あかりをつけましょ ぼんぼりに
お花をあげましょ 桃の花
五人ばやしの 笛太鼓
今日はたのしい ひなまつり
お内裏様(だいりさま)と おひな様
二人ならんで すまし顔
お嫁にいらした 姉様に
よく似た官女の 白い顔
金のびょうぶに うつる灯(ひ)を
かすかにゆする 春の風
すこし白酒 めされたか
あかいお顔の 右大臣
着物をきかえて 帯しめて
今日はわたしも はれ姿
春のやよいの このよき日
なによりうれしい ひなまつり

Girls’ Festival (March 3rd)
Today, March 3rd, is the Doll Festival.
We are a couple living together, so it may not seem like a new thing, but we have been decorating the hina dolls since the year after our eldest daughter was born 38 years ago, and this year, too, they appeared early in February.
It seems that this hina was given to my wife by her grandmother when she was a child. It was probably given to her as a congratulatory gift from her grandmother, so if I count backwards, it might be about 100 years old.
That’s why there are a lot of things to look at in detail, but be that as it may, even in a house where there are only two old couples, having this kind of Hina decoration somehow makes you feel younger and a little more relaxed.
Let’s turn on the lights to the bonbori
Let’s give flowers to the peach blossoms
The flute and drum of the five-man dance
Today is a joyous Hinamatsuri
Dairi-sama and Ohinasama
The two of them standing together, looking so composed
A white face of a courtesan
The white face of the courtesan
The light on the gold screen
The spring breeze swaying faintly
Have you tasted a little white wine?
The Minister of the Right, with a red face
I’m wearing a kimono and an obi
Today I, too, am dressed for the weather
It’s a beautiful day in the spring mist
The most joyous of all, the Doll’s Festival
In the lyrics of this song, it says, “O-uchire-sama and Ohinasama, standing side by side, looking so pretty,” and people think that the O-uchire-sama is a male hina, but actually it is not.