapping away at my computer now and it’s a little funny, so I’m going to pull out early and do the pool treatment again.

For those of you who have chronic back pain and gickies, pool walking is highly recommended.






法務省民事局民事第一課 御中
・ 「虚偽記載防止」に関しては、本人確認を含め極めて厳正に行うべきであり、賛同する。
金銭消費貸借に伴い自宅の土地建物に抵当権が設定されている。ところが実際には7年前に借入は返済し貸借関係は終了しているが、 抵当権の抹消手続きを怠っていた。この度、あることで抵当権を抹消する必要に迫られ、抵当権者に連絡をとろうとしたが、 登記簿に記載されている住所は既に転居していた。従って、近隣者に聞きまわったが誰も転居先は知らないとのこと。
娘が結婚を前提に付き合っている男性がいるが、娘より10歳も年上でしかも経歴がハッキリしない。 娘は、「優しく良い人で決して嘘をいうような人ではない」とすっかり信用しているが、 親の目から見るとどうも心配な点があるので調べて欲しい、との依頼。
尚、戸籍によると被調査人は離婚歴が2回あり、 子供も4人居ることが判明。 何れも子供は別れた妻が引き取っているが、男性には養育費の支払い義務があり、 現状からすると結婚などとても考えられるような状況になく、依頼者の娘は完全に騙され遊ばれていることが判明した。
※同様のケースで、単身赴任の男性が独身を装い23歳の女性に子供までつくらせたケースがあるが、 女の方は子供まで出来たのだから当然結婚できるものと考えていた。ところが子供が出来たことを知った男性は、 中絶を勧めたが聞き入れてもらえない為、突然雲隠れした。
結婚を前提に付き合っている彼女がいる。彼女の話では現在28歳で結婚暦はなく、 勤めている会社は某株式会社とのこと。ところが時々オヤと思うことがある。本人が話していることが本当かどうか知りたい。
年齢は31歳で過去2回結婚暦あり、 勤め先は話の通りであるが会社の職種は違い、非常に不安定な内容の会社であった。
実は、このコンサルタントにあることから娘に内緒で600万円貸したが、 返済の意思を示すだけで実際は約束の十分の一も返してくれない・・・。
当社とアメリカのオイルメジャーとの間で、オイルの輸入販売に関わる合弁会社をつくる話が進んでおり、既にその為に資本金2千万円の株式会社を設立したが、 その話のエイジェントである人物の素性がよく判らない。
可なりの有力者であると思われる力を実際に見せ付けられており、副社長がプロジェクトリーダーとなり半年前から着々と準備は進め、 2ケ月先には帝国ホテルでパーテイも予定している。

In the last week, the Ministry of Justice announced the “Interim Draft of the Outline for the Review of the Family Registration Law”.
and its measures. In the first half, the Kansai Research Industry Association, Inc.
In the latter half of the week, I made a business trip to Tokyo for a meeting of the board of directors of the National Federation of Independent Investigation Business Associations.
My assertion that “the industry, as well as a nation, cannot tolerate this outrageous act” was accepted, and public comments were submitted from each standpoint.

The following is a comment I made as president of the Kansai Research Association. As for the handling of family registers.
I have long resentment for it, and I’m sure you’ll hate reading it, but I’m attaching it uniformly.
I would be happy if you could read this at your leisure instead of a sleeping pill.

