








Three years ago, at the time of the change of representatives, I was thinking, “Every month from April to November, two weeks in the middle of the month in the Oki Islands…” and so on. Now, after three years, I can’t get a week a month, and this year I only went back in May and June, and I couldn’t go back in July and August. When you think about it, it may sound like you’re too busy to take time to go home, but that’s not true. It’s simply that he hasn’t left.

The reason is simple. Life as a fisherman in the countryside was not as easy as he thought it would be, and he couldn’t navigate the boats, fish, weather, or live by himself, and his love of country life waned. If you don’t go back for two months, you want to go back. It is truly selfish. Therefore, I decided to go home for a week from this weekend. The Oki sea breams call from the bottom of the sea (100 meters), “Go home” and “Kaeere” because they will play with you….

Speaking of which, I read “Strong Fathers” by Sawako Agawa, which has been the topic of conversation recently. Sawako’s father, Hiroyuki, passed away in August last year at the age of 94. This book is a tribute to his father, who was deeply and unapologetically written with his thoughts, and the selfishness of his father, Hiroyuki Agawa, is nothing short of brilliant. My father, Hiroyuki, suddenly raged like a hot water heater, saying, “Think of children as having no human rights. If you’re complaining, get out. I don’t care if you die or go to a brothel…” Hiroyuki was furious at his daughter’s slight response. It is said that this was an everyday occurrence, and it was a habit of Hiroyuki’s. And in his later years, “If I put you in a nursing home, I’ll kill myself! But as expected, he would be taken care of at the hospital for the elderly in the end. But even here, Hiroyuki continues to do as he pleases. For his daughter, Sawako, he was a strong (fearful) father. Nevertheless, Sawako had brought a sukiyaki pot into the hospital room and fed him freshly cooked sukiyaki. The relationship (love) between father and daughter may be something that cannot be expressed in words…

I read this “Strong Patriotism” and was strengthened by it. My selfishness is a cute thing… In Hiroyuki’s words, “Still a man? The momentum is about the same. However, if a man wants to be selfish, he has to do what he has to do.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***





 先週末(27日 土)久しぶりに映画「後妻業の女」を観た。既に本は読んでおり粗筋は知っていたが、主演女優「大竹しのぶ」の好演もあり、面白く十分に楽しませてもらった。探偵は、悪徳ではあるが中々いい仕事をしており、現実味もあった。






 ここで何時もの持論になるが、結婚調査はアク、人事調査はアク、個人人情報は本人承諾を得て、などと宣い、住民票も戸籍も非公開、無理してとるとご本人に通知す。これって本当にあり・・・。 こんな綺麗ごとで、公平で平穏な社会が築けると、真に人権論者は思っているのであろうか・・・?。


 このケースは、別居し、どうにもならなくなってから、女の過去を調べてほしいとの依頼であったが、それこそ後の祭り。だいたい、結婚2年目で公正証書を強要するなど、計画性があるとしか思えないが、法的には公正証書は絶対。 トホホ・・・。


Last weekend (Saturday, 27th), I watched the movie “The Woman Who Got Married” for the first time in a while. I had already read the book and knew the plot, but I was entertained by a good performance by the leading actress “Shinobu Otake”. The detective was doing a reasonably good job, albeit a bad one, and it was realistic.

As the saying goes, “Reality is stranger than fiction”, the case of the rearranged wife, which caused a stir in the mass media about two years ago, surpassed this film.

My generation, the so-called baby-boomer generation, is now hearing the voices of 70-year-olds, and the number of reasonably wealthy, single, elderly people is increasing considerably. Therefore, the future business will be those that target this age group. In fact, it seems that marriage counseling agencies targeting middle-aged and older people are quite popular.

The world is a man and a woman. What’s more, when it comes to men and women, men are basically idiots, and there’s no way they can compete with women.

Now that I think about it, I’m sure that the “rearranged wife business” will become a hot topic in the future.

After this, there is only one thing I can compete with in the wife business. We are the only detective agency or agency that does the investigative work. Once you fall for a woman in the wife’s business, it’s too late. Neither the lawyers nor the police are of any help. There is no other way to deal with a man and woman’s problems than to get to know them before they happen.

