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As long as I have a certain amount of social common sense and a sense of morality, I don’t need to go to court. I judge my daily life based on my senses and hardly think about legal issues. The reason why this case is a lawsuit is because I acted without any malice in my own common sense and without any malice.

The U.S. is a litigious society, with a large number of people involved in the legal profession and several times as many lawyers as Japan. Don’t you think this is a little strange? It seems that the number of legal cases is increasing in proportion to the number of people involved in the lawsuit.

There was a similar story in a lecture by my mentor, Tenpou Nakamura. He was a man who lived in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa periods. He said, “Before the war, the number of doctors and hospitals was extremely small compared to today. After the war, however, Western medicine became popular, and the number of doctors and hospitals ballooned several times. The number of doctors and hospitals used to treat the sick has increased several times over, and the fact that they are not in the red means that the number of sick people has increased several times over…

It’s a story of contradictions in the world, but no, it’s strange. I felt that the same thing was happening in the legal field as well, after receiving this consultation.

In fact, if a lawsuit is filed, it has to be accepted. If you don’t rebut the plaintiff’s argument, the plaintiff’s complaint will go through as is. However, ordinary petty citizens have never been on trial. I’m not quite sure what or how to write a written response. So, I went to consult with a lawyer. Then, a consultation fee will be required. And the result is that it’s difficult to do it on your own (I think 99% of them do). So, if you ask a lawyer, even if it is a simple case, the start-up fee is 300,000 yen. On top of that, you need to be prepared to pay for transportation, overhead and results, at least 500,000 yen.

500,000 yen is a lot of money for a small citizen. However, what I did without any sense of guilt and with my common sense was suddenly prosecuted one day, and even if I won, I had to be prepared for about 500,000 yen. Such a litigious society is just around the corner, and there are many lawsuits being filed around me, and I have to fight against them. I’m so happy…. Maybe one day, someone will appear who will make a business out of suing for damages, such as defamation, and a book will be published that says, “How to make money from lawsuits…”…

The post-war US policy to weaken Japan has worked like a body blow, and the country and society have come to see an utterly disgusting lawsuit society that insists only on individual rights and interests, not on obligations. I guess I’ll just have to watch this society from heaven…..

Mr. Masahiko Fujiwara (mathematician and professor at Ochanomizu University) wrote an article titled “A Message to the Japanese People” in the June issue of Bungei Shunju, and I was deeply moved that he had done such a good job of writing it. Mr. Fujiwara is the author of “The Dignity of a Nation” and the man who caused a boom in dignity.









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The power of plants and the power of life simply impresses me!

Our building is in danger of collapsing! I even had such a thought for a moment. There was a bit of grass growing in the gutters of the building for some time. There was no soil at all and it was a building, but grass had sprouted from a small gap between the gutter and the building. It’s a common sight to see everywhere, and the life force of plants is amazing… but it didn’t feel particularly threatening. However, as expected, I was surprised this morning.

In fact, I had been concerned about the grass in the gutters for some time, but I thought that I should take it off in my spare time, but it had grown so fast during the rainy season in the last two weeks that I couldn’t leave it alone. To my surprise, the gutter was broken by the roots of the grass and there was a gap of a few centimeters between the building and the gutter. What a great power of grass!

They say, “A drop of water can break a rock,” but maybe it’s possible that a plant can destroy a building. It is the continuation and perseverance, no matter how small, that makes a big difference. It’s a revelation that “nothing is impossible if you do what you believe in”.

The space between the gutters and the building’s exterior was at least three inches open.



































I’m bursting at the seams.

I have decided to attach a part of the article I wrote on this blog to the Kansai Research Association’s bulletin, “Sekijo Kyoho”.

Notification System for Third-Party Delivery of Family Register and Certificate of Residence


This system notifies the person who has registered in advance of the delivery of a copy of his or her certificate of residence or a copy of the family register to his or her agent or a third party. This is done to prevent the infringement of individual rights due to the illegal request or acquisition of a copy of the certificate of residence, etc.

Type of copy of certificate of residence, etc. subject to notification].