Civil Affairs Division 1, Civil Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice
Civil Affairs Division 1, Civil Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice
Opinion on the “Interim Draft of the Outline of the Family Registration Law Review
The “Interim Draft of the Outline of the Review of the Family Registration Law” has been revised to strictly limit the openness of the family register and to make it private, and to prevent false entries by strictly verifying the identity of the person who submitted the information when accepting the notification of the family register. Since these two issues are fundamentally different, I would like to express my opinion on the two issues of limiting the openness and preventing false entries.
We are totally opposed to the proposal for “limited disclosure”.
I agree that “prevention of false statements” should be carried out very strictly, including verification of identity.
Regarding the principle of openness of family registers, as stated in the supplementary explanation of the draft proposal, family registers are the only notarization of kinship status, and for this reason, they have been maintained in spite of many issues that have been raised in the past. However, although this review proposal states that a request for a transcript, etc. can be made if it is “necessary in order to exercise one’s rights or authority” in (1)(a) of the request for issuance, based on the supplementary explanation of the draft proposal, the deliberations of the Family Registration Law Subcommittee, and the response of the mayors of municipalities under the current law, it seems that the first part of (1)(a) of the request for issuance is only a deceptive clause to deceive the public, and the review proposal does not know the actual situation (the response of the mayors of municipalities).
The proposed revision of the Family Registration Law is a “conclusion-driven” proposal, and it seems to me that the Family Registration Law Subcommittee spent a lot of time in deliberations on technical issues such as how to limit the number of requests for issuance and how to verify the identity of the person making the request. At least I don’t believe that the council members are caving in to undue pressure, but I find it hard to understand why they are continuing to deliberate with a “conclusion first” approach. The review of the Family Registration Law is a serious issue that concerns each and every citizen. It is too hasty to issue a preliminary draft in one year and two months, and I do not believe that sufficient deliberations were carried out in just 10 meetings of the Family Registration Law Subcommittee.
In the following, I would like to ask you to take more time to deepen the discussion and reach a national consensus.
Opinions and Concerned Social Implications of the Proposed Review of Severe Restrictions on Requests for the Delivery of Transcripts of Family Registers
1. The background and deception behind the proposed review of the Family Registration Law
The reason for the revision of the Family Registration Law in 1976 and the reason for the revision this time are fundamentally the same, and both seem to be “correction of the discriminatory treatment of family registers”.
At the time of the revision in 1976, it was a fact that the family register was used as an unfair means to discriminate against Buraku and it became a big social problem, and it was understandable that there was a need to restrict some of the openness to the public because of the social background. As a result, discriminatory treatment such as tracing back to the family register to determine the place of origin is no longer possible. In addition, with respect to the current family register, third party claims must reveal the reasons for their use, making it difficult to obtain them for unreasonable purposes.
In spite of the fact that the fundamental reason for the revision of the law seems to be the same but the social background is very different, we still feel that they are making a fuss and shouting for the revision of the law as if the family register is being used for discrimination.
It is tempting to speculate that the real purpose of the parties concerned, who are strongly requesting the restriction on public disclosure, may be something other than the elimination of discrimination.
1. Issues related to the protection of personal information and disclosure of family registers
According to the supplementary explanation, the entry in the family register includes, for example, “matters that the person himself or herself would not want others to know, such as the fact that he or she is a child born out of wedlock or a record of divorce.” Also, nearly 30 years have passed since the partial revision in 1976, and “the public’s awareness that they do not want their information to be known to others is increasing more and more.
Everyone may have some resistance to the fact that their family register can be seen by others (disclosure of family register). However, if the law is amended to include “resistance” and “the right to privacy and self-control”, Japan’s pride in the world’s safety will be wiped out in one fell swoop.
If we don’t have a system where even a third party can recognize the identity of a person if he or she wants to, it is more obvious than ever that deliberate identity theft will be rampant.
Although the principle of family register disclosure and the protection of personal information are in a sense conflicting issues, in order to maintain a safe society with less falsehood, it is inevitable that certain personal information and privacy will be restricted, and this can be considered a matter of comparative consideration.
Do most of the people want a society in which they can ensure the safety of their stakeholders (fiancés, lovers, business partners, lenders, contractors, etc.) so that they know who they really are, or do they want a society in which they can control everything they don’t want others to know, even basic matters such as their status?
It goes without saying that the public disclosure of family registers, which notarizes kinship status, has contributed greatly to the background of the “safe society” that Japan has been proud of throughout the world. However, I can’t help but think that many of the people who have been slowly immersed in a safe society are not aware of this, and are more concerned with the more palatable and immediate matters such as protecting personal information.
1. Regarding the problem of fraudulent billing of the family register
According to media reports, the problem of investigators illegally obtaining family registers through qualified persons has been reported as if discrimination lurks behind the fraudulent acquisition of family registers by investigators, and the acquisition of family registers is considered to be discrimination.
The research industry has long been engaged in a campaign of “don’t discriminate against Buraku,” “don’t accept it,” and “don’t let them do it,” and has been actively working to eliminate Buraku discrimination by reflecting on the past. However, there are a number of cases that require a family register, which is a completely different dimension from discrimination, etc.
Investigative agencies receive all kinds of investigations based on requests from the public in order to protect their rights, including security and safety, and protection of their interests and property, and in most cases they act as agents for interested parties. Under the current Family Registration Law, however, most administrative contacts (mayors of municipalities) will never accept a request for a family register from an investigation company, despite the fact that “any person can make a request for a family register by clarifying the reason for the request. Therefore, it was obtained (illegally obtained) by bypassing the qualified person. No industry group has ever acknowledged it, but neither has it dismissed roundabout acquisition as an absolute evil.
The fact is that the investigating agency has inevitably obtained the information in a roundabout way in order to protect the safety and rights of the client and, by extension, to prevent the commission of a crime. As mentioned above, this is deliberately misunderstood as discrimination and is one of the main reasons for the revision of the law, but it must be said that the reason for this revision itself is questionable.
With respect to the “necessity for exercising one’s rights or authority” in claim (1)(a).
However, in cases handled by the investigation industry, such as marriage and loan issues, people try to learn about the relative status of the other party in order to prevent an accident before it happens, so to speak. It is too late to find out the identity of the partner after marriage, and it is too late to realize that you have been cheated after you have signed a loan agreement.
Even under the current law, the municipal counterparts persistently insist on providing false information, but the reality is that there is no way to attach false information to a preliminary credit check.
We hope that the current law will also understand this reality and establish a system that allows citizens to claim what they need when they really need it to protect their lives and property, rather than sticking to formal procedures.
One of the reasons for the revision is that “there is a growing demand from all parties concerned that the public disclosure system should be revised to be more stringent”, according to the supplementary explanation.
What is the point of the related circles?
As far as we know, “I’m having trouble getting a family register. I’ve often been asked if there’s something that can be done, but I’ve never heard of such a thing as “I’m having trouble getting my family register.
In general, most of the people who feel inconvenienced by having their family registers taken out are con artists who cheat their opponents by falsifying their identities, and for such people, the restriction on the disclosure of family registers seems to be a great blessing.
According to the supplementary explanation, the problem is that if the disclosure restrictions are not strictly enforced, the family register of other people will be obtained recklessly.
As part of the system to prevent people from obtaining other people’s family registers out of curiosity, it would be possible to prevent people from requesting a third party to deliver a family register out of curiosity by separating the charge for what is listed in the family register from the charge for it, and making the charge considerably higher, such as 10,000 yen for each shipment.
Recent specific cases of investigation requiring confirmation by family register and residence certificate.
(Real estate)
Details of the survey request
A mortgage has been placed on the land and building of a home in connection with a loan for money consumption. However, although the loan had been repaid 7 years ago and the loan relationship had been terminated, the cancellation procedure of the mortgage had been neglected. This time, the address recorded in the registry had already moved, though it was urged to be necessary to cancel the mortgage by a certain thing, and tried to contact the mortgagee. Therefore, I asked around the neighbors, but no one knew where they were moving to.
Then, the request to find out the present address of the mortgagee is made.
Results of the survey
The mortgagee had already passed away, but he was able to determine the current address of his wife and children. In this case, if the family register and certificate of residence become non-public in principle, there is no choice but to ask a qualified person such as a judicial scrivener, etc. However, finding out the current address is not the original business of a judicial scrivener, etc., and it is also strange that this kind of work can only be done by a qualified person.
There are many requests for assigning the owner of land and buildings in relation to the purchase and sale of real estate. This is because there are many cases where the owner of the property has moved to the registered address in a case similar to the above, but if the certificate of residence is made private in principle, it will probably have an effect on real estate transactions.
(Marital status.)

