






ばら 018_t ばら 017_t ばら 016_t ばら 015_t ばら 014_t ばら 013_t ばら 012_t ばら 011_t

ばら 010_t ばら 009_t ばら 008_t ばら 007_t

ばら 006_t ばら 005_t

The 7th Regular General Meeting of the Kansai Association of Surveyors was successfully completed yesterday. It’s not that there are any particular problems, but there is a sense of pressure and tension when it comes to the general meeting, and I feel relieved when it’s over.

So today, I took a leisurely stroll in Nakanoshima Park. I was able to enjoy the renovated rose garden in detail.



戸籍、住民票 NO2





と、 すると、直ぐに電話が入り、結果、

すっかり意気投合してここ2カ月程一緒に動いている。 実際に顔は広く、未だ会社は準備段階であるが、















The other day, I wrote at length about the restriction on the publication of family registers and residency cards and the doubt about the system for notifying individuals.
I know what you’re saying, but without a concrete example, it’s not very convincing.
A number of people told me, “I can’t write about this in detail because of my work, but I need examples…

As you point out, I totally agree with you. Therefore, today I would like to introduce one case that we have recently dealt with in our company.

This is a case that was investigated about a month ago.

I received an email from a man who had seen our website. Excuse me for emailing you.
I would like you to investigate the background of a person. I would like you to wait until we meet to learn more.

Immediately return the email. I think it’s possible to investigate.
Whether you are visiting or not, could you please call me once?
The meeting was held in Nagatacho, Tokyo, and a salesman from the Tokyo office immediately interviewed me.

The client says, “I have plans to start my own company in the near future.
I am confident in my technical and industry know-how, but I am not good at sales.
A very capable person was introduced to me by someone. When I met him, I had a good impression of him. So.
We’ve been working together for about two months now. In fact, the face is wide open, though the company is still in the preparatory stages.
Through him, I’ve also met some high level people in the company, and I think I can trust them. But it’s a job where billions of dollars are involved.
I think that I will make sure to make sure, and if I can ask you to do a survey of the whole thing if I can do it…

However, the client was 40 years old and the other person was more than a dozen years older than me, so it was hard for me to say, “Give me your resume or something like an identification card. What’s more, they’re already working together.
I feel like it’s too late. Therefore, I only have some abstruse information, but can I look it up? this and that.

His last education was at a prestigious university, and his work experience was at three foreign consulting firms, and he has been working on a freelance basis for about three years.
The address is only known to a certain city in Saitama Prefecture. My business card shows that I am a consultant and belong to a certain consulting firm, but
The phone number on his business card is his cell phone number.

The information is too vague and does not provide a foothold for the investigation. I told him I couldn’t get an investigation unless he at least gave me his address.
I ask them to get me something with an address.

A week later they informed me that they had a copy of my driver’s license. Based on this information, we immediately began our investigation.

Let’s start with the address… I went to the address, but it was a ten-family apartment.
There are only a couple of houses with nameplates. The person’s name cannot be identified in the mailbox either. In a casual way, “your house is…”, I ask several houses, but
He says he has no idea. Well… what’s the matter?

According to the advance information, they have three children, one is a student, one is a doctor’s egg and one is a Keio University graduate living in England.
It’s not the right address (apartment) for such a place.

It’s the address on the driver’s license, so you can’t go wrong. However, I can’t confirm it. So.
What about the residency record? needs to be confirmed. However, the survey company would not issue me a certificate of residence. So, we’re going to ask whoever can get it to get it.
(Could be illicitly obtained…) However, I was told that my certificate of residence is not at the address, and that I don’t have a certificate of removal (kept for 5 years).
What the hell is this all about? A forged license, huh?

So, I’m going to search for any public information from the name and date of birth. and then
It turns out that there is a person with the same name and date of birth who has had various incidents in the past. In addition, the address is the same Saitama Prefecture.
It turns out that the Doujin was a former company owner, but had also met with bankruptcy. Therefore, when I investigated this person in detail, I found that he had a lot in common with the investigator.

It’s a totally foxed-out story. In other words, I don’t know who the target of the study is. Name, address, and
The date of birth is known, but as mentioned above, there is little chance of the subject’s presence at the place of address, and when the investigation proceeds, there is a person with the same name and date of birth in another place.
Moreover, there is a similarity in the background.