As I always say, marriage investigations should be conducted with the consent of the individual, personnel investigations should be conducted with the consent of the individual, and personal information should be obtained with the consent of the individual. This is really… Do human rights theorists really think that a fair and peaceful society can be built with such a neat little thing…?

By the way, one of the surveys we did was this Both men and women are about 40 years old or so. Men are married for the first time, women are remarried. I met him at a marriage agency. They were happily married for six months and had a baby in the second year, but as soon as they had a child, the woman changed her mind and the man couldn’t take it anymore, so they left home and lived apart. In the meantime, a notarial deed had been drafted and 100 million in cash and deposits and a newlywed family’s newly built house with over 100 million on it had been taken away.

In this case, after they separated and couldn’t get anything done, they asked me to look into the woman’s past, but that was the end of it. Forcing a notarial deed in the second year of marriage seems to me to be well planned, but legally, a notarial deed is a must. Toh-oh-oh…

It was well said, “The stick ahead that does not fall”. However, it seems that it’s not allowed in the society of great people to hold a cane first, even though you haven’t fallen down…








The heat since the beginning of August this year has been abnormal, and it will be a little easier to get through the beginning of the Bon Festival, but there is no sign of it at all. As I was driving, I thought I couldn’t drive properly because of the sudden downpour, but then it cleared up in a couple of minutes, and there was no sign of rain when I looked at the ground. However, even in such a climate, if you are willing to enjoy the heat instead of just buzzing about the heat, you won’t go down.

I’ve recently been reading with interest a non-fiction science journal called “The Science of ‘Disease from Chi'” (by Joe Merchant). Actually, this book was sent to me 10 days ago by my mentor, Dr. Nobuo Inamatsu (Professor, M.D.), who lives in Tokyo, asking me to read it. I have been reading this book while rubbing my sleepy eyes, because it is an expensive book with a list price of 3,000 yen, which is a waste of space on my shelf. Inside is a non-fiction science journal that throws a wrench in today’s Western medical and pharmaceutical societies, listing cases where fake drugs definitely improve many illnesses, proving the placebo effect, and exploring the relationship between the human body and mind. If you are interested, I think you should read it. I hope that diseases such as cancer can be improved by exploring the placebo effect more and more, instead of just focusing on Western medicine, such as the side effects of anti-cancer drugs.

Similar research is being conducted in Japan, and early last year a research group at Osaka University revealed at the molecular level how the sympathetic neurotransmitter noradrenaline acts on lymphocytes, proving in experiments that psychological effects such as stress and mood actually affect the immune response.










Japan is a Buddhist country. In the past, the three days of the Obon season used to be a holiday for most companies, but nowadays there are many companies that call it a summer vacation and take a week or so off, but the number of companies that do not take a day off at once is increasing.

We are following the example of our company, and we have decided to split up the month of August. For the past few years, I went back to my hometown, Oki Island, for about a week after the Obon Festival and enjoyed living alone. This year, however, I cancelled my return to my hometown because of the Tenpukai training session in early August. So, it’s as if there was no summer vacation… Nevertheless, on the 14th of Obon, my daughters in Tokyo went home for one day and my two daughters-in-law also came to see me, so I was able to spend some time as if it were Obon.

Then I received a fax from an acquaintance in Kyoto saying, “There’s a movie called ‘Eternal Yogi’ being screened at Kyoto Minami Kaikan near Toji Temple in Kyoto…”. I watched the movie on the 16th and decided to watch the bonfire of Kyoto’s five mountains. As always, when I told my wife about the plan on the morning of the 16th, “Because you are always …,” she quipped, but still didn’t seem to be satisfied.