Details of the survey request
The mother is concerned about her daughter.
My daughter is a hairdresser and is currently thinking about going independent. However, the self-proclaimed management consultant of the barber and beauty salon who is advancing the independent business opening to my daughter is somehow strange, so I have been careful and persuaded my daughter many times, but she is convinced and no matter what I say, it is no good.
In fact, the tenth of the promise is not returned in fact only by showing the intention of repayment though it lent 6 million yen secretly to the daughter from being in this consultant.
Results of the survey
Since the results of the investigation were able to persuade the daughter objectively, we were able to persuade the daughter with the mother based on the results of the investigation and prevent the fraudulent damage before it happened.
There were some results from the interview, but the reason why I was convinced that my daughter had been deceived was because there were a number of falsehoods that could be clearly proven from her residence certificate and family register.
Details of the survey request
We have already established a joint-stock company with a capital of 20 million yen for this purpose, but we don’t know the identity of the person who is the agent in this discussion.
The project has been steadily prepared for six months with the vice president as project leader, and a party at the Imperial Hotel is scheduled for two months from now.
But I’m curious…
Results of the survey
It turns out that the person who is called “The Ancient” is a big-time con artist with five previous convictions.
In the past, entertainers, world-class pianists, university professors, and even congressmen have been duped and conned by the media.
A wide range of investigations led to the discovery of the registered address of the residence card and the family register, which led to the discovery of a deep-rooted fraudster who was able to save a company with annual sales of 5 billion yen, but who would have been defrauded out of hundreds of millions of dollars and probably gone bankrupt if the investigation had not been conducted.
As for business transactions, there are so many cases in which fraudulent damage could be prevented by obtaining a certificate of residence and family register.
(Employment Relations)
In the field of recruitment investigations, there are many problems associated with the enforcement of the Personal Information Protection Law, but there are also occasional cases of age and current address falsification.
Work history fraud is so common that it accounts for more than 30% of all job seekers. However, with the full implementation of the Personal Information Protection Law in April of this year, many government offices and companies are no longer responding to job applicant’s job history checks. Also, the schools are no longer able to confirm graduation as well. As a result, the history, no matter how much it is faked, is not easy to tell.
As a result, there are fears that the number of graduates from the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University will double in the next two to three years.