So we conducted a survey to see if it was the same person, and it was exactly the same person.
This case happened to have a copy of the driver’s license (it may be fake, but the photo is of the person), so we were able to confirm it, but what would happen if there was no photo?
Normally, it would be the family register… In today’s Japan, the only thing that proves one’s identity is the family register. Family register.
Such a survey is easy if the residence record is open to the public.

I don’t know how this person forged his license, but he made up his address and history, and did business under a false identity.
When he comes home, he becomes his real self and has a happy home with his wife and children. It’s appalling.
It was admirable and masterful.

His research client, “Thank you very much, I’m glad I looked into it.
We say, “Thank you so much for your help…,” but we’re still half-hearted about the results of the survey.
He did not seem to be convinced. I think everyone does, not just this person. To be honest, even the person who investigated the case.
It’s like being wrapped up in a fox. But a fact is a fact, stranger than a novel.

As can be seen from this single case, the recent trend of personal information protection, restrictions on the release of resident certificates and family registers, and
A palatable policy of protecting privacy that is as friendly to the people as it is friendly to the people and cares for the people, but in reality, it is a policy that dilutes human connection and makes people feel like they’re not in the same boat.
It’s most convenient for those who are willing to do evil, and honest people, even though they’re deceived
We are creating a society where we can’t even find out if we are being duped or not. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and others have determined that the personnel investigation is an evil practice, and the
They are using taxpayer money to provide solicitous administrative guidance.

The basic data for a person’s credit check is the resident register and the family register. However, if you try to get a certificate of residence or family register, the city office will inform you of the situation and you will have to pay for it.
A very humane and gentle policy of informing people that “you are being investigated…” is spreading.
You should know that many foods that are too pleasant to eat are actually not good for you…








エレベーターを降りた途端に、「花が咲く春なのに あの人は帰らない  たずむ國賀海岸(くにがはま) 夕陽に泣けてくる ♪♪・・・


國賀会 004_t


國賀会 006_t


「隠岐民謡を歌う会」の代表  私の一級先輩

國賀会 010_t


國賀会 011_t

國賀会 003_t


The 45th Kinki Kokaga Kai General Meeting and Party was held yesterday (Sunday, 23rd) at Xu Yuan in Nishi-ku, Osaka.
I had been the president of this association until last year, but this term I passed the baton to my classmate, Mr. Akihisa Okumoto (a former elementary school principal).
I was able to enjoy the atmosphere of the event as much as I could this year.

It was raining in earnest from the morning of the day, and we were worried about the turnout of the participants.
As early as 10:30 a.m., people started lining up to receive the tickets, and by 11:30 a.m., 90% of the participants had gathered.
A situation that would be unthinkable in a normal meeting. That’s why people are looking forward to it…. As for the caretaker.
In a sense, it’s hard work, but I’m relieved to see how fast it’s going.

I’m always punctual, or rather, I don’t come in five minutes before any meeting, but I’m always one minute ahead or behind. However.
When I started helping out at the town hall, I realized that the time is too short.
I was worried about the organizers. After that, I’ll have a little more time to spare…

The party was held with a caravan of “Oki-minyo-singing group” from Nishinoshima-cho, our hometown, following the Okijin-kai in April.
We welcomed “Nana Katsuki”, an enka singer.
I asked them to sing “Oki no Koi Uta” enthusiastically.
Some of the participants seemed to have heard of it for the first time, but the people around me were all the representative members of the Hwan Club of “Oki’s Love Song”. At your favorite northern snacks, etc.
I saw the faces of the members of the Kokugakai, but the melody of “Oki no Koi Uta” was played. I, for example, had to open the door before I could.
As soon as I stepped off the elevator, I thought to myself, “It’s spring when flowers bloom, but that man won’t go home. Kuniga beach where he lives makes me cry under the setting sun.
The CD was already playing. Therefore, when Nana Katsuki is ready to teach singing, there are many members who go on stage ahead of her…
It was a very pleasant and lively hometown meeting.

Now who is it… I feel like I can hear her beautiful voice at any moment…but for some reason, Nana’s on the edge of her seat.



































