




「風邪ってひかない方が良いよ・・」 「何で風邪ひくの?」などと、風邪の人に言っていた。









考えてみるに、これはどうも 冷えつけないからでは・・・。一事が万事・・・。



“You shouldn’t catch a cold…” “Why would I catch a cold? and so on,” he said to the person with a cold.

I was confident that I wouldn’t catch a cold, though it sounded rash and cheeky. Since I caught a cold when I was in my late 20s, I haven’t had a cold that looked like a cold, and I’m fine. Therefore, I had absolute confidence that I would never catch a cold.

However, at the end of last year, I caught a cold and had a bad throat, seki, and runny nose. It took two to three weeks to heal, but the fever was still there because it did not appear. To be honest, I was quite shocked.

What caused it? I thought to myself, but there was nothing in particular. Time passed as it was, and Yasaki, who had recovered from the shock, was thirsty this morning. Hey, hey, hey… I feel like I’m doing this again. There’s nothing special about it, but it’s a bit of a bad feeling.

So I thought. Come to think of it, Dr. Tianfeng said, “The reason you catch a cold is because you’re not getting cold. He said, “If you wear light clothes and keep yourself cold, you won’t catch a cold. That’s why I came to Tenpukai’s gymnastics in the middle of winter, wearing only shorts and bare feet. In the past, I used to be covered in water every morning, even in the middle of winter.

However, a dozen or so years ago, my blood pressure got so high that I stopped bathing in the morning. As for the morning gymnastics of the Tenpukai, there was no dedicated dojo a few years ago, and it was decided that the nakedness was not a problem, and now it has come to be performed in normal clothes though it is lightly dressed.

Now that I think about it, apparently there is a cause here. I still take a bath after taking a bath every day, but apparently it’s not enough. After all, you need to be cooled down properly… Toh-oh…

You can’t be basically overprotective of anything.

In recent years, medical care has made remarkable progress, and medical institutions have become well equipped. With the rise of universal health insurance, medical care has become a blessing in disguise. However, the number of diseases and sick people continues to increase in proportion to the number of people. The country is in an appalling debt hell with medical and nursing care costs.

Come to think of it, I think it’s because I can’t get cold… One thing’s for sure…

Today’s sneeze got me thinking about this. Tomorrow will probably be fine, right?
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***












 ただ師は、霊魂不滅を確りと悟っており、それを信念すると、「人の世の非業も 肉の呵責も 夢まぼろしの如くに消えうせて 無限至上なる歓天喜地の世界あらわれん 」と説いている。

Obituaries come suddenly, don’t they? It’s really sudden…

A person who had been fine and alert until yesterday passed away this morning… Rather than being surprised, I was stunned and felt like I couldn’t figure out what was going on for a moment.

More than anything else, I think the person who passed away suddenly is the most surprised. Because when you notice it, it’s not this world, but the other world… That’s a surprise, isn’t it?

We get a lot of this kind of communication, especially in the winter. I’m especially concerned about such things when it’s cold yesterday and today. I’ve only been through this last week.

Nevertheless, where do people go when they die?

He has been given this body to live in this world and to perform manners in this world, but when he dies, he definitely leaves the body. When I’m away from my body, I’m excessively light, so I can go wherever I want, and that’s probably a good thing.

Some people may think, “I’m not going to do this.

My teacher, Tetsujin Nakamura Tenpou, said, “Think about what happens after you die. For now, you should think about living with full of energy and cheerfulness. That’s true, too, but ordinary people can’t help but think about such things.

However, the master clearly understood the immortality of the spirit and soul, and if he believed in it, he said, “All the wrongs of the world and the scourges of the flesh will disappear as if they were dreams, and the world of infinite supremacy and joy will emerge.










 話は変わるが、昨日、交野カントリークラブの新年杯ゴルフコンペに参加。受付前で支配人が元気よく、「おめでとうございます、本年も宜しく !」と迎えてくれた。こちらも元気よく挨拶を返し、受付で名前を書くと、綺麗なカウンター嬢が、「松谷さん、今年からゴルフ場利用税が免除になりますので、この書類をお書き下さい・・・」。横で聞いていた支配人が、「嬉しいやら、悲しいやら・・・」とちゃかす。アッそうか、70歳か?。ほんと、嬉しくもあり、悲しくもあり、トボトボとロッカー室へ・・・。













Happy New Year to you!