The Eternal Yogi, a film adaptation of Yogananda’s life, was worth a look, as it was my latest interest. My wife also said, “I want to see it again,” so it was good to make an idea. Afterwards, we had a meal near Kyoto Station and took a taxi to the riverbank near Demachiyanagi. However, when I got off the train, it started to rain a little bit, and I got off the taxi near the station. From the riverbed, near the station is human, human, human. As soon as we started walking to find a place, it rained heavily. I didn’t have an umbrella, so I went into the basement of the Demachiyanagi station right away. We waited for an hour in a crowd of people. However, the rain kept getting heavier and heavier. In the end, we had to go home without seeing the “bonfire”.

I would like to post a picture of the “Bonfire of the Five Mountains” here, but it’s a pity.




































1. 企業者が、労働者の採否決定にあたり、労働者の思想、信条を調査し、そのためその者からこれに関連する事項についての申告を求めることも、これを法律上禁止された違法行為といえない。


Many times in this blog, I have questioned the way the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s “administrative guidance on recruitment surveys” should be conducted. In the past, I have also participated as an industry representative in the “Recruitment Survey System Review Conference” organized by the Osaka Prefectural Government and expressed my own opinions. However, I have never exchanged views with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in public, and this issue has been a matter of concern to me for more than 30 years.

In early last year, we made a decision to submit a proposal to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and lobbied other industry groups to unify the opinions of the industry and submit the proposal. However, it is not easy to see the unanimity of the opinion, and it does not reach the stage where it is still united, and it is agonizing.

Personally, I believe that the current hiring survey that we are conducting does not go against the content of the booklet published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, “Aiming for Fair Hiring”, but rather, it is essential to conduct a hiring survey and background survey (a survey that focuses on the aptitudes and abilities of applicants) in order to achieve fair hiring. However, it seems that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) and other labour administration agencies continue to regulate the current recruitment surveys without scrutinizing the contents of the surveys, assuming that the old system of surveys (surveys that include race, ethnicity, social status, family origin, legal domicile, place of birth, and other matters that cause social discrimination) continues.

Therefore, I think it is necessary to hold a “recruitment survey system review meeting” like the one held by Osaka Prefecture in the past, which is open to the public at the national level. However, there are various opinions in the industry, and the voice of GO has not been heard yet.

Therefore, I thought I’d like to publish the “draft application form” on this blog, so that I can get feedback from not only people in the industry but also the general public. Anything is fine, I’d love to hear from you. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Appeal form regarding background checks at the time of employment

(Matters to be reported)

1. We would like to request that the phrase “Please do not conduct a background check at the time of employment” be deleted from the booklet “Recruitment and Human Rights” issued by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the labour administration departments of prefectures.

I understand that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s administrative guidance on background checks at the time of employment is a guidance to “refrain from conducting background checks at the time of employment that may lead to discrimination” and that it does not prohibit background checks of sensitive information such as race, ethnicity, social status, family origin, legal domicile, place of birth, and other matters that may cause social discrimination, as well as thoughts and beliefs, which are not related to the applicant’s job skills or aptitude, but are directly related to the applicant’s ability and aptitude for job performance, such as background, work attitude, attendance, job skills, personality, and conduct.

We ask that you revisit this point and make it clear that you are prohibiting investigations intended to discriminate, not even background checks directly related to job skills and aptitude.

2. Please clarify the definition of the term “background check” in the context of employment.

The term “background check” has been interpreted in a variety of ways, depending on the person using it and the circumstances in which it is used. In addition, some people refer to investigations into a person’s career and job skills at the time of employment as recruitment investigations, background investigations, personnel investigations, etc., and distinguish them from commonly used background investigations. Despite the fact that the term “background investigation” differs depending on how it is used and how it is received, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare seems to lump all investigations into “background investigations”. For this reason, the instruction that “never conduct a background check in the course of employment” is widely interpreted as if it is a general prohibition on all investigations in the course of employment, as it is unclear what kind of investigation it refers to.

3. I would like to ask you to set up a meeting with our industry organization to discuss “background checks at the time of employment.

We would like to discuss background checks at the time of employment, draw the line between proper checks and discriminatory checks that are not, and reach a certain consensus towards the “fair selection of employment” that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is aiming for.

(The purpose and reasons for the appeal.)