For four days and three nights from August 12th to 15th, I forgot about the Family Registration Act, personal information, and the Detective Business Act and went back to my hometown, Oki-no-jima.

Towards the sea of my hometown

I’m thankful for the sea from my hometown

Home is a healing place like nothing else. He already has no parents and no home to return to, but there is a humanity that is hard to change.

As soon as we got off the boat after about three hours by ferry from Sakaiminato, I said, “Yaa-ka-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra”.
Come play with us…” and so on from all over. It’s about 3km from the ferry to the inn with no traffic lights.
(There is no signal on the island itself.) How many times do you have to step on the brakes, passing people and cars, yelling at each other.
My wife and children were stunned and asked me, “Father, are all the islanders friends or relatives…?
This is not at all true of my birthplace, Oyama, and all the residents of the area are acquainted. Therefore, the
Visiting the grave in the evening is difficult. I have to say a word or two to each person I meet, so I can see my parents’ graves in front of me, but I can’t get there.

Returning home once a year. Although it is only three or four days, leaving the hustle and bustle of the city and being in such a place of healing nourishes the spirit of the year.



檄文 、戸籍法見直し


7月25日?8月28日まで約1ヶ月間のパブリックコメント(search.e-gov.go.jp/servlet/Public) にかけている。

2006年7月25日 300080001 戸籍法の見直しに関する要綱中間試案に対する意見の募集
2006年8月28日 法務省民事局民事第一課

















To the few readers of this blog…! ……………………………………………………….. Our country.
In order to protect the Japanese people and, by extension, Japanese culture.