I’m not very good at blogging, but I’m going to try to update this blog once a week. We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation.

If you’ve been reading this blog, then yes, you’re the only one I can count on. Because there is no one else who can see it but you….

It seems that we could see a beautiful first day sunrise in Osaka on New Year’s Day this year…? But since I stayed up until after 12 o’clock on New Year’s Eve, I couldn’t see the first sunrise because I woke up slowly. However, as a New Year’s Day event, I visit a Bodhi temple (Jizoji or Shingon sect) in the morning of New Year’s Day every year and listen to the sermon of the priest. At the temple, the priest started his sermon by saying, “The first sunrise of the first day was beautiful today, wasn’t it?

Just like the first sunrise, the economic world this year seems to be in good spirits… Yesterday’s big open started with the Nikkei 225 gaining just over 700 yen in one day, and today it’s up again. The Dow average is also up, which is a bit different from last year. The stock market does not necessarily reflect the real economy, but when the stock market is bustling, it definitely has some impact on the real economy. It would be decent to say that the stock market reflects the real economy, but the current financial market does not seem to do so. But in any case, it’s good to be in good spirits.

By the way, I participated in the New Year’s Cup Golf Competition at the Katano Country Club yesterday. In front of the reception, the manager said cheerfully, “Congratulations and good luck this year! He was greeted with a As I wrote my name at the reception desk, the beautiful lady behind the counter said, “Mr. Matsutani, please fill out this document as the golf course tax will be exempted from this year… The manager, who was listening at the side, teased, “It’s both happy and sad… Oh, yeah? You’re 70? I was both happy and sad, and I went to the locker room in a huff…

His average score last year was 86.7 (43 rounds). I think he’s a Marmer for his age, but I think he still has plenty of room to grow, and I’ve been reflecting on him every round. In particular, the result in the korino, which is the home course, was bad, and it hit 92 yesterday, and it was the start of only reflection at that time, but I will definitely ride the upward trend this year like the stock price at the beginning of the year.

We look forward to seeing you again this year.

My family’s gatematsu. Isn’t it splendid…? The best part is that the three bamboos are smiling with their mouths wide open, and this is the one my daughter’s husband’s father sent me from Okayama.

Our eldest son, Kotaro (born on January 3, 2011, Pome 7 years old) made his debut in this year’s New Year’s card.

Wonderful, thank you very much for your guidance and encouragement.








Various volunteer organizations are collecting used stamps and donating them to fund their activities. In fact, my wife has been helping me with this for over 30 years now, and she had ordered me to put it up on my blog to promote it, but I didn’t want to put it off. Because even if you look for my blog, there are only a few readers all over the country. This was partly because of the thought that “I don’t want to do this. But then I had second thoughts. I don’t care about that, just for the sake of domestic peace.

This stamp collection is now adopted by the Japan Christian Overseas Cooperation Association http://www.jocs.or.jp/support/stamp/faqが古くから手がけているが and various volunteer organizations.

It may be a little bit of a volunteer, but the more dust, the more mountains, and this activity seems to be making a great contribution to medical activities in backward countries such as Africa. This activity is not limited to used stamps, but also collects foreign coins and banknotes, unwritten postcards, unused stamps and postcards as well.

Let’s strive to complete the self that is useful for the world (from Tenpou Nakamura)














Today, December 18th, is my birthday. I’m 70 years old, and I’m getting more and more energetic in my old age… However, there are many things that are not able to go against the new year’s wave, and sometimes I am taken aback.

I’ve been taking care of my body in my own way, saying that I’ll be fine until I die, but it’s very difficult to train my brain. Especially the proper nouns, sometimes I wonder who I was… I’m sure some of you who have reached the age of 70 will nod your head and say, “Yeah, yeah, I get it.

There is a difference between concentration and leaning. Don’t get caught up in things, but concentrate on what you’re doing. We do not want to be distracted and pay significant attention to everything, but we tend to forget about it and focus on the things in front of us, not being able to see our surroundings.

A good example is golf. Once you get on the green, that is… Being caught up only in what you put in, not seeing your surroundings (tilt), and failing to see the general picture.

There’s no end to my words as I write this.

More than anything else, today was my 70th birthday, and all the employees celebrated with me specially.

This is a special set of black, white and red Kirishima shochu, which I love to drink.

A set of gifts. I was worried about what to give in return, but I decided to give it back to everyone one by one, regardless of whether they would be happy or not.




  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
