














Last Saturday, I visited the National Museum of Ethnology at the site of the World Expo. The purpose of the museum was to see the exhibition entitled “The World of Contemporary Aboriginal Art”, but the museum was so large that it took me about four or five hours to go around from the entrance to the museum. I missed the Aboriginal art exhibition because it was too large, so I had lunch and re-entered the museum.

That’s good, but the admission fee to the ethnic museum is 350 yen for me with a senior citizen discount, and it’s very cheap. However, it was sparsely attended. I wondered why…maybe it was a traffic valve issue…etc…but after leaving the venue, I found out. The parking fee for a car is 1,500 yen (300 yen an hour). There were only a few cars in the vast parking lot, so it was hard to believe that this was a driving school.

This week, “The First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors” was being held at the National Museum of Art, Nakanoshima, and I went there early. Originally, I was interested in the terracotta army, I don’t care about China, but I wanted to see only the terracotta army, so I was very excited. This Terracotta Warriors and Horses exhibition seems to be open until October 2. Worth a look, I highly recommend it.

On the 18th, the national holiday, my daughter invited me to the Osaka performance of Cirque du Soleil, so I ran to it with great joy. It was the first seat in the first row of F block. I had a special seat in the front of the front row, about 30 degrees in front.

It was the third Cirque du Soleil this year, and it made me think again that human beings are really amazing animals and can do anything.











If your spirits are down, your physical strength is not strong enough. However, even if you lose your strength, you will be fine as long as your energy is strong.

I know it, but as soon as I heard the voice of the old age, my energy was pulled down by the decline of my physical strength. Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit old…

We’ve been having a lot of drinks since last week. There was a regular meeting and party for the new year of the Rothery, a general meeting and party for the Shimane Economic Club, and a direct meeting of the Kokiga-kai, followed by the last meeting of our alma mater, the famous Okijimae High School Kansai Branch Alumni Association. More than 140 people attended this reunion, and the school and the reunion are doing well.

I’m 51 years old this year, having reached my peak of 60. I’m about to enter my 40s, and I’m trying to keep my energy up, but my body is not strong enough.

However, my teacher, “Nakamura Tenpou,” a philosopher, wrote in an incantation called Zatoi Proverbs, “Don’t be sick to your heart, even if you are sick, and don’t be troubled to your heart, even if fate has something against you. No, let your heart have the strength to enjoy all suffering. It has been rejected.

That’s right! That’s right, it is! No matter what happens, I will not let my spirit get the best of me.









              「心身統一法」夏期特別研修会へのお誘い       .

「心身統一法」は天風会の創始者 哲人中村天風先生が 「心と身体の統一された自然本来の人間として、力強く価値高い人生を 建設するには心と身体をどう生かし活かすべきか (即ち心と身体の生存・生活の方法)」をご自身の体験とヨガ修行と天風哲学とに基づいて 科学的に組織体系化された人間共通の日常生命道です。
この研修会では、特に 夏の大自然に同化しながら、3日間 系統的に且つ階律的に研修が進められます。 お互い喜楽に そして卒直 真剣に心身統一法の会得体得に努め合いましょう。

 どうぞ奮ってご参加頂きますよう お誘い申し上げます。

研修会についてのお問い合わせは 香里賛助会事務局へ、
Tel 070-6541-6866、070-6542-6866
Fax 072-893-0625
Eメール tempukai-kori@nifty.com
郵便   〒573-0088 大阪府枚方市香里園桜木町8-26

日 時
平成28年8月05日(金)、06日(土)、07日(日)  2泊3日間
05日13:00 ~ 07日16:00  <宿泊方式のみ>

会 場
ユニトピアささやま (〒669-2356 兵庫県篠山市矢代 231-1)

指 導
稲松信雄、浦 義弘、都甲泰弘 各天風会講師


定 員
70名 (定員になり次第締め切ります。 締め切り日 7月20日)

会員、学生   \40,000
一般、会友  \50,000
(参加費は郵便局 振替払込と致します。払込票で領収書とします )

食 事
05日夕食のみ、 06日朝昼晩の三食、 07日朝と昼の二食 付き


Every year, the Tenpukai-Kari Support Society holds a training session on the Unification of Mind and Body Method devised by Tetsujin Nakamura during the midsummer months of July and August for three days under the title of “Summer Special Training Session. This year, however, due to the circumstances of the venue, it will be held on the 5th (Friday), 6th (Saturday) and 7th (Sunday) of the beginning of August.

This year’s special summer training session is expected to have 70 participants, but the turnout of applications has been poor and is still less than 50% even though it is only a month away from being held.

The training sessions are structured so that everyone, from beginners to veterans, can learn equally, regardless of whether they are members or non-members, young or old. This is the 29th year for me and others, and every year there are new realizations, new learnings, and most of all, I look forward to it.

There will be plenty of room for participants, so both members and newcomers are welcome. Please feel free to contact us.

Invitation to the Summer Special Workshop on “Unification of Mind and Body” .

The “Unification of Mind and Body Dharma” is the daily life path common to human beings, scientifically organized and systematized by the founder of the Tenpukai, Dr. Tetsujin Nakamura, based on his own experience, yoga practice and Tenpou philosophy, on how to utilize the mind and body in order to construct a powerful and valuable life as a human being whose mind and body are unified and inherently natural.
It is a three-day, systematic and hierarchical training session, especially in the summer, in which the participants are assimilated into the wilderness. Let’s work together joyfully and sincerely to learn the Dharma of mind-body unification.
I would like to invite you to join us.