On July 25, the Ministry of Justice compiled and announced an “interim draft of the review of the Family Registration Law”, and at the same time, the draft was published in
It will be open for public comment for about a month (search.e-gov.go.jp/servlet/Public) from July 25 to August 28.

July 25, 2006 300080001 Call for Comments on the Interim Proposal of the Family Registration Act
August 28, 2006 Civil Affairs Division 1, Civil Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice
Tel: 03-3580-4411 (in 2447).

Call for Voluntary Input

First of all, I would like you to read the interim draft. However, it was extremely long. What’s more, when the average person reads it, it’s like, “I see…
As a result, I’ve given up commenting on the site because I’ve become disgusted with the length of the text and its harshness.
But let’s not give up on this proposed review alone.

To summarize the proposed revision, the “principle of openness of family registers” has been adopted since the establishment of the Family Registration Law in 1905, and the
The Family Registration Law has been amended many times since then, but the principle of openness has been maintained (the current family register is open to the public and the expulsion of the family register is private). However, the recent trend of personal information protection and
As a result, there was a strong demand from related circles that the system of disclosure of family registers should be strictly enforced.
There is a need to review the open system. In addition to the following

Everyone may feel uncomfortable to have their family register seen by a complete third party, don’t you think? So.
The idea is to make it impossible for a third party to take the family register at will. The reason for this is to protect personal information and prevent unauthorized access.

Well, that’s a good thing…and if you think about it simply, I think so.

But, oh my… It’s not such a simple matter.

Why has the Ministry of Justice stubbornly defended the principle of openness of family registers until now? That is because it is the only thing that notarizes a person’s identity.
The reason for this is that it may hinder the maintenance of social order if it is not made public.

However, the trend of personal information protection and the demands of the related circles have pushed them to revise the law. In particular, the family register states that the parent-child relationship
It is said that this is because it includes matters that the applicant would not want others to know, such as the history of marriage (child born out of wedlock) and the history of divorce.

However, in order to lead a social life, we need a system where we can find out about the parent-child relationship and the history of marriage and divorce, if we are so inclined.
It would be a hell of a society. With the rampant individualism, we are living in a world where the next person does what he or she does.
No matter how many times they have been married and divorced in the past, no matter how many times a certain Koizumi says that Prime Minister Koizumi is my uncle and a relative, there is no way to verify that. Result.
We will live in a world where we can tell as many lies as we want.

There is one more thing, even if you are a qualified person (such as a lawyer or a judicial scrivener in eight industries) to prevent it from happening.
It is an amendment that seeks to regulate the inability to get a family register easily.

It’s true, you can’t get it wrong. So they can’t be illicitly obtained. It is the original story. However, as you all know, under current law
In fact, the municipal mayor’s office will not release the family register to anyone other than qualified persons.
Therefore, if there is a need to know the information in the family register (marriage, parent-child relationship, etc…), many research companies (credit agencies and detective agencies) will not be able to provide the information.
He had asked a qualified person to look up the family register matters. All parties involved have labeled this as an illegal acquisition, and the credit bureaus and
They are trying to get the government to change the law by advertising that the detective agency is doing something terrible.

Investigation companies (credit bureaus and detective agencies) require family registers at the request of interested parties, and
There is a legitimate reason for the claim, but the mayor of the city has twisted the law and interpreted it to mean that the family register has to be examined to know the truth.
It is an unconscionable act of not responding to a claim. He dismisses it with one word: illegally obtained.

It’s not like “a thief gets a third of the profit. It’s true, I don’t think it’s acceptable to say, “I can’t take it, so I’m going to go around and take it.
I don’t want to open up about what’s wrong with it, but I think it’s better than the government agencies that have been giving in to nonsensical arguments and pressure and giving away money (subsidies).
I’m going to take the issue of human rights and discrimination seriously….

Many people think that obtaining a family register is discrimination, but this structure is not
The reason is that it has been used as propaganda for the movement, and in fact, most of the time it has been obtained with good reason and with very little problem.





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