We would like to request that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) provide administrative guidance on fair employment selection in order to eliminate discrimination in employment.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) has been making consistent efforts to eliminate discrimination in employment for a long time, and we, as well as other members of the industry, would like to express our deepest gratitude.

We are an industry organization that has been working diligently to eliminate all forms of discrimination investigations, and as a self-regulatory organization, we are actively working to achieve our intentions, not only for ourselves but also for society.

However, it is also true that there have been unfortunate incidents in the past where our investigations and reports have been used to discriminate against people in the field of employment.

As a result, I am confident that at least for the past 15 years, there has been no evidence that the investigations and reports of those involved in our industry have been used to discriminate against people in the field of employment. In addition, I am convinced that there are no more companies that request surveys with such intentions, and that there are no more survey companies that take such surveys.

However, for many years, your ministry has been conducting background checks at the time of employment, and it has consistently given administrative guidance that “background checks should never be conducted” because background checks may lead to discrimination, and the purpose of such checks is emphasized in booklets published by labor administrative agencies, such as “Recruitment and Human Rights.

However, I’m not sure what kind of investigation your ministry is defining the term “background check” to mean. In general, the term background check is often used collectively to refer to any investigation of a person, and because the definition of the term used is not given, it is widely interpreted as prohibiting any investigation of a person’s employment.

I can understand your ministry’s guidance to regulate background checks at the time of employment that are not directly related to the suitability and ability of the person being hired, but in reality, the background checks that we conduct in the investigation industry are limited to those that are directly related to the suitability and ability of the applicant, such as whether or not there are any differences in the applicant’s resume or work history, whether or not there are any differences in the applicant’s resume or work history, whether or not the applicant worked at the company in the past, whether or not the applicant is fit for the job, whether or not the applicant is in good health to work, and whether or not the applicant is in a good living environment to work.

However, the actual administrative guidance is consistent with the prohibition of any kind of background checks at the time of employment.

In reality, there is a considerable amount of harm caused by such administrative guidance. There have been many incidents that have been widely reported by the media, such as the escape of a murder suspect, a fatal accident while attending a school in a group, the murder of a student by a cram school teacher, abuse of a resident patient, and nail-peeling incidents, which could have been prevented if background checks had been carried out at the time of employment. In addition, although it is not reported in the media, in reality, it is very common to misrepresent an applicant’s resume or work history, and over 30% of resumes for mid-career hires are misrepresented (actual statistics from those in the research industry). In severe cases, there are some cases where all of the educational and work experience are misrepresented. In addition, there are many problems that cannot be detected at all in written tests and interviews, such as not actually living at the current address to be declared, or applying for a job in order to obtain confidential information (industrial espionage).

In addition, while the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has strongly instructed us to “strive for fair selection,” it has also instructed us to prohibit background checks at the time of employment, which has resulted in unfair selection and unfortunate results.

So to speak, the reality is that people are unable to distinguish between honest resumes and false resumes, and are selected on the basis of submitted resumes and job resumes. Currently, background checks at the time of hiring are only used as supplementary materials to ensure fairness in the hiring process, and are only used to determine an applicant’s aptitude and abilities.

However, even if we try to ensure a fair selection process, it is a fact that we are unable to conduct a fair selection process because of the prohibition on background checks to ensure a fair selection process.

In the U.S., based on the concept of negligent hiring, background research is so common that it is considered to be the first job of the hiring manager, and whether or not the hiring manager has conducted a pre-employment investigation can greatly affect the degree of employer liability in making judicial decisions.

In Japan, a judicial decision in 1973, the “Mitsubishi Plastics Case” (Supreme Court) ruled that a background check on recruitment is legally permissible.

(Part of the Mitsubishi Plastics case)

It is not an illegal act prohibited by law for an entrepreneur to investigate a worker’s thoughts and beliefs when deciding whether to adopt or reject a worker, and to request a declaration from the worker on matters related thereto.

For the above reasons, we would like to ask you to reconsider the efforts made by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to eliminate discrimination in employment and to have a discussion with our industry organization about the way administrative guidance should be provided for fair employment selection.




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