A copy of the certificate of residence (including the removal of the ballot and the revised original certificate of residence)

Certificate of Registered Matters of Residence

A copy of the attached family register (including expulsion from the family register and the original revised family register)

A copy of the family register or extract of the family register (certificate of all matters or certificate of personal matters) (including expulsion from the family register and original family register)

A certificate of registered matters in the family register (partial certificate of matters) (including the excluded family register)

It is necessary to register in advance to use this system.

The above is an excerpt from the Minoh City website. Other municipalities that have adopted this notification system operate in a similar manner.

This system of notifying individuals of their family registers and certificates of residence has been in effect since February 1 of this year in Minoh City, Osaka Prefecture, and June 1 of this year in Sayama City, and has been in effect since June 1 of this year in all 64 municipalities in Saitama Prefecture. So far, it hasn’t spread nationally, but given the recent trend of privacy and personal information protection, it seems reasonably likely that it will spread to other cities and towns.

Therefore, I would like to express my opinion on this system. I know I will be criticized as self-righteous, but I dare say no, I hope I will be criticized. In fact, the reason for this is that we would like many people to be interested in this issue and to deepen the discussion. What I am most concerned about now is that this system will not be discussed in particular, and before long, it will spread to the whole country in a rightward direction.

I am very angry at this system. It even seems like the ravings of a peace-blind human rights activist. This system was proposed simply as a way to prevent illegal acquisition and the position of the government office in charge of managing it, with little thought to the social impact when the original role of the family register and residence certificate is no longer possible to be confirmed.

In the current trend of privacy protection, this system makes sense. In general, it would be a very good system to prevent fraudulent requests for residency records and family registers if it is very easy to understand and to know who took your residency record and when.

Surely, such a system would have no problem in a society where only good people live without any falsehoods or anything. However, there is no more convenient and convenient system for fraudsters, schemers and people who want to cheat the other party.

So to speak, we have lost the ability to publicly know the identity of the person with whom we are having business transactions or marriage, and we have become a society where we have to believe what the person says.

Our job as investigators is to find out who and what the other party is before anything happens. It is the job of the police to check the credibility of people and things in advance and to manage the crisis. However, it is not an exaggeration to say that this system is a system that creates a society in which there is no chance of being investigated even if you try to investigate beforehand in order to avoid becoming a case or being deceived.

In view of the recent flow of the Personal Information Protection Law and the operation of the family register and residence certificate (which cannot be obtained by third parties), names, ages, and addresses can be freely mentioned. Because the third party is shut out of the system to verify your name, age, address, family structure, education, work history, parentage, marital status, nothing.

It’s not like that, wouldn’t it be a disaster if it happened? You can only check your education at school and your work history at work. However, schools and workplaces generally do not respond to third-party verification on the grounds of privacy protection. In addition, accurate confirmation of matters related to a person’s status, such as name, age, parent-child relationship, and marital relationship, can only be done with a family register, and the thing that proves an address is a certificate of residence. However, as mentioned above, it is virtually impossible for a third party to confirm with a family register or a certificate of residence. If the bad guys know that, they will be able to defraud themselves as much as they want.

If it cannot be confirmed from the standpoint of a third party, why not have the person submit various certificates? That’s the kind of opinion I’m getting. However, these days, it is easy to create various certificates with a computer, and fake graduation certificates, fake certificates of employment, and fake driver’s licenses are on the market (our research has confirmed several cases). We all know that true badasses are like this. Even if you forge a certificate that only you can get, a third party cannot check it, so you can forge it with the pretense of being a major player. In addition, the act of doing identity theft often leads to important things that affect the other person’s life.

I have seen and heard of many such cases in my work, and have been thanked on more than one occasion for my investigations that have prevented them from becoming serious. However, with the current trend of protecting personal information and privacy, it’s going to be very difficult to be as accurate as you appreciate. Yes, because the administration gives badasses advance notice that “you’re under investigation”….

Fraudulent claims must be prevented. It makes sense to take measures to do so. But what causes fraudulent billing? I think we need to think seriously about this too. Even though the law stipulates that “any number of people can make a request for the issuance of a family register or a certificate of residence by clarifying the reason”, the government office does not respond to third party requests, so it is true that unjustified requests were made.

At a time when crisis management and risk management are so necessary even at the individual level, what is this attitude that considers personnel investigations (investigations into people) to be a crime and tries to regulate them? I wonder if politicians and officials are serious about creating a peaceful society where people can really live in peace. Those who truly aspire to politics should act based on their own beliefs.