Continued from last time…

If someone else requests a certificate such as a family register or a certificate of residence in Saitama Prefecture, you may be asked to submit it.
All 64 municipalities in the prefecture will begin a system to notify the person of the fact that they have been given a gift. The purpose is to prevent fraudulent billing, the company said.

This system has been institutionalized in two cities and towns in Osaka Prefecture.
So far, it hasn’t spread nationwide, but given the recent trend of privacy and personal information protection
I have to say, I’m in a very worrying situation …

I, uh…
I am very angry at this system.

I wouldn’t have anything to say about it if the world was just a clean slate, but the reality is not so sweet.
If you don’t use the checking function in every situation, there are many cases where terrible things will happen.

In the current trend of privacy protection, this makes sense.
In order to prevent fraudulent requests for residency records and family registers, it is important to ensure that your family register and residency records are easily accessible.
I think it would be a very good system if you could see who took it and at what time. I think it’s plausible that a good citizen would think so.

But think about it.
Things are not so easy.

What I have been arguing for some time is why the family register and the certificate of residence have carried out the principle of openness since the Meiji era, and why it is so important for the people of Japan to be able to make their lives easier.
It seems that the government has stubbornly protected the system that allows many people to receive their family registers and residence certificates.

Isn’t it because if we don’t do that, the social system will go awry and we won’t be able to maintain peace and order in society?

A family register contains your name, date of birth, parent-child relationship, marital status, and other information related to your status.
The certificate of residence states where you live and who lives there.

It is a proof of who and what a person is, so to speak.
In general, there are no items listed that must be kept secret. Therefore, I’m going to make this public and
We have maintained the social order by making sure that people know where they are and who they are when they feel like it.

However, recent amendments to the law have effectively made the certificate of residence and the family register private, and placed severe restrictions on requests from third parties.
When a request for a grant is made, the system will be introduced so that the person can recognize the grant.

A system like this.
If we had a society in which only good people lived without any falsehoods or anything, then there would be no problem. However, in fact, the people who think of frauds and schemers, the
I don’t think there’s a better system for people who try to deceive others.

It’s a system where there’s no verification system, no third party, and you have to believe what they say.
(We can’t see your residence certificate or family register, and we can’t check your education and work history, using the protection of personal information as a shield)
It’s a system that says, “I’ll let you know about it.

We are a research business.
It’s your job to find out who they are and what they look like before things happen. Our business is to check the creditworthiness of people and things in advance and to act as crisis management.
It is the police’s job to investigate after the incident has occurred.

I don’t want anything to happen to you.
In order not to be deceived, you can try to find out beforehand, but you create a system that can’t be checked, and if you do, the other person will be checked.
This system is the Fraudsters Protection Act, the Bad People Protection Act, which is a solicitous and polite way to inform you.

To be honest, in view of the recent operation of the Personal Information Protection Law and the operation of family registers and residency cards, I don’t think that the
You can give up your history, write down your name, age, and address as much as you like.

The third party is the name, age, address, family structure, education, work history, parent-child relationship, marital status, and
They have been shut out of the system to make sure nothing happens.

It’s not like that…, wouldn’t it be a disaster if that happened?…, I hear such a voice coming from somewhere, but…
Actually, that’s exactly what it is.

Schooling, education.
Work experience at work. However, schools and workplaces usually do not respond to third-party verification requests, citing the protection of personal information.
Only the family register can be used for accurate confirmation of a person’s status, and the certificate of residence is used to prove the address (except for the address). However.
As mentioned above, it is virtually impossible for a third party to obtain a family register and a certificate of residence.

Badasses who know about it are free to impersonate themselves.

If you can’t confirm it from the standpoint of a third party, why don’t you have the person submit various certificates…?

You are absolutely right. However, the enemy is also something. These days, it is easy to create various certificates with a computer, and
Fake graduation certificates, fake driver’s licenses, and fake enrollment certificates have been circulating (our research has confirmed several cases). The real bad guys all know about this stuff.
Even if you forge a certificate that only you can obtain, a third party cannot confirm it, so you can pretend to be a major player.

Well, what can I say?
It’s worse to be deceived…”, etc.