For more information, please refer to the training manual (PDF).
For more information about the workshop, please contact the office of the Supporters’ Association of Kori.
Tel: 070-6541-6866, 070-6542-6866
Fax: 072-893-0625
Email tempukai-kori@nifty.com
8-26, Sakuragi-cho, Karien, Hirakata-shi, Osaka 573-0088, Japan
Date and time
August 05 (Friday), 06 (Saturday), 07 (Sunday), 2016 – 2 nights, 3 days
05/13:00 – 07/16:00 <accommodation method only>

Unitopia Sasayama (231-1 Yashiro, Sasayama-shi, Hyogo-ken 669-2356, Japan)

Nobuo Inamatsu, Yoshihiro Ura, and Yasuhiro Toko, lecturers of the Tenpukai

Training Content
Schedule, etc.
Please refer to the “Summer Special Workshop” pamphlet (PDF).

number of people
70 people (closed as soon as it reaches capacity) (Deadline July 20).

participation fee
Members, Students\40,000
General, Alumni 50,000
(The participation fee can be paid by post office transfer. The payment slip will be used as a receipt.

Dinner only on the 05th, breakfast, lunch and dinner on the 06th, with two meals in the morning and lunch on the 07th.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***













Recently, as part of Rotary’s service activities, I went to the Osaka YMCA and held an exchange seminar with international students. The majority of international students are of Southeast Asian descent, mainly from China, Taiwan and Korea. Ages range from 18 to 27 and 8 years old. Some had gained social experience once, but the majority had finished high school/university and had studied abroad straight.

The Funaba Rotary holds an exchange seminar with the Osaka YMCA every year as a part of its annual events, and I have attended the seminar five or six times in the past. She can read and write well, as well as talk, and has her own opinions.

This year’s theme is “Job hunting in Japan”. Students were asked to submit a pre-survey, which was then used to discuss with Rotarians.

How do you feel about job hunting in Japan? The majority of respondents to the question, “It’s a lot of preparation and very difficult.

What’s the difference between job hunting in your country and Japan? In China and Taiwan, there is no form of group interview, which makes me feel quite confused.

Do you think you should work at least once you’ve been hired? Surprisingly, the answer to the question “3 months” was “3 months”, which surprised me.

When did you decide to study in Japan? I was also surprised by the fact that a significant number of people said “when I was in junior high school.

In addition, they answered about 10 other questions, and all of them were able to use kanji and hiragana well, and summarized them in reasonably solid sentences, which many of them thought would be enough to be able to work in Japan.

Although the seminar was only about two hours long, it was surprisingly interesting and I felt that I was enjoying it even though it was a part of the service activity, and I had a good time.




















Next week, Monday, June 20, at Rotary’s regular meeting, I have to tell a story about my company’s work called “The Job Talks”. Therefore, I had to compile the manuscript and submit it to the secretariat in advance, so I made a hasty submission.

So, I’m going to post that manuscript and muddy the waters for this blog post.

No offense. Anyway, I’ve been doing a lot of work lately, so I can’t take time for myself. This Sunday, the 561st general meeting of the Kinki Kokuga Kai was held, and this afternoon was the board meeting and general meeting of the Kansai Research Association. The day after tomorrow, I will be in Tokyo for the board meeting and general meeting of the National Federation of Surveyors’ Associations, and the next day I will be at the board of trustees meeting of the Tenpukai, so to be honest, I feel a little tired.

But you have to look forward and walk. I’ll never whine.

About the Personnel Survey

The industry is divided into four groups: one group specializing in economic investigations, two groups dealing with personnel recruitment, three groups dealing with detective services such as stalking, and four groups dealing with non-life insurance and market research. In this context, my company belongs to two subcommittees that are mainly concerned with personnel recruitment.

Our clients are all corporate companies, with a ratio of 60% for recruitment research, 20% for special research, and 20% for credit research.

Recruitment research is broadly divided into new graduate and mid-career hires, and most of the research we are asked to do is for mid-career hires.

Today, we’re going to talk about that recruitment survey.

The hiring survey is based on the correctness of your resume and work history, and is a report that examines your personality, work attitude, job skills, health, and living conditions based on your resume and work history.

However, there are many cases in which the basic resume and resume are misrepresented. In general, it is assumed that a resume is an accurate description of one’s career, and companies usually believe that it is a resume and conduct interviews based on it, and decide whether to accept or reject it. However, the reality is that there are many false statements on the basis of resumes and job resumes. If the history itself, which is the basis of the selection process, is falsified, the decision to accept or reject the application will naturally be wrong.

Many companies hire a research firm like ours to help them make a final decision based on the results of those who have reached the interview line.

Until around 1975, the majority of companies, regardless of whether they were new graduates or mid-career, large or small, conducted recruitment surveys, and there were some survey companies that had about 1,000 investigators. As a result, many research companies have been forced to go out of business, and nowadays, the number of research companies has decreased to about 1/100 of its peak. Under such severe market conditions, the Personal Information Protection Law was enacted in April 2005, and since then, the idea that personal information must not be divulged without the person’s consent has become common due to the expanded interpretation of the law, and it has become very difficult to conduct human-related investigations.

Whether or not people know this information, the number of resumé fraudulent resumes used to find employment is on the rise, and out of the thousands of resumes we receive each year, more than 30% of the frauds are discovered.

However, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and other administrative agencies still strongly regulate background checks at the time of employment due to pressure from human rights groups, but in reality, this has caused great harm. Therefore, I am determined to fight head-on against the misguided administrative guidance of this personnel investigation = discrimination investigation.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***




  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