What I have been arguing for some time is why the government has stubbornly defended the system that allows any number of people to receive a family register and a certificate of residence, while adhering to the principle of openness of the family register and certificate of residence since the Meiji era. Isn’t it because if we don’t do that, the social system will go awry and we won’t be able to maintain peace and order in society?

The family register contains your name, date of birth, parent-child relationship, marital relationship and other information related to your status. The certificate of residence contains information about where you live and who you are. So to speak, it proves “who and where” the person is, and in general, there should be no information that needs to be hidden. Therefore, we have maintained the social order by making this public so that if necessary, we can know who and where the other party is.

For example, what would happen if the municipal office is unable to see the certificate of residence or the family register? Maybe we will not be able to do most of the work for the residents and there will be one big panic. It’s actually the same thing at both the private and individual level, and if such a system were to spread across the country and completely disallow third-party grant requests, the current social order could even be disrupted. Since the Edo period (1603-1868), I believe that people around us have known who and where we are, and that’s probably how our sense of normality in society has been maintained and order has been maintained. If there is no way to know “who and where”, it is difficult to say that the current social order can be completely maintained. The question is how far the current peace and order can be maintained in a so-called masked society.

Let’s seriously think about this with all the members of the association. It is impossible to hope for any improvement in social status with the conventional attitude of the industry, which is a silent industry, which bows its head when a storm comes and waits to leave with a single word of “Shinobi”. Let’s get rid of the internal strife and get rid of the industry that speaks for itself.




サボテンの花、見たことありますか?。「花の命は短くて・・・」の代表的な花で、咲き始めてからしぼむまで約24時間、しかも年に1度と云うのが普通(時には2度・3度咲くこともある)。しかも極めて儚い花で、1人寂しく夜中に咲いて、日の出と共にしぼんでしまう、と云うイメージがある(小生が勝ってに思っていた・・・)。ところが、今年はサボテンの当たり年なのか、我が家のサボテンも会社のサボテンも見事な咲きっぷり、しかも昼日中これみよがしに咲き誇り、小生の目と心を和ませてくれ たのが今日の出来事。


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Have you ever seen a cactus flower? It is a typical flower with a short life span, and usually blooms once a year (sometimes two or three times) for about 24 hours from the time it begins to bloom until it deflates. They are very ephemeral and I have the image that they bloom in the middle of the night when they are alone, and then fade away when the sun rises (I thought so). However, this year is the perfect year for cacti, and both our cactus and the company’s cactus are in full bloom, and moreover, they are in full bloom all day long, which softened my eyes and my heart.

A cactus is left in its natural state on our stair landing without any care. But it’s a great life force and the number is increasing every year. The cactus suddenly started to bloom in the early morning of the day before yesterday (June 17). Usually only one flower blooms from one cactus, but for some reason this year, the feeling is different. The parent cactus has developed four flower buds in one fell swoop (the cactus on the left) and the four on the right are children.









A background check is a generic term for an investigation into a person and is very broad in scope. Commonly known background checks, cheating checks, whereabouts checks, runaway checks, etc. are also within the scope of background checks, and marriage checks, recruitment checks (employment checks), membership checks, guarantor checks, personal credit checks, inquirer checks, etc. are also background checks and have a wide range of protection.

However, the concept of a background check is different for each person who uses it. For example, the words “background” and “background check” often appear in pamphlets and pamphlets issued by the government, but the definition of the words does not seem to be fixed and they are used in a very vague way. A typical example of this is the “No Background Check” campaign that was widespread about 30 years ago, where banners and signs proclaiming “No Background Check” were placed majestically at the entrance of government offices, and in cities like Sakai City, stickers were affixed to each door. However, it was not clear what the scope of the investigation was of this background check, and I think that the parties to the movement were not yet clear.

I once had a discussion with the Labor Department of Osaka Prefecture about “Recruitment and Human Rights” (an educational booklet for companies published by the Labor Department). At the meeting, I once asked him to give me the definition of a background check, which is frequently used in recruitment and human rights.

The term “background check” is commonly used as if it has a common concept even though the concept of a background check differs depending on who uses it and who receives it.




  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