I’ve been duped.
It would be nice if it was just a simple matter, but as a matter of fact, the act of doing it by identity theft often leads to an important thing that will affect the other person’s life.

I have seen and heard many such cases in my work, and
In addition, we have been thanked more than once or twice for preventing our research from becoming a major problem. However.
With the current trend of privacy and privacy protection, it’s going to be very difficult to be as accurate as it is to be appreciated. Because…
Because the administration gives badasses advance notice that “you’re under investigation”….

Fraudulent claims must be prevented. It is more to do with that measure. But.
What causes fraudulent claims? I think we need to think seriously about this too…

In spite of the fact that the law stated that “any number of people can request the issuance of a family register or a certificate of residence by revealing the reason.
Isn’t it also true that fraudulent claims were made unavoidably because the government does not respond to third-party claims?

At a time when crisis management and risk management are so necessary even at the individual level, personnel surveys (surveys on people)
What is this attitude of trying to regulate the investigations by making it a guilty plea for the right of the people to do so?

We need to create a peaceful society where people can live in real peace and security.
I wonder if politicians and officials are thinking about it. We don’t want them to just bend their own thesis for the sake of a single voting ticket. Also.
I want them to study their own opinions and speak with conviction when they speak out….

Thanks for reading…………


















I went on a business trip to Tokyo yesterday and the day before yesterday. As every year, May and June are the general meeting season.
In general, industry associations follow the government’s lead and set the end of the fiscal year as the end of March, and the annual general meeting is held in May and June. On that occasion.
The 7th Ordinary General Meeting of the National Association of Surveyors was held at a hotel in Ikebukuro.

A good friend of mine has been the chairman of the general meeting every year, but this time he was unwell in the early spring, so it was hard to be sure. Then the bowl was passed to me.
I have been asked to take on a major role as chairman.

It’s a business cooperative in the industry and there are a lot of people who know each other.
It is usual for a general meeting to last for less than two hours every year. However, this year’s general meeting was held in the midst of an unprecedented recession.
Honestly, it’s hard to predict what remarks will come out. What’s more, the general meeting was held with a loss account.

From the secretariat, the chairman’s question and answer style was shown beforehand, but it was all a sample of a Shanshan Assembly without any questions and answers.
It wasn’t in anticipation of any trouble.

I took it as a no-brainer, thinking it was nothing to worry about.
It’s not as if there’s no anxiety at all.

As the secretariat said, “Then, I will nominate Mr. Hironobu Matsutani of Osaka as the chairperson”, as soon as I took the chairperson’s seat, it was exactly ten years ago.
The general meeting of the Osaka Research Industry Association in 2001 came back to life in a flash (at that time).
I am the executive director of the association. He was in charge of all the General Assembly meetings, but from the beginning of the meeting, there was a big scuffle, and curses were shouted at him like yakuza.
(The progress of the proceedings was not able to be done properly, and the general meeting of the unprecedented great blunder that 90% of the directors under the acting president left the room.

This is not good… That’s where Kumbahaka Ichiban (relax your shoulders, tighten your hips, and
We will now begin the proceedings.
…” and looked around the chamber with dignity.

If there are no questions, no opinions on the first and second proposals, the prepared proposals are up to the sixth proposal. What a…
In a little over an hour, all the agenda items were approved, and it was a typical Shanshan meeting. We were blessed with good fortune…we were all happy.

But actually, I forgot the important thing. The general meeting is scheduled for two hours, followed by a get-together, but there is a gap of four or fifty minutes before the get-together.
Members don’t wait that long. It’s a bad idea, we have to kill time, so I’m going to do something that’s been on my mind for a long time, like the residency papers.
We decided to discuss the family register issue after the general meeting.

From June 1 in all 64 municipalities in Saitama Prefecture, when someone else requests a certificate such as a copy of a certificate of residence or a certified copy of the family register, we will not be able to accept the request.
It is about “introducing a system for notifying the person in question of the fact that he or she has been given a gift” (Prefectural Ordinance).

The purpose is “to prevent fraudulent billing.

When I start mentioning this subject, I get excited and my blood pressure goes up, so I’ll write about it in the next blog. But.
Be sure to read my next blog…I’m going to take twice as many antihypertensive drugs as I do…




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